
Различные книги в жанре Медицина

Regional Malaria and Other Communicable Disease Threats Trust Fund

Jane Parry

This report details the key achievements of the Regional Malaria and Other Communicable Disease Threats Trust Fund from its creation in 2013 to the first half of 2018. It provides detailed analysis of the results by outcome, profiles specific projects that serve as exemplars of the fund's impact, and offers insights into how similar trust funds can be managed for success in future.

Digital Health Convergence Meeting Tool Kit

Win Min Thit

This tool kit comprises information on how to create a shared vision for digital health through a national strategy, focused on maximizing the value of resources. It supports efforts to introduce digital health solutions that make systems interoperable and less fragmented, and thus provide equitable access to health care services and offer every patient continuity of care. This tool kit provides a practical framework for structuring digital health road maps, a guide to running a digital health convergence workshop, and insights from previous country convergence workshops.

Graphic Medicine Manifesto

Ian Williams

This inaugural volume in the Graphic Medicine series establishes the principles of graphic medicine and begins to map the field. The volume combines scholarly essays by members of the editorial team with previously unpublished visual narratives by Ian Williams and MK Czerwiec, and it includes arresting visual work from a wide range of graphic medicine practitioners. The book’s first section, featuring essays by Scott Smith and Susan Squier, argues that as a new area of scholarship, research on graphic medicine has the potential to challenge the conventional boundaries of academic disciplines, raise questions about their foundations, and reinvigorate literary scholarship—and the notion of the literary text—for a broader audience. The second section, incorporating essays by Michael Green and Kimberly Myers, demonstrates that graphic medicine narratives can engage members of the health professions with literary and visual representations and symbolic practices that offer patients, family members, physicians, and other caregivers new ways to experience and work with the complex challenges of the medical experience. The final section, by Ian Williams and MK Czerwiec, focuses on the practice of creating graphic narratives, iconography, drawing as a social practice, and the nature of comics as visual rhetoric. A conclusion (in comics form) testifies to the diverse and growing graphic medicine community. Two valuable bibliographies guide readers to comics and scholarly works relevant to the field.

In Search of Medicine's Moral Compass

Rob Tenery, MD

In an age where uncertainty rules the day, Dr. Rob Tenery has given us a book that explains how health care has evolved into a $2.6 trillion enterprise. He does this with carefully researched histories and a series of challenging and thought-provoking commentaries on the most important issues of the day. Dr. Tenery’s book focuses on a time when doctors and patients worked together to determine the best course of treatment—solutions now being ceded to large corporations and the federal government. He relates, as only a physician can, the challenges, fulfillment, and ethical dilemmas of caring for patients and making the best decisions for their health and well-being. Whether contemplating what doctors can do when nothing can be done, or thinking about the state of the medical profession, his insights are based on real-life experiences with his patients and colleagues. Dr. Tenery brings a perspective and a set of values gained from his father and grandfather, who, together with the author, represent over a century of caring for patients. This book gives you the opportunity to step into the shoes of a dedicated third-generation physician and to see the changing nature of health and medical care through his eyes. This physician of over thirty-seven years is sharing his collected writing for a better understanding of why medicine is a profession and not just another business.


Chelsey Clammer

Winner of the 2015 Red Hen Press Nonfiction Award, <i>Circadian</i> is a collection of essays that weaves together personal account with cultural narrative, only to unravel them and explore the brilliant and destructive cycles of who we are. Using poetic language and lyric structures, Clammer dives into her stories of trauma, mental illnesses, and a wide spectrum of relationships in order to understand experience through different of frameworks of thought. Whether it’s turning to mathematics to try to solve the problem of an alcoholic father, the history of naming to look at sexism, weather to re-consider trauma, or even grammar as a way to question identity, these “facts” move beyond metaphor, and become new ways to narrate our cyclical ways of being.

Heal Yourself!

Beverly A. Potter

Doctors think they heal with drugs. But only living cells can heal. When something is out of balance, your cells move to correct it because bodies want to be well. HEAL YOURSELF! HOW TO HARNESS PLACEBO POWER shows how to tap into this mysterious process to get well and stay well by harnessing your body's natural healing power&#151;the power of placebo.These amazing effects are not just «in the mind.» They can be observed and measured in the body's physiology. When patients believe in the treatment, ulcers heal, warts disappear, cancer goes into remission, swelling reduces&#151;cells actually look different under the microscope. When your doctor believes in the treatment, the impact is even more powerful &#151;not in every case, of course. But in enough that science now accepts that something is going on!HEAL YOURSELF! explains how researchers believe that the stress response creates an environment that promotes physiological breakdown, while the relaxation Response creates a healing environment. HEAL YOURSELF! offers specific things you can do, and do today, to turn on your body's innate healing mechanisms, including meditation, prayer, laughter, listening to music and rocking, Qi Gong, gratitude and forgiveness, and more.healing mechanisms.


Mark James Estren

Most cholesterol doesn&#8217;t come from foods &#151; it's made by the body itself! Statins work by interfering with the body&#8217;s ability to manufacture cholesterol. Statins: Miracle or Mistake? explains both the pro and con sides of this incredible drug, using interviews with statin researchers and prescribers and presenting the findings in clear, jargon-free language. Learn how to watch for warning signs if you are using statins. Discover how statins are a huge business for both drug companies and anti-statin forces. This guide talks with people on all sides of the statin issue, finding out what they believe and why &#151; and how they stand to benefit.Most important, Statins: Miracle or Mistake? tells readers what to ask their own healthcare practitioners. It's time for nonprofessionals to learn how to manage these drugs. This important guide shows what to do &#151; and not do.

Healing Hormones

Beverly A. Potter

Healing Hormones tackles a huge, attention-getting subject. TV and radio shows, websites telling people to take it easy, slow down, de-stress to feel better, live longer, be a better parent and more loving mate. But how? The prescriptions are disappointing: Yoga? Time-consuming and difficult for many. Prescription drugs? Costly, subject to abuse and may not be helpful. Naturopathic remedies? Unproven, untested and often ineffective. Healing Hormones has a better answer: show readers how to harness their own bodies' heal producing chemicals to improve their lives. Healing Hormones takes the take-care-of-yourself trend a step beyond where it has been before. Author Mark J. Estren, Ph.D., investigates five body-produced hormones that counter the stress response to make life better, calmer and more relaxed. The five healing hormones are dopamine, nitric oxide, endorphins, oxytocin, and serotonin.Healing Hormones will be readers' top choice to learn the pluses and minuses of the remarkable hormones that drive their health and happiness or undercut it. Estren&#151;who has more than 20 years of experience writing about medical issues and research for patients and their families&#151;explains how to harness the power of these healing hormones in clear, easily understandable language.

Alternatives to Involuntary Death

Timothy Leary

Death is increasingly on the agenda for baby boomers moving ever closer to it. Timothy Leary brings some startlingly fresh ideas to this topic. Fundamentally, he claims, we have been brainwashed by our institutions &#151; government, organized religion, the healthcare industry &#151; to accept death as an inevitable end. Leary argues instead that death is misunderstood, that we don't have to die, and that there are «commonsense alternatives.» His theory rests on the transhumanist approach that says human beings are evolving into spiritual machines &#151; beings that are part human and part machine and eventually will not die as the term is commonly understood. Being fitted with machine parts like bionic knees is part of this process. And as we evolve through the cybernetic age, he says, we will gain new wisdom that broadens our definition of personal immortality and gene-pool survival &#151; the «postbiologic option of the information species.»

15 Things Your Doctor Doesn’t Know About Your Child

Dr. Amber Brooks

Every parent wants to see their children happy, successful, and most of all, healthy. Often times, however, ensuring that a child has the best chance at a healthy life can be out of the parents' hands. Developmental delays have long been viewed as something that parents have to handle as they happen; however, Dr. Amber Brooks, a Board Certified Pediatric Chiropractor has news that will change all that. 15 Things Your Doctor Doesn't Know About Your Child: Questions Answered About Developmental Delays is a remarkable new book by Dr. Brooks, DC, CACCP that helps parents understand how developmental delays can be caught early and even treated when found. Through outlining problems and symptoms that are often ignored by other doctors, the book points to things that can later be the root cause of the delay. Regardless of what stage you may be in with your child, this book will show you how to properly navigate the obstacles inherent with healing. By being proactive early on, this enlightening book teaches parents how to be informed and most of all, empowered to heal their children. This inspirational book is filled with real life examples and the medical basis and philosophies involved with their treatments. Spanning multiple diagnoses and all of their respective symptoms, Dr. Brooks, DC, CACCP lays out the information in a way that parents can truly understand and connect with the book. With an easy to read and comprehensive approach, 15 Things Your Doctor Doesn't Know About Your Child appeals to parents and doctors alike, while eliminating the need to read between the lines. Inspired by the huge void in medical and alternative models, the book combines the best of both worlds in order to care for each child individually, instead of treating them all alike. By removing the cookie cutter approach to children's medicine, readers are taught that we can do more for each child without the wait and see methodology used by some doctors. The book teaches that examining the whole child, rather than particular symptoms, can lead us to the correct wellness model to raise a healthy child. Using the book's revolutionary new model, readers can treat and ultimately prevent developmental delays in order to give their children the brightest possible future. Dr. Brooks, DC, CACCP is a pediatric expert who combines alternative and traditional medical methods to provide an individualized and comprehensive approach to pediatric wellness. She has dedicated her career to helping children around the world achieve their optimal health, and in her private practice at Whole Child Wellness, she has developed specialized treatments for today's biggest pediatric health problems. Her unique perspective of diagnosing the problem rather than treating the symptoms has led to remarkable results on a variety of disorders, and she looks forward to helping readers on their road to wellness.