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    Worship Music in the 21st Century

    Marius E. Marton

    This book was born out of necessity and desire of the author to learn about proper church music in regards to melody, harmony, lyrics, instrumentation, and rhythm.
    The necessity is for clearer guidelines for pastors and musicians since there are many debates and divisions over worship music.
    The author desired a deeper understanding since he is a professional musician who was criticized for his choice of instruments, style, and genre.
    This book informs the reader of the musicological and theological aspect of worship music. It examines and explains the role of electric instruments and drums in 21st century worship. It helps music leaders make better decisions when it comes to building a church band and selecting proper music. This book also helps answering some myths people have about instrumentation, style, rhythm, lyrics and harmony in respect to theology, culture, and musicology vs. personal preference.
    This book will encourage today's musicians to explore, invent, develop, and enrich worship with their music. It will also help mend the gap between generations in regards to change, as good Christians will realize that drums were not invented by the devil and, if rightly used, could be a wonderful addition to the church band.

    Transforming Faith

    Joshua Leonard Daniel

    In the face of apparently rampant individualism, there has been a steady call for a return to community and tradition, particularly in religious communities and in recent Christian theology and ethics. The form of contemporary life upheld by modern ideals like freedom and universalism, the story goes, turns out to divide people from each other and from the communal sources of our traditionally moral values. But the call to community too often confuses individualism with individuality, assuming that any appeal to individuality as a value or ideal is a rejection of communal goods, rather than a mode of promoting those goods. What's necessary now is a recovery of the individual that understands individuality to serve community, even in resistance to it. In Transforming Faith, Joshua Daniel offers a fresh reading of H. Richard Niebuhr's theological ethics that provides an account of individuality and individual creativity as both the fruits and reformers of community. What is theologically at stake in Daniel's reconstructive interpretation is the human's existentially resonant relation with God and the christological revitalization of our symbolic and virtuous activity.

    Reading Matthew as the Climactic Fulfillment of the Hebrew Story

    Martin Spadaro

    This book is a reading of Matthew's Gospel as though it were written to integrate with, advance, and conclude the existing body of Scriptures. Matthew is read as though John was the last prophet of God and Israel's last chance for repentance, and that Jesus was YHWH who had come to judge the Temple, priesthood, and covenant nation according to the terms of the covenant God made with Moses at Sinai. Through this lens, new interpretations are given to the infancy narrative, the Sermon on the Mount, the mission, the parables, and Jesus' arrival in Jerusalem along with the events that followed.
    By reading Matthew this way, a greater appreciation can be gained for its necessary place in the canon, and many of Matthew's well-known conundrums can be meaningfully addressed. As a Hebrew document, Matthew understood the necessity to record the crimes against YHWH/Jesus in Israel and Jerusalem as the ultimate cause for the termination of the ethnically and geographically bound covenant, which could then be replaced by the cross-cultural and international covenant that Christians now enjoy.