American Reader Series

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    Alien Stories

    E.C. Osondu

    First printing: 1,000 copies. E.C. Osondu is a celebrated Nigerian-born writer and winner of the 2009 Caine Prize for African Writing. His previous short-story collection Voice of America (2011) and novel This House Is Not For Sale (2015) were published in America by HarperCollins. Osondu is an internationally recognized author whose writings have been well received in the U.S., the U.K., Germany, and Nigeria. Alien Stories will be his third U.S. publication. Alien Stories is a twist on both the “close encounter of the third kind” genre and the typical immigrant narrative. Racism, xenophobia, superstitions, and other cultural prejudices are scrutinized through stories that contain both elements of the familiar and the unknown. Stories in this collection have previously appeared in The ThreePenny Review, Guernica, Los Angeles Review of Books, and elsewhere. Strong appeal for regions with large immigrant populations. Many of the stories feature microaggressions, well-intentioned bigotry, cross-cultural adoptions, and other experiences central to immigrants.