Зарубежная публицистика

Различные книги в жанре Зарубежная публицистика

Old Gods, New Enigmas

Mike Davis

Old Gods, New Enigmas is the highly-anticipated book by the best-selling author of City of Quartz and Planet of Slums . Mike Davis spent years working factory jobs and sitting behind the wheel of an eighteen wheeler before his profile as one of the world’s leading urbanists emerged with the publication of his sober, if dystopian survey of Los Angeles. Since then, he’s developed a reputation not only for his caustic analysis of ecological catastrophe and colonial history, but as a stylist without peer. Old Gods, New Enigmas is Davis’s book-length engagement with Karl Marx, marking the 200th anniversary of Marx’s birth and exploring Davis’s thinking on history, labor, capitalism, and revolution – themes ever present the early work from this leading radical thinker. This will be his first book on Marxism itself.

The SAGE Handbook of European Foreign Policy

Группа авторов

During the last two decades the study of European foreign policy has experienced remarkable growth, presumably reflecting a more significant international role of the European Union. The Union has significantly expanded its policy portfolio and though empty symbolic politics still exists, the Union’s international relations have become more substantial and its foreign policy more focused. European foreign policy has become a dynamic policy area, being adapted to changing challenges and environments, such as the Arab Spring, new emerging economies/powers; the crisis of multilateralism and much more.   The SAGE Handbook of European Foreign Policy , Two-Volume set, is a major reference work for Foreign Policy Programmes around the world. The Handbook is designed to be accessible to graduate and postgraduate students in a wide variety of disciplines across the humanities and social sciences. Both volumes are structured to address areas of critical concern to scholars at the cutting edge of all major dimensions of foreign policy.   The volumes are composed of original chapters written specifically to the following themes:   ·         Research traditions and historical experience ·         Theoretical perspectives ·         EU actors ·         State actors ·         Societal actors ·         The politics of European foreign policy ·         Bilateral relations ·         Relations with multilateral institutions ·         Individual policies ·         Transnational challenges   The Handbook will be an essential reference for both advanced students and scholars.  

Невидимые женщины. Почему мы живем в мире, удобном только для мужчин. Неравноправие, основанное на данных

Кэролайн Криадо Перес

Представьте себе мир, где врач, сам того не ведая, выписывает препарат, который вам вреден; где вероятность получения вами серьезных увечий в случае автомобильной аварии на 47 % выше, чем у другой половины человечества; где ваш домашний труд после напряженного рабочего дня мало кто замечает и ценит. Знакомая картина? Значит, вы, скорее всего, женщина. Кэролайн Криадо Перес вскрывает в книге серьезную проблему, напрямую влияющую на здоровье и благополучие женщин: разработчики различных продуктов и технологий опираются на данные, собранные о человеке, где «человек» по умолчанию «мужчина». Женщины же с их особенностями и потребностями остаются незамеченными. Автор обходит стороной глубокие дебаты о природе современного феминизма, но представляет бесспорные факты дефицита гендерных данных в самых разных областях – от политики и медицинских исследований до технологий, трудовых отношений, планирования городского пространства и медиа. Эта блестящая книга, получившая множество престижных наград, доказывает необходимость перемен и заставляет взглянуть на устройство нашего мира по-новому.


Jan Zielonka

Kas avatud ühiskond jääb ellu? Kas Euroopa laguneb? Kuidas majanduskriisist jagu saada? Kas eurooplastel on lootust end jälle turvaliselt tunda?
„Vasturevolutsioon” mõtestab Euroopa viimaste kümnendite arengut, uurides liberalismi rolli praeguses populismi pealetungis. Populismist on saanud liberaalide lemmikteema, kuid paraku on liberaalid olnud osavamad näpuga näitama kui peeglisse vaatama, kinnitab endine Oxfordi ülikooli professor Jan Zielonka.
Autori sõnul tuleb Euroopa liberaalne projekt uuesti leiutada ja luua. Euroopa ei ole kohanenud viimase kolme kümnendi geopoliitiliste, majanduslike ja tehnoloogiliste muutustega. Euroopa demokraatia-, kapitalismi- ja lõimimismudel ei käi üht jalga uute keerukate linna-, pangandus-, terrori- ja rändevõrgustikega. Liberaalsed väärtused, mis tõid Euroopale pika õitsengu, on reedetud. Emotsioonid, müüdid ja valed on jätnud napilt ruumi arukusele ja lepitusele. Autor uuribki neid Euroopa arengu tahke ja näitab ka väljapääsu labürindist.

Public Opinion

Rosalee A. Clawson

Clawson and Oxley link the enduring normative questions of democratic theory to existing empirical research on public opinion. Organized around a series of questions—In a democratic society, what should be the relationship between citizens and their government? Are citizens’ opinions pliable? Are they knowledgeable, attentive, and informed?—the text explores the tension between ideals and their practice. Each chapter focuses on exemplary studies, explaining not only the conclusion of the research, but how it was conducted, so students gain a richer understanding of the research process and see methods applied in context.

Public Opinion

Rosalee A. Clawson

Power and Loss in South African Journalism

Glenda Daniels

This timely collection of essays analyses the crisis of journalism in contemporary South Africa at a period when the media and their role are frequently at the centre of public debate. The transition to digital news has been messy, random and unpredictable. The spread of news via social media platforms has given rise to political propaganda and fake news. Yet media companies oust experienced journalists in favour of 'content producers'. <br> Against this backdrop, Daniels points out the contribution of investigative journalists to exposing corruption and sees new opportunities to forge a model for the future of non-profit, public-funded journalism. She argues for the power of public interest journalism and the reflection of a diversity of voices and positions in the news. The book addresses the gains and losses from decolonial and feminist perspectives and advocates for a radical shift in the way power is constituted by the media in the South African postcolony. With her years of experience as a newspaper journalist, Daniels writes with authority and illuminates complex issues about newsroom politics. <br> A semi-autobiographical lens and interviews with alienated media professionals add a personal element that will appeal to a range of readers interested in the workings of the media.<br> <br>

The Ungovernable Society

Grégoire Chamayou

Rebellion was in the air. Workers were on strike, students were demonstrating on campuses, discipline was breaking down. No relation of domination was left untouched – the relation between the sexes, the racial order, the hierarchies of class, relationships in families, workplaces and colleges. The upheavals of the late 1960s and early 1970s quickly spread through all sectors of social and economic life, threatening to make society ungovernable in the eyes of ruling elites. This crisis was also the birthplace of the authoritarian liberalism which continues to cast its shadow across the world in which we now live.<br /> <br /> To ward off the threat, new arts of government were devised in business-related circles, which included a war against the trade unions, the primacy of shareholder value and a dethroning of politics. The neoliberalism that thus began its triumphal march was not, however, determined by a simple ‘state phobia’ and a desire to free up the economy from government interference. On the contrary, the strategy for overcoming the crisis of governability consisted in an authoritarian liberalism in which the liberalization of society went hand-in-hand with new forms of power imposed from above: a ‘strong state’ for a ‘free economy’ became the new magic formula of our capitalist societies.<br /> <br /> Grégoire Chamayou analyses this crisis as it was perceived and theorized in the 1970s by those who strove to defend the interests of business – that is, the ruling elites, especially in the United States, from which a far-reaching intellectual and political movement spread. The new arts of government they devised are still with us today and we can understand their nature and lasting influence only by re-examining the history of the conflicts that brought them into being.