Личностный рост

Различные книги в жанре Личностный рост

The Law of Success

Napoleon Hill

Originally published in sixteen separate booklets in 1928 before consolidated into a single volume, “The Law of Success” is the first work by famed American self-help author Napoleon Hill, well-known for his widely read classic “Think and Grow Rich”, which remains one of the best-selling self-help books of all time. “The Law of Success” was based upon interviews with and studies of successful people over the course of several years. Hill discovers that these self-made leaders of industry and innovation have several things in common, including a mindset and work ethic that help them succeed at whatever they apply themselves to. Hill distills these insights into sixteen lessons that anyone can use in their own lives to be more successful, both personally and financially. In this practical and encouraging guide, Hill discusses how an individual mindset must be changed and the will focused in order to create the proper foundation necessary for success in business and relationships. “The Law of Success” can help anyone find the path to a happier and more fulfilling life and the skills to turn their failures and set-backs into positive advantages.

Fishing for Stars

Jeremiah Crespin

Fishing for Stars aims to bring the feeling of encouragement, hope, and achievement to all readers. Shoot for the stars! You never know what wonders life has in store!

Quantum Sense

Robert Glick


Karen Pallesgaard Munk

Den amerikanske psykolog Richard S. Lazarus indtager med copingteorien en central plads i stress-forskningen. I denne bog viser Karen Pallesgaard Munk, hvorDanish Lazaus' teori kan udnyttes i en systematisk kortlAegning og sammenligning af individers eller gruppers made at opleve og handtere stress. Metoden kaldes kvalitativ mikroanalyse.Mikroanalysen reprAesenterer en ny type kvalitativ metode, idet den opsAetter en psykologisk-teoretisk ramme for udforskning af belastninger og stress og anvender emotionsanalyse af de udforskede cases.Bogen stiller analyseredskaber til radighed for alle, der er professionelt interesseret i udforskningen af copingprocesser. Den kan anvendes som manual i forbindelse med storre forskningsprojekter, men ogsa af psykologi- og medicinstuderende samt bachelorstuderende inden for sundhedsomradet, som skal udfore mindre undersogelser af stress og trivsel.

The Self-Sufficiency Specialist

Alan Bridgewater

With frequent warnings about water and energy shortages, and the potential dangers of pesticides and genetically modified foods, many people nurture a dream of living a 'self-sufficient' lifestyle.With these people in mind, this comprehensive yet easy-to-read book examines what it truly takes to live off the fat of the land. Authors Alan and Gill Bridgewater, who themselves recently moved to a smallholding, answer all the fundamental questions that anyone considering a similar lifestyle shift might ask; from the best way to warm your home off the grid to the time and effort that go into growing your own food and raising your own animals. The book even goes so far as to describe quirkier aspects of the lifestyle, with detailed descriptions of how to make soap and candles. Both the most fulfilling aspects and the hard graft of self-sufficient living are revealed in full.Packed with informative illustrations and diagrams, and a wealth of useful advice, «The Self-Sufficiency Specialist» is the perfect guide for prospective 21st-century smallholders.

Lühikokkuvõte Giulia Endersi teosest „Võluv soolestik. Kogu tõde ühe alahinnatud elundi kohta“

Sirje Maasikamäe

Autoril on õnnestunud luua harvaesinev kooslus – raamat on ühtaegu nii meelelahutuslik kui ka teaduslik. Ta teeb lugejatele lihtsalt arusaadavaks paljud soolestikuga seotud teemad, millest on seni rääkinud pigem arstid ja teadlased. Enders kirjeldab väga põnevaid teadusuuringuid ja eksperimente, kuid jõuab ka praktiliste soovitusteni, kuidas teha tervisele kasulikke valikuid.