Don Pendleton

Список книг автора Don Pendleton

    Stealth Sweep

    Don Pendleton

    A conspiracy deep within China threatens the balance of global power and stability. A rogue major from Chinese Intelligence is a mastermind with the patience and resources to spend years executing a plan of attack to expand Chinese territory into world domination.Zero hour for his lunatic dream has arrived, backed by a sophisticated new weapon. Remote-controlled stealth attack drones have been smuggled in cargo containers to strategic strike points.Under the radar, the first drones launch with the intent to cripple China's own retaliatory capabilities. Mack Bolan infiltrates the conspiracy in Hong Kong, fighting the odds and the convergence of hostiles in a defensive sweep that includes PLA soldiers, Red Star guards and Chinese Intelligence. Bolan's on a mission to terminate with extreme prejudice while, unchecked, the drones wait patiently for orders to release their deadly cargo of nuclear bombs around the world.…

    State Of War

    Don Pendleton

    Death floods the streets of Florida as rival gangs kill for blood rights to the distribution of a new synthetic drug, Crocodil. The Russian substitute for heroin, it's the ultimate prize in the drug turf wars–a cheap high that brings even cheaper death.As rival Mexican and Salvadoran cartels shoot it out for kingpin status, Mack Bolan joins the war. Unleashing incendiary hell on gang territory in Miami, he blasts his way through a pipeline that leads south to Guatemala, where a corrupt Swiss pharmaceutical company has set up manufacturing. Allied with a couple of locals equally dedicated to stopping this lethal fix before it hits Main Street, U.S.A., Bolan faces an army of hard-core mercenaries and miles of cartel blood lust. Outgunned but never outmaneuvered, the Executioner doesn't soft-sell his brand of payback to these merchants of human misery. Bolan goes in hard and without mercy.

    Shadow Strike

    Don Pendleton

    Eco-Armageddon is the goal of a far-reaching plan with the scope, vision and power to strike oil rigs around the globe. With unprecedented disaster looming, Mack Bolan begins the hunt to identify and stop the terror dealers behind the threat.A trail that starts in Brooklyn's underworld leads to black market underwater mines, the looting and sinking of a British destroyer carrying gold, and the purchase of Hercules transports in Miami. The long arm of the terrorist operation, brilliantly organized by a vengeance-hungry madman, is soon to be hijacked by the Russian mob. Adding rocket torpedoes to the punishing arsenal, the enemy is all but invincible, possessing the technology, the soldiers and the greed to kill millions and doom the world.

    Savage Rule

    Don Pendleton

    The rise of two ironfisted dictators creates a stunning national security threat for the American government: open war with Mexico. The volatile leaders of Honduras and Mexico have a blood deal financed by black gold, an oil pipeline built across Guatemala.Mack Bolan accepts a clear directive from the Man–stop the guerrilla raids and repel the invasion force.Bolan brings hell to Honduras, smashing the pipeline and blitzing through the shock troops spreading waves of terror across Central America. Gaining and keeping the battlefield momentum is Bolan's stock in trade. But the end game means neutralizing a violent incursion onto U.S. soil and toppling two brutal regimes by any and all means necessary.

    Road Of Bones

    Don Pendleton

    Dispatched on a high-priority search-and-rescue mission, Mack Bolan becomes a moving target in the cold heart of Siberia. He's on a motorcycle hell ride along a thousand miles of broken, battered highway. Known as the Road of Bones, it's a mass grave to thousands of slave laborers buried during Stalin's iron rule.A defecting Russian intelligence agent's testimony stands to aim heavy artillery at Russian mobsters in America. To silence her, a hunter-killer team of secret police and gangsters engage in hot pursuit. The enemy has the edge: manpower, weapons and homefield advantage. For Bolan, it's a one-way trip on an open road effectively sealed at both ends by death squads. Every mile survived brings them both either closer to freedom…or ultimate doom.


    Don Pendleton

    A raid on a sex slave depot on the U.S. eastern seaboard is the launching pad of an international firestorm for Mack Bolan.His target–the Albanian mafia–is rapidly expanding its American network with help from the resurrected Kosovar terrorist group, the KLA. After mopping up the mob's stateside end of the pipeline, Bolan and a beautiful Russian agent track the long reach of drugs, human trafficking and black-market arms sales across the Atlantic to the port city of Marseille, France. Bolan blazes a trail of incendiary retribution through corrupt officials, Corsican drug lords and terrorist infrastructure. At the top of his death game, he plays to his enemy's weaknesses, inciting betrayal and panic. But the main event lies across the Adriatic, where the godfather of the Albanian mob is about to get a visit from the Executioner–and a one-way ticket to his own personal hell.

    Radical Edge

    Don Pendleton

    A hijacked tanker train loaded with fuel quickly becomes a high-octane weapon targeted at a massive oil field outside Dallas. The domestic terrorist group behind this savage plot is intent on delivering a double blow of homegrown hell by sending the U.S. economy an incendiary shockwave and slaughtering an entire community of migrant oil workers.Mack Bolan's mission turns into a death race to secure the speeding bomb and rescue the innocent hostages being used as human shields. When–and if–he succeeds, his directive expands to capturing the neo-Nazi leader alive. But Bolan's got a vengeance-hungry rogue FBI agent on his tail, taking aim at anyone standing in the way of his personal vendetta. And when the mission takes to the streets of Houston, Bolan joins a blood pursuit where only the winner survives.

    Oblivion Pact

    Don Pendleton

    Hell on EarthWhen a firefight breaks out in Mexico, the blitz leaves countless dead and Apache gunships in the hands of an Australian self-made millionaire and the soldiers of his white supremacist group. This in turn puts Mack Bolan in grim pursuit. Hijacking the ordnance turns out to be the first move in a campaign of terror that arms the enemy with an arsenal of experimental limpet mines. The killing sweep then strikes the Cayman Islands, with the object of stealing a supercomputer to control the limpets. And a deadly demonstration off the coast of Brazil leaves no doubt that World War III is the millionaire's ultimate goal.Now all things from satellites to rockets are hands-on weapons of terror to cripple global defenses. Cities around the world will burn unless Bolan–using everything he's got–can dispatch the enemy into eternal darkness.

    Kill Shot

    Don Pendleton

    The terror begins with ruthless precision when the clock strikes noon. Gunfire rings out in major cities along the East Coast.Innocent Americans fall, each from a direct kill shot. After witnessing a hit in Baltimore, Mack Bolan dives into battle against an unknown but powerful enemy. Across the country, the coordinated strikes continue, but law enforcement is unable to stop the deadly sniper attacks.Bolan goes hard, shouldering the burden of dismantling a plot to turn the United States into a police state. At the heart of the conspiracy, sworn enemies have joined for a unified goal: the nuclear devastation of the Middle East. As blood spills and the country heads toward martial law, Bolan sights his crosshairs on ruthless radicals and their nightmare agenda.


    Don Pendleton

    With bloodied hands in everything from child porn to identity theft and spam scams, an elusive Russian cybercrime organization is poised for the big score. They've hacked into Wall Street's financial systems with a big prize at stake.Called upon for a blitz, Mack Bolan takes the network's top hacker into custody. Using the tech wizard to help him infiltrate the group's Manhattan ranks, Bolan poses as a gun for hire.Battered by intelligence leaks and enemy fire from New York to Boston, Bolan stays in grim pursuit. The complete destruction of the organization's infrastructure is priority one. If he stays lucky–and alive–Bolan will turn his sights on the scheme's mastermind. Nothing less than all-out war at the kingpin's Hamptons fortress and his Russian stronghold will deliver the justice Bolan demands for the victims of this ruthless enterprise.