Вы задаетесь вопросом, когда же настанет ваша очередь пойти к закату, взявшись за руку с мужчиной или женщиной вашей мечты? Вы хорошая девочка, павшая духом оттого, что ее обходят плохие девочки? Или мужчина, не желающий становиться их жертвой? Тогда приглашаю вас в путешествие, которое поможет лучше понять себя и обрести неподдельную, зрелую любовь. Девушки, теперь вы сможете забыть о своей низкой самооценке и горестях из-за ухода мужчины к «очередной стерве». В каждой главе вы найдете бесценные советы о том, как добиться успеха в романтических отношениях, а последняя – «Секретные приемы плохих девочек для завоевания мужских сердец» – еще больше преумножит ваши знания. Вы научитесь излучать неотразимое очарование плохих девочек, не становясь при этом «плохой». Освоив их «тайное оружие», вы сможете привлекать и удерживать мужчин, не превращая их жизнь в ад. Мужчины, к какому бы кругу вы ни принадлежали – к тем ли, кому еще не довелось испытать муки любви к плохой девочке, или же к тем, кто до сих пор зализывает раны после катастрофы, – эта книга не позволит вам угодить под каблук очередной скверной девчонки, решившей взять вас в оборот. Доброй охоты! Все мы ищем любви и заслуживаем ее! Кэрол Либерман
Дмитрий Хара – современный философ, автор знаменитого тренинга «ПерепроШивка», поможет настроиться на вектор изменений, понять источник происходящих с вами событий, побед и поражений; создать мир вокруг себя таким, чтобы в нем было хорошо и радостно. Книга содержит практики, упражнения и медитации, которые можно применять в любой жизненной ситуации. Если вы ищете ответы на самые важные вопросы, если хотите изменить свою жизнь к лучшему и быть всегда в ресурсном состоянии – пусть эта книга станет началом больших перемен! Ощутите счастье! Редакция не несет ответственности за достоверность представленной в книге информации. Мнение автора не всегда совпадает с позицией редакции. В формате PDF A4 сохранен издательский макет.
Dr. Alfred J. Malinowski's book provides a comprehensive resource on self-care for those working in the field of psychotherapy. Beginning with an exploration of the role and duties of the mental health practitioner, Dr. Malinowski describes how the demands of practice can lead therapists to diminished psychological well-being. He explores the impact this can have and, through an examination of the latest research, reiterates the importance of the self-care of the practitioner. He presents a number of self-care techniques and strategies and explains how they can be applied to maintain psychological, spiritual, physical and social well-being. A final section explores the need for additional training for psychotherapists in the area of the hazards and self-care, both in graduate courses for future clinicians and to help experienced therapists continue learning and practicing self-care principles in their daily lives. Highlighting the importance of self-care in the psychotherapy profession, this book will be of immeasurable value to psychotherapists, psychiatrists, psychologists, counselors, social workers, and other mental health professionals.
Combining psychology and spirituality, this practical book considers archetypes from Asian, Middle Eastern and European myths and explains how they can be used in therapeutic practice to help clients achieve personal or clinical goals. This innovative model of archetype imagination is a powerful tool for coaches and therapists. It involves visualizing an archetype, which teaches the mind to focus, relaxes the ego, and opens the unconscious. This makes space for spiritual insights and allows the mind to let go of distracting sensations and emotions. Combining foundational psychological theories, brain physiology, and Hindu philosophy with the author's visionary experiences, this book explains how to use this technique in clinical practice. It also includes case studies, engaging images, practical exercises, and quizzes for use with clients. Spiritual seekers will find the book's insights a great complement to their practice. This book will help counsellors, coaches, psychologists, psychotherapists, arts therapists, and other therapeutic practitioners to use archetype imagination techniques to guide their clients to emotional health and spiritual awareness.
Mindfulness is a burgeoning field of study and practice within mental health care and medicine. Yet ethical codes, and the philosophy of the therapist-client relationship, differ greatly between disciplines, and even more between those disciplines and mindfulness-based approaches. The potential for ethical dilemmas is therefore significant. Donald McCown breaks new ground by taking a focused look at an ethics derived from contemporary clinical mindfulness practice itself. What does a secular ethics of mindfulness look like? Who is competent to work therapeutically with mindfulness, and how does one delimit areas and levels of competence? How do clinicians ethically understand the therapist-client relationship from the therapeutic position of mindfulness? And how do clinicians respond when the necessary restraints of their professional role and ethics code come into conflict with the mindfulness-based relationship and therapeutic position? This book makes a vital contribution to the understanding of ethics as the cornerstone of mindfulness-based practice, and will be of interest to all those involved in delivering mindfulness-based interventions, including psychologists, counselors, spiritual directors, occupational therapists, physicians, nurses, and educators.
Trauma suffered during childhood can affect not only a person's emotional and mental health, but also their physical health, even into adulthood. This unique book fills a gap in research in this area, providing personal and theoretical perspectives on trauma and recovery. The contributors tell powerful stories of traumatic childhood events, including bereavement, abuse and evacuation and separation from parents. They document their reactions to trauma whether through illness, disability, addiction, psychosomatic disorders, self-harming behaviours or dissociation. Each author also shows the pathway they have taken towards transforming their bodies to well-being. This will be a valuable resource for those who are dealing with the impact of childhood trauma in their own lives; their families and friends whose lives are also touched; workers in the field of trauma, especially medical practitioners who can sometimes feel helpless when faced with patients whose symptoms they cannot understand or heal; and counsellors, psychotherapists and psychologists. This book will also be of value to researchers interested in narrative research methods.
Understanding 10-11-Year-Olds introduces the challenges that face children as they start to make their transition from childhood into adolescence. Children at this age begin to express independence and confidence in their capability that may extend beyond their direct experience. Adults caring for their well-being need to monitor the new dimensions in the child's life, such as competitiveness and its impact on relationships at school and at home. Rebecca Bergese guides the reader through the broad range of emotional and social challenges experienced by children as they are encouraged to take on greater responsibility. This book is essential reading for parents, carers and professionals who are seeking to understand and support a child at this vulnerable stage of development.
Understanding 8-9-Year-Olds describes how children grow and change as they move further away from reliance on home and family, out into the world of school and community. Children of this age develop preferences as well as opinions based on their experience of new relationships and activities. For many children, it is a period of relative calm as they develop through new skills while accumulating knowledge. Biddy Youell looks at the ways in which eight and nine year olds experience their world and highlights some of the difficulties that may hinder their emotional, social or educational development. This accessible book provides valuable insights that will help parents, educators and carers better understand and relate to children during these middle years of childhood.
There exists, of course, few more famous figures in the field of psychology than Sigmund Freud. As the founding father of psychoanalysis, or the clinical method for treating psychopathology through dialogue between a patient and a psychoanalyst, his impact on the field of psychology cannot be understated. Based on a series of lectures given at the University of Vienna in 1915, «Introductory Lectures on Psychoanalysis» builds upon Freud's earlier work «Five Lectures on Psycho-Analysis» to provide a comprehensive overview of the pioneer's work in the field of psychoanalysis. G. Stanley Hall describes in his preface that «these twenty-eight lectures to laymen are elementary and almost conversational. Freud sets forth with a frankness almost startling the difficulties and limitations of psychoanalysis, and also describes its main methods and results as only a master and originator of a new school of thought can do. These discourses are at the same time simple and almost confidential, and they trace and sum up the results of thirty years of devoted and painstaking research.» A must read for those interested in the field of psychology and Freud's contribution to it.
There exist, of course, few more famous figures in the field of psychology than Sigmund Freud. As the founding father of psychoanalysis, or the clinical method for treating psychopathology through dialogue between a patient and a psychoanalyst, his impact on the field of psychology cannot be understated. This short work «Five Lectures on Psycho-Analysis» is a series of lectures given at the 20th Anniversary Celebration of the founding of Clark University in Worcester, Massachusetts during September 1909. «Five Lectures on Psycho-Analysis» which predates the more extensive work «Introductory Lectures on Psychoanalysis» is an excellent introduction to Freud's work in which he summarizes his ideas and speaks on the foundations of psychoanalysis.