Off Her Rocker. Jennifer Archer

Современные любовные романы.

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Off Her Rocker

Год выпуска 0


Автор произведения Jennifer Archer

Жанр Современные любовные романы


Издательство HarperCollins

Twenty years ago Dana Logan reacted to this statement as any new mother would–with disbelief. Tomorrow? Didn't the years ahead stretch like a long, sunny road…with no end in sight?Well, Dana's just fallen into that end. Hard. It's as if her whole life has been a prep course–only, without warning, they've canceled the test. Her children don't seem to need anything she is able to give.Okay–so she'll just have to find someone who does want what she has to offer. If she has to drive into hell to do it…Judging by the sign she just passed–"Welcome to Hell. Population 512"–she already has….