Vital Signs. Bobby Hutchinson

Современные любовные романы.

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Vital Signs

Год выпуска 0


Автор произведения Bobby Hutchinson

Жанр Современные любовные романы


Издательство HarperCollins

EMERGENCY!Pulse: NormalTemperature: NormalHeart: Out of control!Pediatric nurse Hailey Bergstrom, a nurturing but plain woman, knows the score. For her there will be no romance, no marriage, no child of her own.And then a little boy badly in need of a warm, caring home appears on her ward, and social worker Roy Zedyck walks into her life.Suddenly Hailey's heart is out of control–with love for both the child and Roy.Gentle Roy, who feels as deeply for Hailey as she does for him.And then chooses to deal Hailey's hopeful heart a blow that will send her reeling…