• Part of the group of Little Books that focus on social justice and faith • Written by an immigrant who is also an Episcopal priest and now helps refuges find a new home in American
We live amidst the largest mass migration in human history. God has chosen to use the Church, the Body of Christ, to be the instrument of Christ’s healing and restorative love in the world. The restorative and healing work of Christ can be accomplished when each Christian is moved by compassion to see and love the neighbor. Who is My Neighbor? puts a human face on a politically charged issue: refugees. It tells stories about refugees to challenge us all to reconsider our definition of “neighbor.”
• An engaging, entertaining, faithful and contagious Episcopal vision for sharing the Christian faith. • Taps into the Episcopal Church's priorities and "The Way of Love " Readers will find in this book a strong and uplifting argument that the Episcopal Church’s theology, sacramental ministry, and commitment to social justice have an essential role to play in mainline Christianity and in the public square. This book will help readers to understand that what it means to be an Episcopalian and how evangelism is a fruit of that identity, not a mere marketing strategy or an end in itself. This book is an approachable and inspiring presentation of the theological rationale and resource for sharing the faith as well as an argument that sharing the faith increases our own.
It addresses basic questions that are buzzing in the church today and lays out a series of stories from faith communities across the Episcopal Church, both physical and digital ministries.
• Primer for faithfully engaging in the care of creation • Accessible and useful for everyday life
Care and justice for all creation is a core value of The Episcopal Church and part of the Jesus Movement. As part of our baptismal covenant and our prayers, we are called to love and care for God’s creation. This book is a simple guide to caring for creation in everyday life.
The Episcopal Church has been engaged in environmental ministries for over four decades as a moral and ethical voice, encouraging a deep love of the earth. As climate change becomes an even more pressing issue and localized environmental injustices increase, how can we continue and strengthen this faith-based environmental effort as a central tenant of the Jesus Movement? This book is a short primer on how individuals can faithfully engage in care of creation. From suggestions for deepening spiritual practices to personal actions to advocacy in the public sphere, readers will be inspired and empowered to place the care of God’s earth at the center of their ministry.
Explores way Christian individuals and communities can cultivate peace both locally and on a global scale.
Peace can seem so very far away, whether we are watching news of atrocities committed in other countries or we encounter the violence in our own neighborhoods. Mike Angell engages peace as more than an absence of conflict. Peace, following the Christian tradition, is more concrete. It must be planted, tended, and grown in our own hearts and in the world. This book explores ways individuals and Christian communities can cultivate peace personally, locally, and on a global scale. Non-violence is a core value of The Episcopal Church and integral the Jesus Movement’s focus on reconciliation. As part of our baptismal covenant to strive for justice and peace among all people, we are called to be models of reconciliation and peace towards our neighbors. This book is a simple guide for building peace when the streets around us are filled with anger and violence.