Cowboy Alibi. Paula Graves

Зарубежные детективы.

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Cowboy Alibi

Год выпуска 0


Автор произведения Paula Graves

Жанр Зарубежные детективы


Издательство HarperCollins

For months, cop Joe Garrison had followed every lead to fi nd the woman he held responsible for his brother's death. Now, as he fi nally stood face-to-face with her, he knew justice would have to wait. It seemed the woman who conjured up memories within him both painful and passionate had recently lost her own. Torn between believing she had amnesia and turning her in, the tough lawman had his answer when the true killer surfaced.On the run, desperate for the truth, Joe gave in to his passions. He wanted to show this woman, who had no recollection of the past they'd shared, a future could be possible. If only danger didn't intervene….