«Энн из Зелёных Крыш» – один из самых известных романов канадской писательницы Люси Монтгомери (англ. Lucy Montgomery, 1874-1942). *** Марилла и Мэтью Касберт из Грингейбла, что на острове Принца Эдуарда, решают усыновить мальчика из приюта. Но по непредвиденному стечению обстоятельств к ним попадает девочка Энн Ширли. Другими выдающимися произведениями Л. Монтгомери являются «История девочки», «Золотая дорога», «Энн с острова Принца Эдуарда», «Энн и Дом Мечты» и «Эмили из Молодого месяца».
«Аня из Авонлеи» – роман канадской писательницы Люси Мод Монтгомери, продолжение книги «Аня из Зелёных Мезонинов». Аня Ширли взрослеет, теперь она учительница в школе в Авонлее. Ей предстоит построить отношения с учениками, дать им знания и научить мечтать. Аня, хоть и выросла, но осталась такой же восторженной мечтательницей. Свои фантазии девушка воплощает в жизнь, преображая мир вокруг. Иллюстрации к роману «Аня из Авонлеи» нарисовала художница Мария Рязанцева. Ей очень точно удалось передать лёгкость и мечтательность Ани Ширли. Цикл книг об Ане из Зелёных Мезонинов – один из самых популярных циклов в англоязычной детской литературе. Весёлая и деятельная Аня Ширли сразу полюбилась читателям, новые книги ждали с нетерпением. По книгам цикла снимались фильмы и сериалы. Роман «Аня из Авонлеи» лёг в основу фильма «Аня из Зелёных Мезонинов. Продолжение». Для среднего школьного возраста. В формате PDF A4 сохранён издательский дизайн.
HarperCollins is proud to present its incredible range of best-loved, essential classics.‘A tall, slim girl, ‘half-past sixteen’, with serious gray eyes and hair which her friends called auburn…’Anne Shirley, now a young woman, is a new teacher at Avonlea School. As she learns to cope with the ups and downs of life, she is accompanied by some familiar faces, as well as new friends: the twins Davy and Dora, Mr. Harrison and his foul-mouthed parrot Ginger. With fiery red hair and an adventurous attitude, our vivacious heroine cannot stop getting herself into yet more scrapes.First published in 1909, Anne of Avonlea is the delightful second chapter in the popular Anne of Green Gables series.
Linda Grant, beset by medical bills and other pressing obligations, tells her children that they will not be celebrating Christmas this year. Older Keith takes the news in stride, while younger Teddy angrily insists he will have his Christmas turkey one way or another. When the neighborhood schoolteacher drops by to extend an invitation to Christmas dinner from Cornelia Millar, Linda's estranged cousin, it begins to look as if Christmas will happen after all. The Christmas stories of the famous authors: Gilbert Keith Chesterton – A Christmas Carol, Lucy Maud Montgomery – A Christmas Inspiration, A Christmas Mistake, Christmas at Red Butte, Lyman Frank Baum -A Kidnapped Santa Claus, Mark Twain – A Letter from Santa Claus, Louisa May Alcott – A Merry Christmas, Leo Tolstoy – A Russian Christmas Party, Henry Wadsworth Longfellow – Christmas Bells, Nikolai Gogol – Christmas Eve, William Dean Howells – Christmas Everyday, Joseph Rudyard Kipling – Christmas in India, Lyman Frank Baum – Little Bun Rabbit, Elizabeth Harrison – Little Gretchen and the Wooden Shoe, John Milton – On the Morning of Christ’s Nativity, Charles Dickens – The Chimes, Hans Christian Andersen – The Fir Tree, Selma Lagerlöf – The Holy Night, Hans Christian Andersen – The Little Match Girl, Clement Moore – The Night Before Christmas, Henry van Dyke – The Other Wise Man, William Dean Howells – The Pony Engine and the Pacific Express, Beatrix Potter – The Tailor of Gloucester, Henry Wadsworth Longfellow – The Three Kings, Anton Chehov – Vanka.
“Christmas at Red Butte” – it is one of Lucy Maud Montgomery's short stories, and can most likely be found in one of her short story collections, which would be a better value. Christmas at Red Butte is about an orphaned girl, Theodora, who sacrifices her one family memento so her cousins can have Christmas. What will Christmas bring? I particularly appreciated the tight plotting, in which Theodora is not only rewarded for her act of selflessness, she saves a life because of her decision to sacrifice her own cherished possession for the sake of the family. It’s nice to think the universe works like that, especially during the holiday season. And that’s quite a trick on Montgomery’s part. Theodora knew the locket had cost a great deal more than that, but four dollars would get what she wanted, and she dared not ask for more. In a few minutes the locket was in Mr. Benson’s possession, and Theodora, with four crisp new bills in her purse, was hurrying to the toy store. Half an hour later she was on her way back to Red Butte, with as many parcels as she could carry—Jimmy’s skates, two lovely dolls for the twins, packages of nuts and candy, and a nice plump turkey. Theodora beguiled her lonely tramp by picturing the children’s joy in the morning. The Christmas stories of the famous authors: Gilbert Keith Chesterton – A Christmas Carol, Lucy Maud Montgomery – A Christmas Inspiration, A Christmas Mistake, Christmas at Red Butte, Lyman Frank Baum -A Kidnapped Santa Claus, Mark Twain – A Letter from Santa Claus, Louisa May Alcott – A Merry Christmas, Leo Tolstoy – A Russian Christmas Party, Henry Wadsworth Longfellow – Christmas Bells, Nikolai Gogol – Christmas Eve, William Dean Howells – Christmas Everyday, Joseph Rudyard Kipling – Christmas in India, Lyman Frank Baum – Little Bun Rabbit, Elizabeth Harrison – Little Gretchen and the Wooden Shoe, John Milton – On the Morning of Christ’s Nativity, Charles Dickens – The Chimes, Nathaniel Hawthorne -The Christmas Banquet, Hans Christian Andersen – The Fir Tree, Selma Lagerlöf – The Holy Night, Hans Christian Andersen – The Little Match Girl, Clement Moore – The Night Before Christmas, Henry van Dyke – The Other Wise Man, William Dean Howells – The Pony Engine and the Pacific Express, Beatrix Potter – The Tailor of Gloucester, Henry Wadsworth Longfellow – The Three Kings, Anton Chehov – Vanka.
“A Christmas Inspiration” is a short Christmas story first published in 1901. It is a wonderful story written by world-famous Canadian author L. M. Montgomery. As in the most of her Christmas story in this one Montgomery emphasizes the place of simple human kindness in this holiday. We are glad to present you a classical example of Montgomery's creation! It is highly recommended for anyone who wants to read a beautiful Christmas story! Christmas is widely considered as the most wonderful time of the year for many reasons. It is amazing time when we think of old traditions, Santa Claus and presents, a beautiful festival that unites our families. And Christmas stories help us to feel the joy of the holiday season like no other. The Christmas stories of the famous authors: Gilbert Keith Chesterton – A Christmas Carol, Lucy Maud Montgomery – A Christmas Inspiration, A Christmas Mistake, Christmas at Red Butte, Lyman Frank Baum -A Kidnapped Santa Claus, Mark Twain – A Letter from Santa Claus, Louisa May Alcott – A Merry Christmas, Leo Tolstoy – A Russian Christmas Party, Henry Wadsworth Longfellow – Christmas Bells, Nikolai Gogol – Christmas Eve, William Dean Howells – Christmas Everyday, Joseph Rudyard Kipling – Christmas in India, Lyman Frank Baum – Little Bun Rabbit, Elizabeth Harrison – Little Gretchen and the Wooden Shoe, John Milton – On the Morning of Christ’s Nativity, Charles Dickens – The Chimes, Nathaniel Hawthorne -The Christmas Banquet, Hans Christian Andersen – The Fir Tree, Selma Lagerlöf – The Holy Night, Hans Christian Andersen – The Little Match Girl, Clement Moore – The Night Before Christmas, Henry van Dyke – The Other Wise Man, William Dean Howells – The Pony Engine and the Pacific Express, Beatrix Potter – The Tailor of Gloucester, Henry Wadsworth Longfellow – The Three Kings, Anton Chehov – Vanka.