Прочая образовательная литература

Различные книги в жанре Прочая образовательная литература

Metal Nanopowders. Production, Characterization, and Energetic Applications

Ulrich Teipel

Written with both postgraduate students and researchers in academia and industry in mind, this reference covers the chemistry behind metal nanopowders, including production, characterization, oxidation and combustion. The contributions from renowned international scientists working in the field detail applications in technologies, scale-up processes and safety aspects surrounding their handling and storage.

Cyclodextrins. Properties and Applications

Wanda Sliwa

Authored by two experts working in this important field of research, the timely book covers the latest advances in the synthesis of cyclodextrins, their properties and important industrial applications. To this end, the authors describe covalent and non-covalent assemblies, cyclodextrin inclusion complexes, cyclodextrin polymers, and modified cyclodextrins, resulting in an up-to-date overview of cyclodextrin chemistry. An invaluable reference for organic and polymer chemists in academia as well as those researchers in industry working in polymer, supramolecular and pharmaceutical chemistry, as well as food, textile and cosmetic science.

Biaxial Nematic Liquid Crystals. Theory, Simulation and Experiment

Geoffrey Luckhurst R.

In the nematic liquid crystal phase, rod-shaped molecules move randomly but remain essentially parallel to one another. Biaxial nematics, which were first predicted in 1970 by Marvin Freiser, have their molecules differentially oriented along two axes. They have the potential to create displays with fast switching times and may have applications in thin-film displays and other liquid crystal technologies. This book is the first to be concerned solely with biaxial nematic liquid crystals, both lyotropic and thermotropic, formed by low molar mass as well as polymeric systems. It opens with a general introduction to the biaxial nematic phase and covers: • Order parameters and distribution functions • Molecular field theory • Theories for hard biaxial particles • Computer simulation of biaxial nematics • Alignment of the phase • Display applications • Characterisation and identification • Lyotropic, thermotropic and colloidal systems together with material design With a consistent, coherent and pedagogical approach, this book brings together theory, simulations and experimental studies; it includes contributions from some of the leading figures in the field. It is relevant to students and researchers as well as to industry professionals working in soft matter, liquid crystals, liquid crystal devices and their applications throughout materials science, chemistry, physics, mathematics and display engineering.

Thermische Trennverfahren. Aufgaben und Auslegungsbeispiele

Klaus Sattler

Thermische Trennverfahren verursachen bei der Herstellung von Produkten und Verbrauchsgutern in verfahrenstechnischen Produktionsanlagen haufig den gro?ten Teil der Investitions- und Betriebskosten des Gesamtverfahrens – ihre optimale Gestaltung ist deshalb von gro?er wirtschaftlicher Bedeutung. Anhand von uber 80 Aufgaben und Auslegungsbeispielen hilft das Buch, praxisrelevante Vorgehensweisen im industriellen Umfeld zu verstehen. Die Schritt fur Schritt abgehandelten Beispiele reichen von der Aufgabenstellung am Beginn eines Projektes uber die thermodynamische Auslegung bis hin zur fluiddynamischen Dimensionierung der Apparate. Zur Losung der Aufgaben kommen neben den didaktisch wertvollen 'Papier- und Bleistiftmethoden' auch moderne Prozesssimulations-Werkzeuge und praxisgangige Programme zur Apparatedimensionierung zum Einsatz. Der Leser gewinnt ein Gefuhl dafur, an welchen Stellen uberschlagige Rechnungen sinnvoll sind und bei welchen Problemen eine rigorosere Betrachtung notwendig ist. Die optimale Auslegung eines Verfahrens in einem gesamtwirtschaftlichen Zusammenhang – das Fundament jeder unternehmerischen Entscheidung – kann im Rahmen von Parameterstudien mit Tabellenkalkulationsblattern (EXCEL) online geubt werden, auch wenn dem Leser kein Prozesssimulationswerkzeug zur Verfugung steht. Das Buch nimmt auch Bezug auf die Software WINSORP der RASCHIG GmbH, mit der beispielsweise die fluiddynamische Auslegung von Packungs- und Fullkorperkolonnen fur Absorption- und Rektifikationsprozesse moglich ist. WINSORP ist auf Anfrage kostenfrei bei der Firma RASCHIG GmbH erhaltlich. Die gewahlte vernetzte Darstellung von Arbeitsablaufen zeigt Studierenden und im Berufsleben stehenden Ingenieuren, Chemikern und Physiker in der Verfahrens-, Bioverfahrens- und Lebensmitteltechnik, im Chemieingenieurwesen, Umweltschutz, Anlagen- und Apparatebau den Realfall der industriellen Praxis.

Digital Signal Processing for RFID

Thomas Kaiser

This book discusses the fundamentals of RFID and the state-of-the-art research results in signal processing for RFID, including MIMO, blind source separation, anti-collision, localization, covert RFID and chipless RFID. Aimed at graduate students as well as academic and professional researchers/engineers in RFID technology, it enables readers to become conversant with the latest theory and applications of signal processing for RFID. Key Features: Provides a systematic and comprehensive insight into the application of modern signal processing techniques for RFID systems Discusses the operating principles, channel models of RFID, RFID protocols and analog/digital filter design for RFID Explores RFID-oriented modulation schemes and their performance Highlights research fields such as MIMO for RFID, blind signal processing for RFID, anti-collision of multiple RFID tags, localization with RFID, covert RFID and chipless RFID Contains tables, illustrations and design examples

Geographies of Health. An Introduction

Susan Elliott J.

Setting out the debates and reviewing the evidence that links health outcomes with social and physical environments, this new edition of the well-established text offers an accessible overview of the theoretical perspectives, methodologies, and research in the field of health geography Includes international examples, drawn from a broad range of countries, and extensive illustrations Unique in its approach to health geography, as opposed to medical geography New chapters focus on contemporary concerns including neighborhoods and health, ageing, and emerging infectious disease Offers five new case studies and an fresh emphasis on qualitative research approaches Written by two of the leading health geographers in the world, each with extensive experience in research and policy

Essentials in Nanoscience and Nanotechnology

Narendra Kumar

This book describes various aspects of nanoscience and nanotechnology. It begins with an introduction to nanoscience and nanotechnology and includes a historical prospective, nanotechnology working in nature, man -made nanomaterial and impact of nanotechnology illustrated with examples. It goes on to describes general synthetic approaches and strategies and also deals with the characterization of nanomaterial using modern tools and techniques to give basic understanding to those interested in learning this emerging area. It then deals with different kinds of nanomaterial such as inorganics, carbon based-, nanocomposites and self-assembled/supramolecular nano structures in terms of their varieties, synthesis, properties etc. In addition, it contains chapters devoted to unique properties with mathematical treatment wherever applicable and the novel applications dealing with information technology, pollution control (environment, water), energy, nanomedicine, healthcare, consumer goods etc.

Ecoacoustics. The Ecological Role of Sounds

Almo Farina

The sounds produced by geophonic, biophonic and technophonic sources are relevant to the function of natural and human modified ecosystems. Passive recording is one of the most non-invasive technologies as its use avoids human intrusion during acoustic surveys and facilitates the accumulation of huge amounts of acoustical data. For the first time, this book collates and reviews the science behind ecoaucostics; illustrating the principles, methods and applications of this exciting new field. Topics covered in this comprehensive volume include; the assessment of biodiversity based on sounds emanating from a variety of environments the best technologies and methods necessary to investigate environmental sounds implications for climate change and urban systems the relationship between landscape ecology and ecoacoustics the conservation of soundscapes and the social value of ecoacoustics areas of potential future research. An invaluable resource for scholars, researchers and students, Ecoacoustics: The Ecological Role of Sounds provides an unrivalled set of ideas, tools and references based on the current state of the field.

Engaging Imagination. Helping Students Become Creative and Reflective Thinkers

Al James

How to nurture creativity in tomorrow’s innovators—today’s college students When asked what they want colleges to emphasize most, employers didn’t put science, computing, math, or business management first. According to AAC&U’s 2013 employer survey, 95% of employers give hiring preference to college graduates with skills that will enable them to contribute to innovation in the workplace. In Engaging Imagination: Helping Students Become Creative and Reflective Thinkers, two leading educators help college instructors across disciplines engage students in nurturing creativity and innovation for success beyond the classroom. Alison James, an expert in creative arts education, and Stephen D. Brookfield, bestselling author, outline how creative exploration can extend students’ reflective capabilities in a purposeful way, help them understand their own potential and learning more clearly, and imbue students with the freedom to generate and explore new questions. This book: shows why building creative skills pays dividends in the classroom and in students’ professional lives long after graduation; offers research-based, classroom-tested approaches to cultivating creativity and innovation in the college setting; provides practical tools for incorporating “play” into the college curriculum; draws on recent advances in the corporate sector where creative approaches have been adopted to reinvigorate thinking and problem-solving processes; and includes examples from a variety of disciplines and settings. Engaging Imagination is for college and university faculty who need to prepare students for the real challenges of tomorrow’s workplace.

Physik des Sports

Leopold Mathelitsch

Von Krafteparallelogramm und Impulserhaltungssatz zu sportlichen Hochstleistungen und Rekorden Sport ist angewandte Physik – wer hatte das vermutet? Bei naherem Hinsehen ist dieser Gedanke jedoch gar nicht so abwegig. Gerade sind wir zweifach fasziniert, wenn wir Profisportlern bei der >Arbeit< zusehen: Mit ihren trainierten Korpern fuhren sie scheinbar perfekte Bewegungsablaufe aus. Neuartige Materialien, eine verbesserte Ausrustung und ein durch Medizin und Sportwissenschaft geleitetes Training verhelfen Sportlerinnen und Sportlern zu immer besseren Leistungen. In der Tat finden keine Weltmeisterschaften und Olympischen Spiele ohne neue Rekorde statt. Doch wie lange noch ist das moglich? Ausgehend von soliden physikalischen Betrachtungen werden die Grenzen des menschlichen Konnens ausgelotet. Mit Physik zum Erfolg: Eine grundlegende Analyse vieler mechanischer Phanomene im Sport Die Autoren nahern sich der Physik des Sports von einem interdisziplinaren Standpunkt: Beginnend mit dem Einmaleins der Mechanik, berechnen sie optimale Werte fur Sprung und Wurf, um diese Gesetze dann auf den menschlichen Korper und praktische, sportartgebundene Gegebenheiten anzuwenden. Von Ballsport uber Gerateturnen bis hin zu Aktivitaten im Wasser belegen Mathelitsch und Thaller damit eindrucksvoll die Universalitat der Naturgesetze auch auf diesem Gebiet. Die Erwahnung moderner Methoden, wie die Videoanalyse von Spielzugen und mathematische Modellierung zur Simulation von Bewegungen, rundet das Buch ab. Nach dieser Lekture werden Sie das Sportprogramm mit anderen Augen sehen. Leopold Mathelitsch war Professor am Institut fur Physik und Leiter des Fachdidaktik-Zentrums Physik an der Universitat Graz. Seit 2014 ist er im Ruhestand. Seine Forschungsschwerpunkte lagen in der theoretischen Teilchenphysik und liegen immer noch in physikdidaktischen Fragestellungen. Er ist Mitautor mehrerer Schulbucher sowie von Sachbuchern zu akustischen Themen. Sigrid Thaller ist au?erordentliche Professorin am Institut fur Sportwissenschaft und Leiterin der Doktoratsschule Sport- und Bewegungswissenschaften an der Universitat Graz. Die Themen ihrer Forschungsarbeit reichen von Modellierung menschlicher Bewegung uber Physik der Sportarten bis zum facherubergreifenden Unterricht Sport und Mathematik.