Gold Eagle Outlanders

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    Hell's Maw

    James Axler

    HOPE'S BATTLEGROUNDEarth's secret history of alien occupation is challenged by a powerful alliance of warriors driven to reclaim humanity's birthright. But when a cruel, vicious ruler spreads a new wave of terror, the Cerberus rebels must fight for their lives.DEATH BLOOMSBeautiful, seductive and deadly, she is called Ereshkigal. Her flowerlike temple–eerie and alien–rises out of the desolate, sun-drenched desert of postapocalyptic Spain. The river of blood flowing to her temple doors is just the first sign of the horror to follow. With her army of Terror Priests eager to kill for their queen, Kane, Grant and Brigid must confront her dark power. But Ereshkigal's power to control men's lives may prove stronger than anything the Cerberus warriors have ever faced. And this evil interloper will not be satisfied until she has annihilated everything between her and total domination of Earth.

    Shadow Box

    James Axler

    The collapse of the hybrid-ruled baronies offers a glimmer of hope for an Earth free from the shackles of the alien race that has subjugated humankind since the dawn of time. But the Annunaki threat remains ominous. For the Cerberus rebels, safeguarding the future of the human race remains daunting…and deadly.A new and horrific face of the Annunaki legacy appears in the Arizona desert. A shambling humanoid monster preys on human victims, consuming their energy, burning their souls–leaving empty, mindless shells in its wake. Trapped inside this creature, the souls of rogue Igigi, once the treasured slave caste of the Annunaki, seek hosts for their physical rebirth. And no human–perhaps not even the Cerberus rebels–can stop them from reclaiming the planet of their masters for themselves….

    Dark Goddess

    James Axler

    Humanity's past lies buried beneath the ruins of near annihilation, concealed by a secret entity and its ancient blueprint to enslave mankind.But at the dawn of a far more treacherous new battle for domination, the war between humanity and its alien puppeteers is forged by a group of determined rebels whose forbidden knowledge of their inhuman enemy only begins to prepare them for what lies ahead…In her chrysalis state, Baroness Beausoleil was a betrayer, a murderer, an arch foe of mankind. How, her metamorphosis into Overlord Lilitu poses a far greater menace. But she needs human help in a plot to overthrow her brethren and seize control of the last remaining Anunnaki stronghold on Earth. Buried deep in the sands of the Sinai, a secret port can unleash the dangerous mysteries of an alien race–unless the Cerberus rebels can out a she-god with an army at her disposal…and the cunning and cruelty to wrest Earth for herself.

    Warlord Of The Pit

    James Axler

    The war to pull Earth and humanity back from the iron grip of slavery shifts against an inhuman enemy both calculating and unpredictable. For those with the knowledge and will to reclaim their planet, a blueprint for survival has emerged: to challenge the future, they must reckon with the chilling and immutable past.Several baronies have disappeared, as if swallowed by the earth. Strange disturbances lead Kane and the others to a giant sinkhole in a remote and wild area of Mexico, where reality merges with an ancient culture of sorcery. Here, a beautiful, mysterious guerilla leader wages war against a terrifying army of demons spiriting humans into the subterranean netherworld. Joining the fight, the Cerberus rebels invade the cavernous chambers of a hidden world, and confront a self-styled warlord using preDark nuclear tech to rule the depths of the planet.

    Serpent's Tooth

    James Axler

    Overlords and humanity battle to claim Earth in a war as old as the alien domination of the planet. Yet with each new offensive comes stunning new revelations–exposing mysteries that were unfathomable before Skydark but are now quite real and deadly.Still, hope lies in the brilliant counteroffensive led by the Cerberus rebels, for whom success means nothing less than returning Earth to mankind. An exotic combination of reptilian and human DNA, the Najah are the revitalized original foot soldiers of the Earth's ancient alien masters, the Annunaki. Having survived the mega cull of humanity, these half-cobra warriors vow to avenge their near extinction and usher in a new age on Earth. From a massive, underground war base in northern India, this monstrous force launches its cleansing fire. Kane and his allies have one hope–a renegade female Najah, reptilian and ruthless, whose alliance is both a promise…and a threat.

    Reality Echo

    James Axler

    Earth remains the volatile prize of aeons of war and domination by two panterrestrial races. Returning the fight to these inhuman overlords, the Cerberus rebels are the champions of the planet's postapocalyptic dark ages.They spark a uniquely human resilience and courage to stand down the forces of infinitely powerful, perhaps unstoppable entities in the ongoing war to retake Earth for humanity. The Bluegrass range, ripe with secrets and magic, hides the operating base of a race of monstrous genetic mutations, faithful servants of an ancient overlord. As Kane and the rebels stage their reconnaissance, the shocking new face of an old nemesis enters the fray. As this crossspatial cyborg replicates himself as Kane and breaches humanity's last defense, he may well succeed in wiping the mountains–and their inhabitants–off the face of Earth permanently.

    Pantheon Of Vengeance

    James Axler

    The internecine struggle of planet Earth remains the only constant in a millennium of brutal transformation. Now, decades after the apocalypse, the war for domination rages on–human against alien usurper.Armed with secret knowledge of a powerful but ever-changing enemy, the Cerberus rebels go where the fight takes them, riding the shock waves of hellish history and uncertain future, to free humankind from darkest destiny.In his human skin, Baron Cobalt's quest for power nearly destroyed Cerberus. Now, evolved into his godly Annunaki form as Overlord Marduk, he's reconsolidating his power and claiming the Mediterranean. As Marduk's Nephilim-led forces challenge the ruling Hera Olympiad and her legion of cybernetic demigods to a death dance, Kane and the Cerberus warriors harness the power of a cyber army eager to bring retribution and justice to the real monsters of antiquity.

    Oblivion Stone

    James Axler

    Spread across postapocalyptic North America, the nine great cities ruled by the alien-human hybrid barons have crumbled…ushering in not defeat, but a new epoch of alien rule of Earth. But their assault is threatened by a force of extraordinary humans, the Cerberus rebels, dedicated to freeing humanity from the aeons of slavery that the alien Annunaki race have placed upon it.In Louisiana, a salvaged piece of sentient spaceship signals the beginning of the long-awaited second salvo. In the wilds of Saskatchewan, an Annunaki prince, genetically engineered as a machine of destruction, returns after 4500 years in solitary confinement to seek vengeance against the father who betrayed him. As the self-proclaimed new warlord of the Earth, his personal mission to harness its citizens to build his city and his army appears unstoppable…as does his hate-filled quest to destroy the god-king Enlil, the mighty father who spawned him in hate and fury.

    Janus Trap

    James Axler

    The quest for Earth's domination remains the primary directive of an ancient, inhuman enemy. Challenging this alien bid for iron rule, an elite force led by former magistrates wages war against Earth's enslavers. These rebel commandos are resourceful, dedicated and possess the immutable human willpower to survive–by any means necessary….The Original Tribe, technological shamans with their own agenda of domination, challenged Cerberus once before and lost. Now their greatest assassin, the Broken Ghost, manipulates the rebel stronghold's technology after a secret attack, trapping the original Cerberus warriors in a matrix of unreality and altering protocols so that their doppelganger counterparts invade the redoubt unnoticed. As the Broken Ghost destabilizes Earth's greatest defense force from within, the true warriors struggle to regain a foothold back to the only reality that offers survival….

    Grailstone Gambit

    James Axler

    A deadly truth… When Victor Holland comes flying out of the night, he runs straight into the path of Catherine Weaver’s car. Having uncovered a terrifying secret which leads all the way to Washington, Victor is running for his life – and from the men who will go to any lengths to silence him.Victor’s story sounds like the ravings of a madman, but the haunted look in his eyes – and the bullet hole in his shoulder – tell a different story. As each hour brings pursuers ever closer, Cathy has to wonder, is she giving her trust to a man in danger or trusting her life to a dangerous man?