Энергия – основной двигатель жизни. Но что мы делаем, чтобы с помощью своей же энергии улучшить действительность и восстановить здоровье? Правильно – ничего! А ведь наша энергия и желание способны изменить судьбу и тем более поправить собственное здоровье. Мирзакарим Норбеков предлагает в книге не нудную теорию, а реальный практикум по обретению энергетического здоровья, своеобразный «пинок под зад» для большинства из нас. Эта методика, написанная с иронией и остроумными подколами для самолюбия, позволит оставаться энергичными и молодыми, а главное – здоровыми. Надо только включить свою энергию и направить ее в нужное русло!
Рэйки – это древняя, простая и вместе с тем могущественная система исцеления «наложением рук». В «Основах Рэйки» дается полная информация обо всех Трех Ступенях этой системы. Большая часть информации о Рэйки печатается впервые. В своей книге Дайяна Стайн попыталась снять покров таинственности, которым всегда окружали эту древнюю систему исцеления, и рассекретила Символы Рэйки. Символы эти действительно священны, но «священны» и «секретны» – давно уже не синонимы. Для того чтобы люди узнали о священном, оно должно быть для них доступно. Хотя ни одна книга не может заменить прямое получение посвящения Рэйки, в «Основах Рэйки» дается все то, что нужно для освоения этой системы, кроме самой инициации.
Эта история началась в 1972 году в китайском городе Сянтань. «Культурная революция» в самом разгаре. Восьмилетний мальчик с больным сердцем знакомится со странным стариком, который работает истопником в гостинице. Его новый друг оказывается бывшим монахом, высокочтимым мастером цигун и боевых искусств. Мастер исцеляет мальчика и в течение следующих 13 лет втайне от всех обучает его энергетическим и духовным секретам Жизненной Силы. Напоминает сюжет из «Звездных войн»? Но это – реальная история! И сейчас тот бывший мальчик-ученик Роберт Пэн приглашает всех нас присоединиться к нему на Пути Силы. Половина этой книги – увлекательный рассказ о приключениях духа, вторая половина – сугубо практическое пособие, которое научит вас собирать, очищать и применять Жизненную Силу, пробуждать энергетические центры тела, жить долго, гармонично и счастливо. Энергичный, современный мастер цигун приглашает вас войти вместе с ним в мир потрясающих новых возможностей.
Complementary, Alternative, and Integrative Health: A Multicultural Perspective provides a critical analysis of non-allopathic healing practices, including their uses, limitations, and scientific basis. The evidence-based discussion explores complementary, alternative, and integrative health (CAIH) across various cultural and ethnic groups both in the U.S. and internationally, to give you a greater understanding of the different modalities—including a literature-backed examination of proven methods and questionable practices within a cross-cultural framework. Each chapter highlights the scientific analysis of the practices relevant to each group, and guides you toward independent analysis of the risks and benefits of the practices discussed. Emphasizing the student as a future health professional, this book includes case studies, examples, questions, and discussion problems that underscore the role of health educators in educating consumers about CAIH practices.
ABC of Sexual Health provides a comprehensive overview of this important, but difficult subject and includes reading resources as well as information on professional societies, patient groups and online resources. Fully revised and expanded to cover a range of new content and topics including psychological, urological, gynaecological, endocrinological and psychiatric aspects of sexual health, the effects of medication, sexual dysfunction, sexual orientation, gender identity, paraphilias, forensic sexology, dermatoses, and psychosexual therapy and education. ABC of Sexual Health is a practical guide for all general practitioners, family physicians, trainees and medical students wanting to improve communicating, examining and managing patients with sexual health problems.
Sexual and Reproductive Health at a Glance provides a highly-illustrated, visual introduction to all aspects of sexual and reproductive health, from basic clinical examination skills to the management of acute Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs) and unplanned pregnancy. Covering topics which are often difficult to access as an undergraduate or junior doctor, Sexual and Reproductive Health at a Glance focuses on the fundamental principles in delivering effective contraception and sexual health care. It features high-yield information on the essential clinical topics covered in the Community Sexual and Reproductive Health (CSRH) curriculum. Presented in the familiar, easy-to-use, at a Glance format, Sexual and Reproductive Health at a Glance: • Provides a quick revision of basic anatomy, physiology and clinical skills • Offers balanced coverage of both male and female GU pathology, STIs and contraception • Includes material on practical gynaecological procedures performed in the out-patient setting • Presents a holistic approach to issues dealt with in this specialty • Takes a global perspective by addressing SRH issues in different cultures and resource-limited settings • Includes a companion website at www.ataglanceseries.com/sexualhealth featuring a selection of case scenarios and interactive flashcards for self-test This brand new title will provide an invaluable resource for medical and healthcare students, junior doctors, SRH trainees and busy clinicians working in other specialties.
Diabetes and Wellbeing presents a range of effective psychological principles proven to positively impact the emotional wellbeing of individuals with type 1 and 2 diabetes. The guide takes an explicitly CBT approach to motivate sufferers in essential self-care tasks. Written in a practical style, for those newly diagnosed with diabetes, individuals managing its challenges for many years, and healthcare professionals Reveals how the stress of daily diabetes management can affect an individual’s ability to stay motivated and engaged in essential self-care tasks that are vital for good health Presents proven techniques for improving emotional wellbeing First book to take an explicitly CBT approach to diabetes, simultaneously drawing on solution-focused behavioural therapy and mindfulness approaches Fills the gap information of this kind among healthcare professionals and individuals with diabetes
This revised and updated edition of the ABC of Complementary Medicine offers an authoritative introduction to complementary therapies. Taking an independent standpoint, neither promoting nor disparaging complementary therapies, this second edition includes the latest information on efficacy of treatments and provides a new emphasis on patient management. The ABC of Complementary Medicine is an invaluable guide to any doctor who encounters complementary medicine in clinical practice.
In a world where obesity has now reached epidemic proportions, a thorough understanding of the underlying causes of the problem is essential if society, public health initiatives and government policies are to successfully address the issue. The obesogenic environment describes all the possible influences that our environment presents which encourage overweight and obesity in individuals and populations. Beginning with an overarching introduction to obesity and its implications for health and wellbeing, the book will move on to consider such crucial areas as eating behaviours and food environments, physical activity and the environment, the urban environment, methods, policy and future research directions. Brings together expertise from across a range of disciplines Written by a truly multidisciplinary team of international authors Presents some of the most innovative thinking in the battle against obesity This groundbreaking book brings together for the first time the knowledge of experts with backgrounds in nutrition and dietetics, policy, epidemiology, environmental sciences, medical sciences, town planning and urban design, transport, geography and physical activity in order to offer a multidisciplinary approach to public health, suggesting new and exciting ways to shape our environment to better support healthful decisions.
Textbook of Obesity is designed to cover all of the essential elements concerning the etiology, prevention and treatment of obesity suitable for students in nutrition, dietetics and health science courses. Providing core knowledge for students is an essential and urgent requirement to ensure that those graduating will be properly equipped to deal with the high prevalence of overweight and obesity, currently affecting almost two-thirds of the population of the USA and with prevalence in much of the rest of the world rapidly catching up. This landmark text is organized into 5 parts comprising 27 chapters, each carefully written in a user-friendly style by experts in the area. Part I helps the reader to understand the scope and complexity of the problem of obesity. Part II focuses on obesity etiology. Part III examines the health consequences of obesity for both children and adults. Part IV discusses the challenge of assessing obesity in humans and offers insights into community factors that influence the risk of obesity. Finally, Part V dedicates 13 chapters to a discussion of a wide variety of obesity prevention and treatment interventions that are currently in use. Textbook of Obesity is an essential purchase for students and the many health professionals dealing with obesity on a day-to-day basis. A dedicated companion website features an extensive bank of questions and answers for readers to test their understanding, and all of the book’s illustrations for instructors to download: www.wiley.com/go/akabas/obesity