Happiness Is Just a Breath Away. Kawena

Личностный рост.

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Happiness Is Just a Breath Away

Год выпуска 0

isbn 9781742981772

Автор произведения Kawena

Жанр Личностный рост


Издательство Ingram

Discover the Secrets of High Energy, Passion and Enthusiasm for Life.<br /> <br />You will be: Happier, Healthier, More confident, Highly energised,<br /> <br />Kawena (80 years young) is inspiring and motivating in sharing her lifetime secrets. Kawena credits this to being a great believer in the Power of the Breath and the Power of the Mind. &quot;My happiness and enthusiasm have never been stronger. I am healthier and have much more energy than at middle age.&quot;<br /> <br />You will learn:<br />– Power Breathing for high energy and vitality<br />– Power Affirmations to motivate you each day<br />– Power of the Mind to keep you 'out of the rut'<br />– Self Healing to support your health<br />– Manifesting to create the life you want<br />– Confidence &amp; Self Esteem with self respect<br />– Intuitive Awareness to guide your life direction<br />– Spiritually Uplifting Meditations to sooth the soul<br />– Loving &amp; Gifting to empower your life and others