Shotgun Justice. Angi Morgan

Зарубежные детективы.

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Shotgun Justice

Год выпуска 0

isbn 9781474039468

Автор произведения Angi Morgan

Жанр Зарубежные детективы


Издательство HarperCollins

DUTY, DESIRE AND WHERE TO DRAW THE LINEAs a Texas Ranger, it was Jesse Ryder’s duty to protect her. As a man, it was all he could do to avoid the temptation of Avery Travis. The Snake Eyes Killer was on Avery’s trail, but the independent deputy didn’t want Jesse’s help. And he couldn’t blame her; he had walked away from her the night she’d offered him everything.Avery knew Jesse would always think of her as his best friend’s little sister. However, she was fully capable of taking care of herself…and knowing what and who she wanted. Their lives might be in jeopardy, but the true tragedy would be to never have one more chance with the sexy Ranger.