Детская проза

Различные книги в жанре Детская проза

Кошачий чердак

Хелена Эберг

Кошачий чердак – необычная книга, которая совмещает в себе две формы повествования – текстовую и графическую. Первая история происходит в наши дни, в Швеции, где вместе с мамой живет 12-летняя девочка Мона. Их домом стал дедушкин офис, так как мама, сменив несколько мест, осталась без работы и заработка. Уже два года ее муж считается пропавшим без вести, и женщина тяжело переживает происходящее. Мона и мама вынуждены прятаться, когда в офис приходят посетители. Девочка сильно скучает и по отцу, и по подруге, которая переехала в Шанхай. Она чувствует себя одинокой и потерянной. Однажды дедушка предлагает ей подработать – помочь ему разобраться с вещами в старинном особняке, который ему поручили продать клиенты. На старой вилле Бельвю явно обитают призраки – Мона понимает это, едва переступив порог дома. Готическая атмосфера виллы таит много тайн и загадок. Кем были ее хозяева? Почему нигде нет их фотографий? И почему дедушка так странно себя ведет и так хорошо ориентируется внутри дома? Вторая история – это рассказ дедушки о его детстве во время Второй мировой войны. История этого дома представлена, в основном, в виде цветных иллюстраций – мы словно оказываемся внутри фильма и видим все глазами дедушки много лет назад. Примечательно, что цвет в книге появляется при упоминании о прошлом виллы Бельвю, а настоящее время, где живет Мона, – черно-белое, как печаль девочки. Как читать книгу В книге есть и тайна из прошлого, и призрак, и история о войне, и история о дружбе и предательстве, о любви и потерях, и неожиданная развязка. Часть истории (рассказ дедушки Моны) передана в виде иллюстраций с минимум текста. Читателям предлагается додумать, дорассказать по прекрасным иллюстрациям эту историю, понять, что осталось «за кадром». В графической части книги много отсылок к произведениям живописи – Хильмы аф Клинт, Хелены Шерфбек, Винсента ван Гога. Можно попробовать найти их все. Для кого эта книга Для детей в возрасте от 11 лет. Для взрослых, которые любят красивые книги и ностальгические истории.

Дед Смеховик и ночные антистрашилки

Элви Андраскин

Перед тем, как ляжешь спать, не забудь похохотать! И снова Дед Смеховик веселит нас своими историями. Смехотерапия продолжается! В этой книге мы перевернули ночные страшилки с ног на голову. Взяли стереотипы детских страхов и показали их с лёгкой иронией, чтоб они перестали пугать детей и их родителей.

Русские классики детям: Рассказы Ивана Тургенева

Иван Тургенев

Студия «Ардис» представляет собранные вместе рассказы Ивана Тургенева, рассказы, доступные восприятию детей младшего и среднего школьного возраста. Некоторые из них, такие как «Муму», «Бежин луг», на протяжении многих десятков лет включаются в школьную программу, другие менее известны, но все они наполнены красотой родной природы, особыми русскими характерами, душевными переживаниями героев и автора. В аудиокнигу включены произведения: «Хорь и Калиныч», «Льгов», «Бежин луг», «Касьян с Красивой мечи», «Бирюк», «Певцы», «Стучит!», «Лес и степь», «Муму», «Поездка в Полесье», «Собака», «Пунин и Бабурин», «О соловьях», «Пэгаз», «Пожар на море», «Перепелка», «Разговор на большой дороге», «Деревня», «Нищий», «Маша», «Воробей», «Милостыня», «Щи», «Христос».

The Fowl Twins

Eoin Colfer

Criminal genius runs in the family… Myles and Beckett Fowl are twins but the two boys are wildly different. Beckett is blonde, messy and sulks whenever he has to wear clothes. Myles is impeccably neat, has an IQ of 170, and 3D prints a fresh suit every day – just like his older brother, Artemis Fowl. A week after their eleventh birthday the twins are left in the care of house security system, NANNI, for a single night. In that time, they befriend a troll on the run from a nefarious nobleman and an interrogating nun both of whom need the magical creature for their own gain… Prepare for an epic adventure in which The Fowl Twins and their new troll friend escape, get shot at, kidnapped, buried, arrested, threatened, killed (temporarily)… and discover that the strongest bond in the world is not the one forged by covalent electrons in adjacent atoms, but the one that exists between a pair of twins. The first book in the blockbusting new series from global bestseller Eoin Colfer.

Dr. Seuss’s Sleep Book

Dr. Seuss

A sleepy tale full of wonderful yawning creatures from the iconic Dr. Seuss, gets a brand new look! This book is the original (and the best) remedy for children who don’t want to go to sleep. Sleep thoughts are spreadingThroughout the whole landThe time for night-brushing of teeth is at hand! The original story designed specifically for putting small children to sleep, Dr. Seuss’s Sleep Book is full of wonderful yawning creatures who spread sleep thoughts at bedtime. More fun than counting sheep and more effective than the sandman, this book is the perfect remedy for children who don't want to go to sleep. With his unique combination of hilarious stories, zany pictures and riotous rhymes, Dr. Seuss has been delighting young children and helping them learn to read for over fifty years. Creator of the wonderfully anarchic Cat in the Hat, and ranking among the UK’s top ten favourite children’s authors, Seuss is firmly established as a global best-seller, with over 600 million books sold worldwide. HarperCollins continues to launch Dr. Seuss’s bestselling books in ebook, including such perennial favourites as The Cat in the Hat, Green Eggs and Ham and Fox in Socks. In response to consumer demand, the paperbacks and ebooks incorporate much needed guidance on reading levels, with the titles divided into three reading strands – Blue Back Books for parents to share with young children, Green Back Books for budding readers to tackle on their own, and Yellow Back Books for older, more fluent readers to enjoy. ‘Dr. Seuss’s Sleep Book’ belongs to the Yellow Back Book range.

Cinders and Sparks: Fairies in the Forest

Lindsey Kelk

In this second hilarious Cinders and Sparks adventure, our chaotic comedy duo head for Fairyland to find Cinders’s mother – and get more than they bargained for… Perfect for readers of 7-9 and fans of Shrek and Frozen. Cinders and her talking dog Sparks are on the run, in the Deep Dark Forest, after Cinders performed magic at the castle and made everyone think she was a witch. The hapless Hansel is on the run with them, but only because he ate some of an actual witch’s gingerbread house and she got cross. If they can reach Fairyland, maybe they’ll all be safe. In the forest they will find three bears, a multitude of ridiculous adventures and one woman called Rapunzel in a tower. But Rapunzel may not be what she seems… Will Hansel eat the three bears’ porridge? Will Sparks offer useless advice at every turn? Will Brian the fairy godmother appear and actually help for once? The answers are: yes, yes and no.

A Crystal of Time

Soman Chainani

In this fifth instalment in Soman Chainani's bestselling fantasy series, The School for Good and Evil, Sophie, Agatha, and their friends must find a way to overthrow the sinister evil that twists lies into the truth and seeks to rewrite their story. A traitor has seized Camelot’s throne, sentencing Tedros, the true king, to death. Tedros’s queen, Agatha, narrowly escapes, but their friend Sophie is trapped. She is forced to play a dangerous game as her wedding to the false king fast approaches, and all the while her friends’ lives hang in the balance. Now Agatha and the other students at the School for Good and Evil must find a way to restore Tedros to his rightful place on the throne and save Camelot – before all of their fairy tales come to a lethal end, and the future of the Endless Woods is rewritten forever…


Derek Landy

The 12th explosive novel in the internationally bestselling Skulduggery Pleasant series, BEDLAM will blow your mind – and change everything… On a desperate journey to recover her sister's lost soul, Valkyrie Cain goes up against the High Sanctuary itself, and there's nothing Skulduggery Pleasant can do to stop her. With Abyssinia's grand plan about to kick off in a night of magic, terror, and bloodshed, it falls to Omen Darkly to save the lives of thousands of innocent people. And as the madness unfolds around him, as hidden enemies step into the light, and as Valkyrie is sucked into a desperate, lawless quest of her own, he has no choice but to become the hero he never really wanted to be – or die in the attempt.

The Princess Rules

Philippa Gregory

Princess Florizella may live in a classic fairy-tale world, but she’s no ordinary princess… These three stories were originally published under the titles Princess Florizella, Princess Florizella and the Wolves and Princess Florizella and the Giant. They were originally dedicated to her daughter but have been reimagined in this edition which she has dedicated to her grandchildren. “Princess Florizella was friends with some of the princesses who had studied the Princess Rules, and behaved just as the Rules said they should. Florizella thought their hair was lovely: so golden and so very long. And their clothes were nice: so richly embroidered. And their shoes were delightful: so tiny and handmade in silk. But their days bored her to death…” Instead, Princess Florizella rides her horse, Jellybean, all over the kingdom, having adventures of her own…

The Queen’s Resistance

Rebecca Ross

In this sequel to The Queen’s Rising, Brienna has chosen passion over blood, but can she put her country before her heart? Perfect for fans of SIX OF CROWS and Sarah J. Maas. Finally, Brienna is a mistress of knowledge and is settling into her role as the daughter of Davin MacQuinn, a disgraced lord who returned to Maevana to reclaim his house. Though she’s just survived a revolution, one that will finally return a queen to the throne, she faces another difficult challenge. She must prove herself trustworthy to the MacQuinns. But as Queen Isolde Kavanagh’s closest confidant, she’ll have to balance serving her father’s house as well as her country. And then there’s Cartier Evariste, a wholly separate factor in her new life. Now known as Aodhan Morgane, Cartier is adjusting to the stark contrast between his pre-rebellion life in Valenia as a master of knowledge and his current one as the lord of a fallen house. During his castle’s restoration, he discovers a ten-year-old boy named Tomas, whose past and parentage are a complete mystery. So when Cartier’s former pupil Brienna is as fond of Tomas as he is, he lets his mind wander – what if he doesn’t have to raise him or his house alone? As the Lannon trial rapidly approaches, Brienna and Cartier must put their feelings aside to concentrate on forging alliances, executing justice, and ensuring that no one interferes with the queen’s coronation. But resistance is rumbling among the old regime’s supporters, who are desperate to find a weakness in the rebels’ forces. And nothing makes a person more vulnerable than deep-seated love.