Conveying six centuries of gallantry, serving as the world capital of fashion and love, Paris is the very symbol of eroticism and of joyful sexuality. Offenbach, in La Vie Parisienne, had already created a hymn dedicated to the pleasure of senses. The author, with complete freedom, follows André Malraux’s approach by building an imaginary museum, in a Paris where time no longer exists, space is never-ending, and desire is always present. The iconography is exceptional, coming from unpublished private collections and covering five centuries of Paris’ erotic story. It is accompanied by an academic text which allows the reader to discover this world, never vulgar and always subtle, from when the first man looked at the first woman: eroticism.
In the 1920s, Berlin, once perceived as a puritan city, became the capital of lust and the debauchery of morals. It was in this capricious town that an exceptional museum dedicated entirely to eroticism opened its doors. Abandoning all aspects of voyeurism, the Erotic Museum in Berlin is a magical place in which the imagination of man and the most refined works of art interact. This remarkable book is comprised of more than 350 rare illustrations, and accompanied by a major study written by, history professor, Hans Jürgen Döpp. It covers various aspects of erotica throughout time and continents.
Amsterdam is not only famous for its canals, nor for its impressive collections of paintings by Rembrandt, Vermeer, and Van Gogh, but also for its museum dedicated to Venus, which welcomes more than 500,000 visitors per year. Travelers come from the world over, rushing to enter this unusual building next to the train station, called “The Temple of Venus”. Gathered since 1985 by Monique Van Marle and her father, this collection of erotic art work is exceptional in the quality of the objects, prints, and very old photographs. Disregarding voyeurism, this museum aims to be a privileged place exhibiting eroticism’s artistic history. The author leads us on a guided tour, supported by a rich and varied iconography.