Прочая образовательная литература

Различные книги в жанре Прочая образовательная литература

Participatory Mapping. New Data, New Cartography

Jean-Christophe Plantin

This book is intended for applications of online digital mapping, called mashups (or composite application), and to analyze the mapping practices in online socio-technical controversies. The hypothesis put forward is that the ability to create an online map accompanies the formation of online audience and provides support for a position in a debate on the Web. The first part provides a study of the map: – a combination of map and statistical reason – crosses between map theories and CIS theories – recent developments in scanning the map, from Geographic Information Systems (GIS) to Web map. The second part is based on a corpus of twenty «mashup» maps, and offers a techno-semiotic analysis highlighting the «thickness of the mediation» they are in a process of communication on the Web. Map as a device to «make do» is thus replaced through these stages of creation, ranging from digital data in their viewing, before describing the construction of the map as a tool for visual evidence in public debates, and ending with an analysis of the delegation action against Internet users. The third section provides an analysis of these mapping practices in the case study of the controversy over nuclear radiation following the accident at the Fukushima plant on March 11, 2011. Techno-semiotic method applied to this corpus of radiation map is supplemented by an analysis of web graphs, derived from «digital methods» and graph theory, accompanying the analysis of the previous steps maps (creating Geiger data or retrieving files online), but also their movement, once maps are made.

Sustainable Flow Chemistry. Methods and Applications

Luigi Vaccaro

This ready reference not only presents the hot and emerging topic of modern flow chemistry, it is also unique in illustrating the important connection to sustainable chemistry. Focusing on more sustainable methods and applications, the text extensively covers every important field from reaction time optimization to waste minimization, and from safety improvements to microwave applications. In addition, green metrics are presented as a key aspect of the book, helping readers to evaluate the efficiency of flow technologies and their impact on the overall efficiency of a chemical process. An invaluable handbook for every chemist working in the laboratory, whether in academia or industry.

Glass. Mechanics and Technology

Eric Bourhis Le

Glass is a material with essentially unlimited application possibilities. This second edition of a comprehensive reference in glass science, points out the correlation between the performance of industrial processes and practice-relevant properties, such as strength and optical properties. Interdisciplinary in his approach, the author discusses both the science and technology, starting with an outline of history and applications, glass structure, and rheology. The sections on properties include mechanical strength and contact resistance, ageing, mechanics of glass processes, the production and control of residual stresses, high-tech products, and current research and development. Applications include glazing, packaging, optical glass, glass fibers for reinforcement, and abrasive tools. The development of touchscreen technology showed how important were the design and resistance of thin flexible glass and these new thin aluminosilicate glasses are also discussed.

Chemiestandorte. Markt, Herausforderungen und Geschäftsmodelle

Carsten Suntrop

Dieses praktisch orientierte Buch prasentiert systematisch neue und aktuelle Konzepte fur Chemiestandorte. Geschrieben von einem renommierten Autorenteam aus Wissenschaft, Beratung & Praxis ist das Buch ein Muss fur jedermann aus dieser Branche.

Practical Laboratory Automation. Made Easy with AutoIt

Matheus Carvalho C.

By closing the gap between general programming books and those on laboratory automation, this timely book makes accessible to every laboratory technician or scientist what has traditionally been restricted to highly specialized professionals. Following the idea of «learning by doing», the book provides an introduction to scripting using AutoIt, with many workable examples based on real-world scenarios. A large portion of the book tackles the traditionally hard problem of instrument synchronization, including remote, web-based synchronization. Automated result processing, database operation, and creation of graphical user interfaces are also examined. Readers of this book can immediately profit from the new knowledge in terms of both increased efficiency and reduced costs in laboratory operation. Above all, laboratory technicians and scientists will learn that they are free to choose whatever equipment they desire when configuring an automated analytical setup, regardless of manufacturers suggested specifications.

Technische Thermodynamik. Kompaktkurs für das Bachelorstudium

Wolfgang Heidemann

Das Lehrbuch umfasst den klassischen Stoff der technischen Thermodynamik in kompakter Form. In den ersten Kapiteln werden die thermodynamischen Grundbegriffe System, Zustandsgro?e, Prozessgro?e, thermisches Gleichgewicht und Temperatur eingefuhrt. Der anschlie?end diskutierte erste Hauptsatz als thermodynamisches Aquivalent der Energieerhaltung erlaubt in seinen unterschiedlichen Formulierungen die saubere Definition von Arbeit, Warme, innerer Energie und Enthalpie. Das Modellsystem des idealen Gases ermoglicht die Ableitung von thermischen und kalorischen Zustandsgleichungen und fuhrt hin zum zweiten Hauptsatz der Thermodynamik, der das Prinzip der Irreversibilitat thermodynamischer Prozesse zum Ausdruck bringt und den Begriff der Entropie motiviert. Die folgenden Kapitel befassen sich mit thermodynamischen Kreisprozessen mit und ohne Phasenanderungen unter Verwendung idealer und realer Gase. Das Buch schlie?t mit einer Einfuhrung in Gasgemische und die Thermodynamik chemischer Reaktionen, die typischerweise in gro?technischen Prozessen auftreten. Das Buch ist vorlesungsbegleitend und zum Selbststudium geeignet: In jedem Kapitel folgt auf die Darstellung der Grundlagen eine auch zum Nachschlagen nutzbare, ausfuhrliche Zusammenfassung der wichtigsten Sachverhalte und eine Aufgabensammlung. Diese enthalt Verstandnisfragen im Multiple-Choice-Stil sowie nach Schwierigkeitsgrad gestaffelte Rechenaufgaben. Fur das erfolgreiche Selbststudium sind alle Aufgaben mit zweistufigen Losungshinweisen versehen: im ersten Schritt unterstutzen vertiefende Fragen bei der Erarbeitung des Losungswegs, im zweiten Schritt werden konkrete Hilfestellungen in Form von zu verwendenden Formeln oder Sachverhalten angegeben.

Off-label Prescribing. Justifying Unapproved Medicine

David Cavalla

Today’s medicines are regulated for their efficacy and safety and, once approved, they can be marketed for certain uses as justified by the data. Regulatory bodies in developed countries are constituted by legal statute and operate as parts of government, ostensibly in the interests of the people as patients. But once approved, medicines can be used for any purpose the prescriber thinks fit and appropriate for the patient. One in five prescriptions is therefore written outside regulatory purview. Off-label Prescribing looks into the corners of our medicated lives, where drug regulation runs up against medical practice, and concerns the use of a drug that has been approved for one use (in medical parlance, ‘indication’) being used for a different indication; alternatively, being used on a different set of patients from the ones it is approved for, or at a different dose. Usually the patient is unaware of what is going on, having not been informed by their doctor of this aspect of his or her prescribing choice. The book examines how and why this occurs, what the various medical professions have to say about it, and how pharmaceutical companies benefit by moving into this poorly regulated area. Off-label Prescribing pulls these complex issues together in one volume, to highlight current practice, its advantages and weaknesses and how the author suggests practice should evolve in the future. It will therefore be of interest to all those who prescribe (and receive) medicines, combined with a greater objective to provide more transparency and discussion for professionals.

Hydrometeorological Hazards. Interfacing Science and Policy

Philippe Quevauviller

Recent hydrometeorological extreme events have highlighted the increased exposure and vulnerability of societies and the need to strengthen the knowledge-base of related policies. Current research is focused on improving forecasting, prediction and early warning capabilities in order to improve the assessment of vulnerability and risks linked to extreme climatic events. Hydrometeorological Hazards: Interfacing science and policy is the first volume of a series which will gather scientific and policy-related knowledge related to climate-related extreme events. Invited authors are internationally recognized experts in their respective fields. This volume reflects the most recent advances in science and policy within this field and takes a multidisciplinary approach. The book provides the reader with a state-of-the art account on flash floods, droughts, storms, and a comprehensive discussion focused on the cost of natural hazards, resilience and adaptation. This book will be an invaluable reference for advanced undergraduates taking courses with a focus on natural hazards including climate-related extreme events. The book will also be of interest to postgraduates, researchers and policy makers in this field looking for an overview of the subject.

Continuous Biomanufacturing. Innovative Technologies and Methods

Ganapathy Subramanian

This is the most comprehensive treatise of this topic available, providing invaluable information on the technological and economic benefits to be gained from implementing continuous processes in the biopharmaceutical industry. Top experts from industry and academia cover the latest technical developments in the field, describing the use of single-use technologies alongside perfusion production platforms and downstream operations. Special emphasis is given to process control and monitoring, including such topics as 'quality by design' and automation. The book is supplemented by case studies that highlight the enormous potential of continuous manufacturing for biopharmaceutical production facilities.

Climate Change. Identification and Projections

Philippe Larminat de

Under certain scenarios on the subject of CO2 emissions, by the end of the century the atmospheric concentration could triple its pre-industrial level. The very large numerical models intended to anticipate the corresponding climate evolutions are designed and quantified from the laws of physics. However, little is generally known about these: genesis of clouds, terms of the greenhouse effect, solar activity intervention, etc. This book deals with the issue of climate modeling in a different way: using proven techniques for identifying black box-type models. Taking climate observations from throughout the millennia, the global models obtained are validated statistically and confirmed by the resulting simulations. This book thus brings constructive elements that can be reproduced by anyone adept at numerical simulation, whether an expert climatologist or not. It is accessible to any reader interested in the issues of climate change.