THE TRIAL is a novel written by Franz Kafka from 1914 to 1915 and published in 1925. One of his best-known works, it tells the story of a man arrested and prosecuted by a remote, inaccessible authority, with the nature of his crime revealed neither to him nor to the reader. Heavily influenced by Dostoyevsky's Crime and Punishment and The Brothers Karamazov, Kafka even went so far as to call Dostoevsky a blood relative. Like Kafka's other novels, The Trial was never completed, although it does include a chapter which brings the story to an end. After Kafka's death in 1924 his friend and literary executor Max Brod edited the text for publication by Verlag Die Schmiede. The original manuscript is held at the Museum of Modern Literature, Marbach am Neckar, Germany. The first English language translation, by Willa and Edwin Muir, was published in 1937. In 1999, the book was listed in Le Monde's 100 Books of the Century and as No. 2 of the Best German Novels of the Twentieth Century. (more on:
THE METAMORPHOSIS (German: Die Verwandlung, also sometimes translated as The Transformation) is a novella by Franz Kafka, first published in 1915. It has been called one of the seminal works of fiction of the 20th century and is studied in colleges and universities across the Western world. The story begins with a traveling salesman, Gregor Samsa, waking to find himself trans¬formed (metamorphosed) into a large, monstrous insect-like creature. The cause of Gregor's transformation is never revealed, and Kafka himself never gave an explanation. The rest of Kafka's novella deals with Gregor's attempts to adjust to his new condition as he deals with being burdensome to his parents and sister, who are repelled by the horrible, verminous creature Gregor has become.
In the days when hunger could be cultivated and practiced as an art form, the individuals who practiced it were often put on show for all to see. One man who was so devout in his pursuit of hunger pushed against the boundaries set by the circus that housed him and strived to go longer than forty days without food. As interest in his art began to fade, he pushed the boundaries even further. In this short story about one man's plight to prove his worth, Franz Kafka illustrates the themes of self-hatred, dedication, and spiritual yearning.
Escrita amb el seu estil directe i minuciós, d'advocat acusador, Carta al pare és un extens memorial de greuges amb què Franz Kafka interpel·la el seu pare Hermann —distant i autoritari— per retreure-li tots els errors i faltes que ha comès en la seva relació, i també totes les mancances afectives. Alhora és una clau imprescindible per entendre la vida i l'obra de Kafka, les seves arrels més profundes, les seves angoixes i ferides més íntimes. Segurament Kafka és qui va encarnar millor l'angoixa i l'opressió del segle xx, en què els individus s'enfronten a forces que —com el pare— són massa poderoses i incomprensibles. La seva escriptura, oscil·lant sempre entre una prodigiosa imaginació simbòlica i el realisme més precís, va transcendir el món literari. I Carta al pare ens mostra un Kafka genuí, descarnat, gairebé torrencial, arravatador.