
Различные книги в жанре Здоровье

Preventing and Reversing Heart Disease For Dummies

James Rippe M.

The safe and trusted way to prevent and reverse heart disease Written in plain English and packed with tons of authoritative advice, Preventing & Reversing Heart Disease For Dummies includes the most up-to-date information on coronary heart disease and its treatment. This resource covers new ways to diagnose and treat both short- and long-term complications of heart disease, the latest medications, updated diet and exercise plans, the lowdown on recognizing the risk factors and warning signs of a heart attack, determining if you have heart disease, distinguishing between angina, heart attack, and stroke, and much more. It is projected that by the year 2020, heart disease will be the leading cause of death throughout the world. As the magnitude of cardiovascular diseases continue to accelerate globally, the pressing need for increased awareness and a stronger, more focused national and international response has become more important than ever. Preventing & Reversing Heart Disease For Dummies tackles this vital subject with compassion and authority, outlining the steps you can take to help ensure you don't become just another statistic. Helps you find the right doctor and handle a managed care plan Covers all thirteen types of heart disease and discusses the key differences that may determine their progression and treatment Illustrates how simple changes in diet may be enough to prevent heart disease Shows how you can reverse some of the effects of heart disease through exercise If you're suffering from or are at risk of heart disease—or love someone who is—Preventing & Reversing Heart Disease For Dummies empowers you to take control of heart health and get on a path to a longer, healthier life.

Добрые советы. Домашний доктор. №01/2018


«Добрые советы. Домашний доктор» – это народный журнал о здоровье, уникальный и непохожий на другие издания медицинской тематики. А все потому, что основу журнала составляют письма читателей. В них авторы рассказывают свои истории исцеления, делятся рецептами народной медицины, проверенными на собственном опыте, просто обращаются друг к другу за помощью или дают советы тем, кто не может самостоятельно справиться со своим недугом. Кроме того, на страницах журнала читатели могут получить консультацию высококвалифицированных специалистов и найти ответы на любые свои вопросы. Лучшие рецепты здоровья, молодости и долголетия делают журнал «Добрые советы. Домашний доктор» очень привлекательным для всех, кто заботится о своем здоровье. А в благодарность за советы каждый автор опубликованных писем получает денежную премию в размере 300 рублей. В номере: Тема номера Мои правила здорового питания Обсудим подробно Как помогают ангелы Деликатный разговор Все о поликистозе Наши детки Чтобы дети были здоровы Аптека на кухне Несладкая правда о сахаре Секреты красоты Баня для щеток и расчесок и многое другое

Mediterranean Diet Cookbook For Dummies

Meri Raffetto

Benefit from the Mediterranean diet For decades, doctors and nutritional experts have observed—and confirmed—that people in Mediterranean countries have much lower occurrences in vascular disease, obesity, cancer, and diabetes than their counterparts in northern European countries and the United States. Now, Mediterranean Diet Cookbook For Dummies shows you how to cook meals inspired by the cuisines of Italy, Greece, Spain, and southern France so you too can live a healthier life free of excess weight and disease. The Mediterranean diet—ranked #2 in Best Diets overall, it is high in vegetables, fruits, olive oil, and whole grains, and moderate in protein and animal fats—has proven to be beneficial in reducing the risk for diabetes, heart disease, and stroke. Now, a new study shows it may also be good for the brain. The Mediterranean diet isn't just a fad or a quick fix—it's a healthy lifestyle choice that's here to stay! Create more than 150 tasty recipes Get expert tips on meal planning and exercise regimes Prevent and fight diseases by eating delicious food Find delicious alternatives to unhealthy ingredients Whether you're just discovering the Mediterranean diet or are looking for some new recipes to add to your repertoire, this updated, hands-on guide offering the latest research has everything you need to start living a healthier life.

Detecting and Living with Breast Cancer For Dummies

Marshalee George

Your trusted, no-nonsense guide to detecting and managing breast cancer From the breast health experts at the American Breast Cancer Foundation comes a sensitive and authoritative guide to the most common cancer in women: breast cancer. Covering everything from prevention to dealing with a diagnosis to coping with life after cancer, it serves as a trusted resource for anyone whose life has been touched by this dreaded disease. Advancements in breast cancer prevention, detection, and treatment are being made every day, but it can be overwhelming and confusing knowing where to turn and who to trust. Detecting & Living with Breast Cancer For Dummies distills the information into one easy-to-follow guide, giving you quick, expert advice on everything you'll face as you manage your breast health. From getting to know your treatment options to talking to loved ones about breast cancer—and everything in between—it does the legwork for you so you can take a deep breath and focus on your health. Perform regular self-exams the right way Cope with the many decisions that need to be made if you're diagnosed Ask the right questions about surgery, chemotherapy, radiation, and breast reconstruction Decipher complicated pathology reports with confidence Whether you're at risk for breast cancer or have been diagnosed and want to know your options, Detecting & Living with Breast Cancer For Dummies empowers you to take your health into your own hands.

Pregnancy All-In-One For Dummies

Consumer Dummies

Your all-encompassing guide to having a happy, healthy pregnancy Are you an expectant parent looking for sound, expert guidance as you prepare to welcome a new addition to your family? Pregnancy All-in-One For Dummies has done the legwork for you, offering a one-stop compilation of the hottest topics and most relevant information culled from several successful For Dummies pregnancy titles. Covering everything from conception to the delivery room—and beyond—it gives moms and dads-to-be the reassuring answers they need during this very special time. Your pregnancy and childbirth experiences should be happy ones, but they're bound to be rife with questions—especially if you're a first-time parent, having a child later in life, or embarking on your first multiple birth. Luckily, this friendly guide is here to put your mind at ease, offering authoritative coverage of everything you can expect to encounter in the first, second, and third trimesters of pregnancy, as well as all the special considerations you may come across along the way, such as diet, exercise, labor and delivery options, breastfeeding, and so much more. Make pregnancy and childbirth an enjoyable experience Find out about nutrients that are critical to your baby's development Get authoritative guidance on making a birth plan Why turn to dozens of pregnancy resources when all the helpful, down-to-earth guidance you're looking for is right here, in one convenient place?

Вальс гормонов: вес, сон, секс, красота и здоровье как по нотам

Наталья Зубарева

Наталья Зубарева – врач, специализирующаяся на гормональном здоровье и питании для баланса эндокринной системы. В блоге @doctor_zubareva, который читает более 1 миллиона подписчиков, – самые острые темы женского здоровья, бесценные советы и рекомендации, тысячи историй выздоровевших пациенток. «Вальс гормонов» – это уникальная женская энциклопедия здоровья. Вы узнаете, как: • снизить вес; • избавиться от бессонницы; • нормализовать женский цикл; • стать красавицей с идеальными кожей, ногтями и волосами; • почувствовать крылья за спиной и бесконечный приток энергии и сил. Десятки ответов на самые важные и серьезные вопросы о женском здоровье, о связанных с гормональным дисбалансом проблемах и их решении. Главное о женском гормональном здоровье простым и понятным языком от самого популярного доктора Instagram.

Методика здорового снижения веса доктора Атоян

Юля Атоян

Личный опыт и научный подход в борьбе с лишним весом.

About sex. The most frequent questions about sex and answers to them from specialists

Veronica Larsson

It’s a shame to ask: the most uncomfortable questions about sex from the point of view of medicine and gynecologists. Stretching of the vagina after childbirth, squelching during sex, where the point G, when the first time you can have sex after acquaintance, embarrassment and sexual pity, whether sexual intercourse can provoke an attack of cystitis… And many other questions that we will discuss in this useful manual for both sexes.

How to bring a woman to orgasm. Sex Training. How to satisfy a woman in bed?

Veronica Larsson

Important and useful manual for the male. How to become a good lover? All the secrets in my book for men. Unlike many other manuals, this guide is written by a girl with great experience in sex and good taste in intimate relationships. Who else but a woman know what we like in bed and what not? After reading, you will learn all the women’s secrets and learn how to deliver incredible pleasure in sex to wives, mistresses, married women and girls. Tips and tricks for intimacy. She just like it!

Темпоральная психология. В измерениях времени и за его пределами

Сергей Антонович Кравченко

Книга впервые представляет теорию и практику психологии отношений личности с измерениями времени и безвременьем. Даны способы развития внутреннего диалога за пределами времени, что способствует укреплению душевного здоровья. Автор примиряет тех, кто уже тысячи лет ведет спор: вечна ли душа, или рождается и умирает вместе с телом? Материал будет полезен психологам и каждому вдумчивому читателю, так как вопросы взаимодействия времени и уровней психики всегда присутствуют во всех мгновениях жизни.