Beekeeping For Beginners. Timothy Tripp


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Beekeeping For Beginners

Год выпуска 0

isbn 9781683050711

Автор произведения Timothy Tripp

Жанр Биология


Издательство Ingram

Many people would like to make their own honey but think it's a very complicated, involved process. The truth is that beekeeping is a very simple undertaking and nearly anyone can learn to do it. It's a fascinating hobby that you can enjoy for years, spending very little of your own money but reaping enormous benefits. Things to think about–what will you do with the honey? Is it a hobby or a business? Do you garden a lot? Don't use pesticides if you have bees. Your neighbors may be using them and you can try to bribe them to stop with the promise of honey. Farmers nearby won't stop but bees do build up a tolerance to certain chemicals.