The Ghost of Hemlock Canyon. Harold Bindloss


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The Ghost of Hemlock Canyon

Год выпуска 0

isbn 9783754952610

Автор произведения Harold Bindloss

Жанр Языкознание


Издательство Bookwire

"All was quiet at the Marvin ranch-house by the British Columbian lake, and across the shining water a tranquil sunset glimmered on the snow. The head of the lake was narrow, and for a space along the other shore, the dark pines' reflections trembled on the glassy surface. The lake, however, was not at rest. Slow ripples splashed the gravel, and where a rock rose from the depths wrinkling lines curved about the stone."
Western mystery novel set in the Canadian Northwest. Published under the title «Footsteps» in the UK