Маркетинг, PR, реклама

Различные книги в жанре Маркетинг, PR, реклама

Conversion Marketing

Bryan Heathman

In today's business climate, transacting eCommerce on the Internet represents the fastest growing marketplace in the world – but few people really understand how to make it sing! Harness the online money making potential of your business with trade secrets from this acclaimed industry insider, veteran of more than 150 marketing campaigns in the corporate Big Leagues. From creating hefty mailing lists to launching powerful viral marketing campaigns, you'll learn the tricks of turning the noise of the digital realm into a chorus of eCommerce for your business. Let this eBook show you how to make money while you sleep!

Closing Sales is Easy

Tom Hopkins

The fun part of selling yourself, a product or a service is the demonstration or presentation. But the aspect of selling that makes you successful is having the ability to close the sale, get the decision made in your favor, get the check, credit card, purchase order or a signature on an agreement. Closing the sale is where most people balk, feel uncomfortable or even stall. They just can't bring themselves to ask someone for money – even when the person will receive incredible benefits in exchange for that money. Even worse, people ask for the sale and when the buyer doesn't immediately jump at it, they change the subject and stop the sale themselves. Don't let this happen to you. When done properly, the move into closing the sale is smooth as silk. And when you handle the close as Tom Hopkins teaches you, you'll walk away with more business than you thought you could ever get. Knowledge builds competence and confidence. Become a more confident (and more successful) salesperson. Get started by reading and implementing the strategies in this book. It'll be the best return on your money you've ever gotten!

Building a 6 Figure Sales Career

Chris Widener

Do you know a person who just seems to “have it all” when it comes to closing sales deals? What is it about that person that makes them wealthy? In this program, best-selling author Chris Widener outlines the tools to gain trust, build respect, develop admiration and create loyalty with everyone you meet. Chris has used these skills to build a successful speaking career, which has led to him sharing the stage with US Presidents, NFL players and being asked to speak at Harvard Business School. The beauty of Chris’ approach is that anyone can develop these skills by following the 4 golden pillars of selling. Chris shares amusing stories of success in this fast moving program which have motivated and inspired hundreds of thousands of people around the globe. Chris breaks down his process into 4 simple steps to get your sales career on the fast track. The information in Chris’ program can double your sales revenues, but will cost you income if you don’t know these essential steps. Get your sales career on the right path this year.

So You're New to Sales

Bryan Flanagan

Promotion to 3 million Facebook fans Foreword by Zig Ziglar, the world’s top motivatorA “must read” for beginning salespeople

Make a Fortune Selling to Women

Connie Podesta

Want to Close The Deal? Want to Make The Sale? Want to Retain More Customers? Are you selling to the dominant economic force in the country? There are 190 million of them in the U.S. alone. They have $4.4 trillion in collective buying power. They purchase 85% of all products and services, and they influence most of the rest of the purchases. They are responsible for 85% of the checks written. Forty-seven percent of them are stockholders. Who are they? Women. In Make a Fortune Selling to Women , Connie Podesta combines psychology and sales tactics to create a how-to guide for how to sell to women and how to market to women. With a lively voice and no-nonsense tone that both men and women will appreciate, Podesta offers specific tips for overcoming the big five Deal Breakers:She doesn't want to play the gameShe doesn't think the salesperson views her as a legitimate decision makerShe doesn't like the salespersonShe doesn't trust the salespersonShe doesn't think the salesperson is the right person for the job Riddled with revealing anecdotes, Make a Fortune Selling to Women describes the male and female approach to the buying experience–without being condescending to either gender. And both salesmen and saleswomen will rely on this book to help them secure more sales with women. Discover exactly the right approach when selling to women and use it to close the deal.

How to Master the Art of Selling Financial Services

Tom Hopkins

Whether you’re a financial services expert or novice, you understand the business. You’ve worked hard to gain your product knowledge. You watch industry trends. But, do you know how to talk to clients so they’ll listen? The Art of Selling Financial Services depends upon the collaboration of listing and understandably communicating to clients. Learning how to quickly gain the trust of others, get them to like you, take your advice, and become long-term clients is the foundation for every successful business. Tom Hopkins has been training in the financial services industry since 1990 and he has developed methods to help you communicate to your clients and you understand what your clients want from you. Once you know what clients want, you can learn how to provide it! Financial services representatives have turned to Tom Hopkins for years for his proven-effective, professional selling strategies which have helped them learn how to help more of their clients make financial planning decisions. How to Master the Art of Selling Financial Services , will help you:Learn effective ways to talk with clients and calm their fears Ask the right questions to get clients talking about their needs Implement client feedback so that you can provide your best serviceIncrease your sales ratios with closing strategies that make sense to your clientsGrow your business with powerful, yet simple referral strategies Tom Hopkins’ methods will teach you how to master the art of selling financial services more effectively and efficiently than ever before!

Sales Success

Mark Bowser

Can a book actually help you close more sales? Yes it can! Sales Success is the book that shapes sales careers. While reading this sales fable, learn sales strategies used and recommended by members of the sales hall of fame including Zig Ziglar, Tom Hopkins and Scott McKain. In Sales Success, you will discover why sales success happens for the earnest student…and why it doesn’t for the rest. Come along with master storyteller, Mark Bowser, as he takes you on a journey of discovering ultimate sales success. In Sales Success, you will meet Digger Jones, the mentor we all wished we had. Follow along as Digger teaches, motivates, and inspires his young protégé from failure to the heights of sales achievement…and how you can apply these lessons to your own sales journey.

Speaking is Selling

Mark A. Vickers

You are a Speaker and you are a Salesperson. Regardless of your title: Corporate Executive, Sales and Marketing Professional, Salesperson, Teacher, Trainer, or Coach, your success in connecting with your words and selling your ideas and products will determine Your Career Success. Professional Speaker and Certified Professional Coach, Mark A. Vickers, shares key tips and techniques for success in Speaking and Selling. Each technique that Mark covers is a lesson that your mother taught you by the time you were 16. There is no magic to becoming an effective speaker or salesperson just two basic requirements: understand the key fundamentals AND apply them every day. Through simple truths that your mother shared with you, Mark takes a lighthearted but direct look at the issues facing most professionals when they are making presentations and provides simple steps to improve your skills. Speaking is Selling – 51 Tips Your Mother Taught you is full of reminders and techniques to help you maximize your professional success.

Джек Траут, Эл Райс: Позиционирование. Битва за узнаваемость. Саммари

Smart Reading

Эту книгу назвали потрясением рекламного рынка мощностью 20 мегатонн. Концепция Райса и Траута – позиционирование брендинга, маркетинга и управления продуктами. Каждый бизнесмен, который планирует продвижение нового товара или создание тематического сообщества в интернете, вольно или невольно вынужден заниматься позиционированием – битвой за умы. Авторы предлагают анализ феноменальных успехов и неудач мира рекламы за последние 70 лет. Они подчеркивают, что человеческое сознание – это «поле боя» для маркетологов и рекламистов. Позиционирование – направленные манипуляции сознанием потенциальных покупателей, которые приводят к узнаванию и покупке товара. А для этого нужно хорошо понимать свою целевую аудиторию. Реклама сработает, только если она подстроена под сознание клиента. Зачем читать • Понять, почему в мире визуального восприятия первостепенное значение для рекламы имеют слова, а не картинка. • Ознакомиться с механизмами успеха известных рекламных кампаний. • Узнать, почему рекламное сообщение подстраивают к человеческому сознанию, а не наоборот.

Презентации в стиле TED. 9 приемов лучших в мире выступлений

Кармин Галло

Умение правильно подать идею зачастую не менее важно, чем способность генерировать идеи. Во многом благодаря этому умению большинство выдающихся лидеров бизнеса, науки и искусства стали теми, кто они есть. Стив Джобс, Билл Гейтс, Шерил Сэндберг, Боно, Ричард Брэнсон и многие другие талантливые люди выступали на площадке TED-конференций, блестяще защищали свои идеи и проекты. Они смогли привлечь внимание миллионной аудитории по всему миру за счет увлекательной подачи зачастую сложных идей и концепций. Как им это удалось? Сколько времени нужно потратить, чтобы подготовить выдающуюся 18-минутную речь? Как ораторы TED добиваются такой естественности и непринужденности в речи и жестах? Кармин Галло обобщил результаты сотен TED-выступлений, личные интервью с наиболее популярными ораторами TED и свои собственные рекомендации. Он раскрывает 9 приемов из арсенала самых популярных ораторов TED и предлагает практические примеры, теоретические выкладки и интервью с людьми – авторами презентаций. Книга будет полезна всем тем, кто проводит презентации, продает товары и услуги и руководит людьми, которых нужно воодушевить.