Книги для детей: прочее

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Честное слово

Леонид Пантелеев

Л. Пантелеев (Алексей Иванович Еремеев) – советский писатель, известный нам прежде всего по повести «Республика ШКИД», написанной в соавторстве с Г. Белых. Однако Л. Пантелеев создал и множество других произведений, как для детей, так и для взрослых. Тонкий психолог, он придумал удивительно созвучные детям истории с незамысловатым сюжетом, написанные простым, понятным языком. В нашу книгу вошли стихи, сказки и рассказы писателя, на которых выросло не одно поколение читателей, – «Весёлый трамвай», «Две лягушки», «Буква “ты”», «Честное слово», цикл «Про Белочку и Тамарочку» и другие. Для дошкольного возраста. В формате PDF A4 сохранён издательский дизайн.

The Velveteen Rabbit

Margery Williams

This eBook edition of «The Velveteen Rabbit» has been formatted to the highest digital standards and adjusted for readability on all devices. The Velveteen Rabbit (or How Toys Become Real) is a children's book written by Margery Williams which chronicles the story of a stuffed rabbit's desire to become real through the love of his owner. The book remains her most famous. It has remained a classic piece of literature through numerous adaptations in children's theatre as well as on radio, television and in the movies.

Die Untoten

Johan Egerkrans

Nimm dich vor dunklen Friedhofsecken in Acht … … denn die Untoten haben es auf uns Lebende abgesehen. Ganz gleich ob rumänischer Vampir, chinesischer Wiedergänger oder australischer Dämon – sie alle dürstet es nach unserem Blut und unserer Seele. Seit Anbeginn der Zeit erheben sie sich aus ihren Gräbern, um uns heimzusuchen. Und viele von ihnen können ihre Gestalt verändern, sich unsichtbar machen oder sich in Rauch und Nebel verwandeln. Also aufgepasst: In jeder Katze, jeder Pflanze und selbst dem Morgentau könnte ein Untoter stecken …

Galactic Patrol (Unabridged)

E. E. Smith

This eBook has been formatted to the highest digital standards and adjusted for readability on all devices. The Galactic Patrol is a combination military force and interstellar law-enforcement agency, charged with the defense and preservation of Civilization. However, Kinnison and Clarissa MacDougall become the penultimates of the human breeding program the Arisians had set up many eons earlier…

The Adventures of Pinocchio

Carlo Collodi

The Adventures of Pinocchio is a novel for children about the mischievous adventures of an animated marionette named Pinocchio and his father, a poor woodcarver named Geppetto. The setting of the story is the Tuscan area of Italy. Geppetto carves the block of pinewood into a puppet and names him «Pinocchio». As soon as Pinocchio's nose has been carved, it begins to grow with his congenital impudence. Before he is even built, Pinocchio already has a mischievous attitude. Once the puppet has been finished and Geppetto teaches him to walk, Pinocchio runs out the door and away into the town. Pinocchio goes through numerous adventures and misadventures before he turns into a real boy. A universal icon and a metaphor of the human condition, the book is considered a canonical piece of children's literature and has had great impact on world culture.