Don Pendleton

Список книг автора Don Pendleton

    Dead Reckoning

    Don Pendleton

    FINAL PAYBACKThe United States consulate in Jordan is firebombed, its staff mercilessly killed. With the group responsible scattered to hideouts in war-torn hot spots around the globe, Mack Bolan has to hit these terrorists hard before they can warn one another.Soon Bolan is turning safe houses and desert refuges into killing fields as he battles to take down the terrorists three by three. But the last of the group vanishes just as Bolan discovers their ultimate target: an international conference in Switzerland headed by the American President. The world’s leaders are caught in the crosshairs, and the Executioner has to stop the splinter group before they strike a global deathblow.

    Death Minus Zero

    Don Pendleton

    STONY MANWhen innocence is under attack, the Stony Man teams are primed to hit the battlefield. Operating under the President’s orders, the world’s best black ops warriors and cyber techs are willing to pay the ultimate price to uphold freedom.LAST DEFENSEWashington goes on full alert when Chinese operatives kidnap the creator of a vital US defense system, a top secret orbiting platform. Tracking the missing scientist to the Swiss Alps, Phoenix Force has to rescue the captive before torture forces him to give up the platform’s secrets—putting millions of lives at risk. While Phoenix Force is overseas, Able Team uncovers a plot to take over the system’s mission control facility. Both teams are outnumbered and outgunned, but they’ll do whatever it takes to stop America’s enemies from holding the entire country hostage.

    Powder Burn

    Don Pendleton

    A ruthless Colombian drug lord has launched a deadly campaign targeting DEA agents and U.S. diplomats. With the body count growing and the American government powerless, Mack Bolan is called in as a last resort to infiltrate the criminal syndicate and destroy the chain of command before more innocent blood is shed.As the number of attacks grows, Bolan knows he must shut down the operation quickly. But the cartel's ruthless expansion plan is well under way, and surrendering is not an option. Backed up by a group of right-wing terrorists, the cartel's leader has declared war on any organization–or man–that stands in his way. There's just one flaw in the plan…no one expected the Executioner.

    Pele's Fire

    Don Pendleton

    When six U.S. naval officers disappear inexplicably while on leave in Honolulu, Mack Bolan is suspicious.Then an informant emerges from the Hawaiian underground with claims that a nationalist group has escalated its home-rule rhetoric to militant action. He claims Pele's Fire is planning a devastating terrorist attack somewhere on the islands. There aren't any obvious links between the two events, but Bolan spots a potentially deadly chain.The masterminds of terror are desperate to eradicate any possibility the traitor who has cooled to their cause will keep them from executing their shocking plan. It's up to Bolan to protect the informant and stop the attack–making the Executioner both hunter and prey.

    Patriot Acts

    Don Pendleton

    A political assassination in Los Angeles leads to a red alert when the gunman then declares war against Washington. Trained by a secret organization within the U.S. government, the sniper is relentless in his quest to make a better America–even if it means killing millions of innocent people along the way.With the free world in jeopardy, Mack Bolan must stop the rogue agent before the man unleashes his plan. But it's going to take more than weapons to win this battle. Armed with the same deadly skills as Bolan, the misguided killer could be the Executioner's ultimate foe.

    Outback Assault

    Don Pendleton

    Be Just or Be DeadWhen a paid assassin starts killing innocent people, it's time to take him out. But while eliminating one killer, Mack Bolan stumbles onto a deadly drug pipeline that takes him deep into the Australian Outback–and into the heart of the Asian mob.To destroy the enemy Bolan must protect the one thing standing in the Triad's way–a young Aboriginal girl. With the Triad and a highly trained covert team–funded by the dead assassin's partner–tracking him, the Executioner is caught in a lethal cross fire. To survive, he'll have to use skills he never knew he had.

    Nuclear Storm

    Don Pendleton

    An ecoterrorist group has set up base in a secluded part of Yellowstone National Park with a plan to save the planet. Believing mankind is a virus that must be eradicated, the group has set in motion a plot to kill millions in seconds and leave the rest of the human race on the verge of extinction.Nothing will throw them off course–including any campers who try to stop them. But Mack Bolan isn't your average outdoorsman.Unarmed, with only his wits and nature on his side as the clock ticks down to a nuclear disaster, Bolan knows the best chance for saving countless innocent lives and averting a global crisis is through guerilla warfare. The terrorists may be on a mission to destroy man, but the Executioner has his own elimination objectives.

    Loose Cannon

    Don Pendleton

    A jungle ambush leaves several Indonesian security forces dead, setting off a political firestorm in the volatile region. When a disgraced former U.S. ambassador emerges as the mastermind behind the attack, Mack Bolan is called in to fi nd the man before the country descends into civil war.A fugitive informant is Bolan's only lead, and as more bodies turn up along the way, he soon realizes the ambush was only the beginning of a deadly scheme. After spending years in prison, the rogue envoy is determined to exact revenge against the Indonesian government and take what he believes he deserves. But vengeance comes with a price, and the Executioner is ready to make him pay.

    Line Of Honor

    Don Pendleton

    A group of American medics and dozens of refugees are held captive after a Janjaweed war band takes control of their camp in Darfur. With the president's hands bound by political red tape, Mack Bolan launches a rescue mission using his own team of mercenaries.But there is more to the terrorists than guns and violence. With the Sudanese government's support, the Janjaweed group has become an unyielding force in the region. As the enemy troops close in, Bolan soon realizes he could be leading his men into a death mission. But there's no turning back. Without him, the captives have no chance of survival–and the Executioner will not let them down.

    Lethal Diversion

    Don Pendleton

    HIDE AND SEEKTerrorists have hidden a massive bomb in Detroit, but the White House and local police have no idea when and where it's going to go off. One thing is certain, thousands will die in the explosion unless Mack Bolan can intercept the device before time runs out.As each lead results in more dead bodies but surprisingly little intel, Bolan is convinced that this is a well-planned venture and that he and the police are mere pawns in the mastermind's scheme. But that's about to change. Tired of being led on a wild-goose chase and with the clock counting down, the Executioner is shifting the rules of the game–the hunter is about to become the hunted.