Gold Eagle Outlanders

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    Judgment Plague

    James Axler

    Though the Cerberus Rebels have battled unfathomable odds to defend mankind, victory and sovereignty remain far from assured. As enemies of otherworldly origin push the warriors' power to the limit, a very human menace emerges, eager to grind them all to dust.Brothers-in-arms Kane and Grant upheld the inflexible laws of Cobaltville until they finally turned their backs on its wicked regime. Now a fresh threat brings them back to the barony–a mysterious plague that kills with impunity. It soon becomes clear that this murderous pestilence isn't the result of some random mutation, but the product of a dark and twisted mind. With the disease spreading rapidly, the Cerberus warriors can only hope they're not too late–or too vulnerable–to save humanity from being snuffed out by one of its own.


    James Axler

    Relentless PropagationArea 51 remains a mysterious enclave of eerie synergy and unleashed power–a nightmare poised to take the world to hell. A madman has marshaled an army of incorporeal, alien evil, a virus with intelligence now scything through human hosts like locusts. For the Cerberus warriors, a willingness to forge a truce with a devious enemy means that they have met unspeakable horror. Now, they must stop the unstoppable, before humanity becomes discarded vessels of feeding energy for ravenous disembodied monsters.

    Distortion Offensive

    James Axler

    The boundaries of order created by the nine baronies during America's apocalyptic aftermath have fallen away to a new wave of transcending chaos.The deep-rooted conspiracy that shadows humanity has been exposed, the relentless battle for earth continues, and only an intrepid faction of exiles possesses the might and means to repulse the tide of subjugation and subversion from alien oppressors.The scion of the Cerberus rebels' fiercest foe has risen from his own ashes–and hijacked the very storehouse of earth's reality. The Ontic Library, buried deep beneath the Pacific Ocean, is the glue holding the fabric of what is real–and what is not–in place. Archivist Brigid Baptiste takes the plunge into the sentient data stream of infinite knowledge to stop the dangerous curiosity of a god prince from discovering the omnipotent knowledge that could destroy the world.

    Death Cry

    James Axler

    Decades after the nukecaust, Earth's fate remains in a stranglehold. The stunning otherworldly design of the blueprint for domination is crucial to rescuing humanity from eternal slavery.As the Cerberus exiles dare to challenge the planet's increasingly powerful usurpers, the battle to navigate time and dimension continues–aided by brute force and the age-old strategies of war.Kane and the team learn of a secret doomsday weapon rumored to be hidden in Russia. But where would the paranoid scientists of communist rule hide a battleship-sized device from aliens of supreme intelligence and mind-reading abilities? Where few can fi nd it–on another astral plane, complete with whitecoats still unaware of the nukecaust. But mysterious interlopers have tapped into Cerberus intelligence, forcing their bid to control the Death Cry. And if Cerberus can manifest the Death Cry into reality–the potential for one last global holocaust becomes a death race.

    Infinity Breach

    James Axler

    The oligarchy of Overlords battling to resurrect alien rule on Earth remains ever threatened by a group of rebels determined to meet the ancient Sumerian enemies with a show of force. While glimmers of containment, if not victory, have appeared, humanity still inhabits a world where buried secrets and impossible truths lie coiled in the shadows…An Annunaki artifact of staggering multidimensional power is discovered, presaging an attack of a magnitude beyond anything the Cerberus rebels have ever encountered. In the secret Arctic laboratory of a brilliant twentieth-century adventurer, a pulsating alien dagger rips a portal deep into time and space. Emerging from the breach, breathtaking beings of Light appear like antibodies to close the rupture. But these wondrous Angels have their own solution to healing the infinity breach–the complete eradication of mankind.

    Terminal White

    James Axler

    Enduring struggle The Cerberus rebels remain vigilant, defending mankind's sovereignty against the alien forces conspiring to gain control of the planet. Now a dark and deadly intelligence plots to eradicate what it means to be human: free will.In the northern wilderness, behind an artificial curtain of winter, the legacy of the deposed god kings lives on. An experimental testing ground–where computers have replaced independent choice–is turning citizens into docile, obedient sheep. The brainchild of a dedicated Magistrate of the old order, Terminal White promises to achieve the subjugation of the human race. As the Cerberus warriors infiltrate and get trapped in this mechanized web, humanity's only salvation may be lost in a blinding white doom.

    Angel Of Doom

    James Axler

    MYTHIC PROPORTIONSInsidious alien forces conspiring to enslave humanity grow increasingly dangerous and defiant. Willing to do whatever it takes to defeat these ancient invaders, the Cerberus rebels carry on the fight for freedom.DAMNATION THRALLThe Cerberus fighters embark on an urgent quest to discover what happened to expeditions lost in Italy, on land that once belonged to the Etruscan empire. On site they encounter the monstrous Charun, armed with the hammer of the gods, and Vanth, the angelic winged huntress with a heart of evil. These alien gods are intent on opening a portal to bring their kind to earth, harnessing the power of victims' minds while using their bodies as shock troops. As the river Styx is poised to flow again, the Cerberus team must prevail or an invasion from a barbaric dimension will lay siege to Europe…and beyond.

    Apocalypse Unseen

    James Axler

    Battlefield Earth…Far in the future, mankind endures the relentless onslaught of alien oppressors, an ancient battle whose tide has begun to turn through the efforts of the Cerberus rebels. This remarkable band of warriors fights an elusive enemy, traveling through dangerous portals of time and space, where reality and un-reality collide in stunning, deadly purpose…Light of the damned…The diamond mines of the Congo are ground zero for a calculated new power grab by an ancient Mesopotamian god. Darkened and depraved, Nergal intends to harness the power of light to lock humanity in the blackness of eternal damnation. But Nergal's ability to blind his opponents is only the beginning. The Cerberus rebels will have to find the human who's pulling Nergal's strings…which means venturing into the gaping mouth of hell itself.

    Shadow Born

    James Axler

    Earth remains the tortured battleground of near-immortal aliens. But these god kings never anticipated unified resistance from a group of humans possessing the tenacity and spirit to reclaim their planet. In the ongoing war for independence, the Cerberus fighters forge an epic showdown, as evil shape-shifts and unfurls its grand design…The madness surrounding entombed secrets of an ancient race puts Kane and his allies on a death chase across the African subcontinent. Facing relentless attack from winged hell beasts and marauding militia, the rebels are forced into an unholy alliance with a deadly foe. Only the dark goddess spawned of humanity's most brutal overlord can challenge a superhuman interloper and navigate an ancient ziggurat that guards a nightmare. The price for miscalculation will be paid in blood–with the eternal damnation of the human race.


    James Axler

    The damnation and deception that enslaved humanity was exposed after the earth was razed by a nuclear holocaust. As immortal god kings continue to lay claim to the planet, the epic struggle to repossess Earth rages on.The Cerberus rebels fight for mankind's free will and enlightened purpose wherever the battle for freedom takes them. But nothing can prepare them for the blood red shadows of a new, special hell…After blasting open the gates of the underworld, the Cerberus warriors face a fresh evil. Deep beneath the African continent, a hidden city teems with bloodthirsty creatures ruled by a vicious queen. As her shape-shifting minions swarm to outmanoeuvre Kane and his allies, the rebels race to contain the unfurling horror. With the undead descending upon Africa, the warriors must escape a destiny far worse than they could ever imagine–as tortured ambassadors for the vampire kingdom.