A Touch Of Love. Sheryl Lister

Современные любовные романы.

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A Touch Of Love

Год выпуска 0

isbn 9781474080002

Автор произведения Sheryl Lister

Жанр Современные любовные романы


Издательство HarperCollins

A passion to believe inLexia Daniels can’t deny that her café’s most loyal customer is as tempting as any of the delicious treats she bakes. Burned by a bitter divorce, she tries to keep her desire in check around Khalil Gray, but the gorgeous ex-model is intent on seduction. Then a devastating accident reveals the complicated man behind the perfectly sculpted body…. A man she can't seem to resist.At first, Khalil sees Lexia as a sexy challenge. But after an explosion shattered his world, she’s become the only person he can’t seem to push away. And every sign around him is telling him he needs her close. Khalil is happy to explore their erotic chemistry as long as it means resisting real emotion. But playing by his old rules could cost him the love he never thought he’d find…