Bride of the War. Doris Alma (Taylor)

Биографии и Мемуары.

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Bride of the War

Год выпуска 0

isbn 9780963355843

Автор произведения Doris Alma (Taylor)

Жанр Биографии и Мемуары


Издательство Ingram

With a warm, genuine voice, Provenzano draws you into her life in war-torn Liverpool, filled with air raids and blackouts, backyard shelters, incendiary bombs on parachutes, food rations and grade-school gas masks.<br><br>She marries an Italian-American GI at the age of 17, and brings us across the choppy Atlantic in a converted cattle ship, heading for post-war America, train rides, headlines in newspapers and sudden deaths. Longing for mother England and friends back home, she paints a picture of her own headstrong children, journeys back home and abroad, and unexpected twists of fate.<br><br>A unique blend of eyewitness history, nostalgia and the joy and pain of American immigrant family life, this lively, illustrated story reminds us of the &#39;Greatest Generation&#39; and their hard-earned independence. With heart and a British &quot;Scouser&quot; sense of humor, Provenzano will bring a tear to your eye, and a smile to your face.