Научная фантастика

Различные книги в жанре Научная фантастика

Born in Syn

Beth Kander

How did we get here? That's the question that drives each friend, each foe, and every strand of the stories woven together in Born in Syn. From an unusually intelligent infant, to individuals wrongly accused or imprisoned, to insiders who know things they wish they didn't and outsiders determined to bulldoze their way into the action, dozens of small decisions and huge risks pile on top of one another, contributing to the creation of a future that will change everything. War. Ambition. Family. Betrayal. As every character hurtles us ever-faster forward, one truth becomes inescapable: Even the end of the world was once the beginning of someone's story.

Бесконечная игра

Ник Алнек

Хотели бы вы знать, что мир, в котором вы живете, любите, растите своих детей и внуков, смеетесь или грустите, является лишь виртуальной симуляцией, где каждый житель всего лишь персонаж, и события есть ничто иное, как заранее продуманный сценарий, контролируемый компьютером и игроком?..


Ник Алнек

Каждый из нас, в тот или иной момент времени, совершает ошибки, о которых потом жалеет всю оставшуюся жизнь. И каждого из нас порой посещает желание повернуть время назад, чтобы изменить ход вещей.Этот рассказ о пожилой паре, которой выпал шанс вернуться в то время, где, по их мнению, они смогут изменить свои жизни. Поможет это им или нет, вы прочтете в этой книге.

The Test Colony

Winston Marks

Benson did his best to keep his colony from going native, but what can you do when the Natives have a rare human intelligence and know all about the facts of life?

The Small World of M-75

Ed M. Clinton, Jr.

For all his perfection and magnificence he was but a baby with a new found freedom in a strange and baffling world . . . .

The Frozen Planet

Keith Laumer

“It is rather unusual,” Magnan said, “to assign an officer of your rank to courier duty, but this is an unusual mission.”

The Ambassador

Sam Merwin, Jr.

All Earth needed was a good stiff dose of common sense, but its rulers preferred to depend on the highly fallible computers instead. As a consequence, interplanetary diplomatic relations were somewhat strained—until a nimble-witted young man from Mars came up with the answer to the “sixty-four dollar” question.

The Worlds of Joe Shannon

Frank M. Robinson

Strumming a harp while floating on a white cloud might be Paradise for some people, but it would bore others stiff. Given an unlimited chance to choose your ideal world, what would you specify—palaces or log cabins?

The Barbarians

John Sentry

History was repeating itself; there were moats and nobles in Pennsylvania and vassals in Manhattan and the barbarian hordes were overrunning the land.

Deadly City

Ivar Jorgenson

You’re all alone in a deserted city. You walk down an empty street, yearning for the sight of one living face—one moving figure. Then you see a man on a corner and you know your terror has only begun.