Occasional Paper

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    Waging the War of Ideas

    John Blundell

    This paper discusses how wars of ideas can be waged, using the author's extensive experience, both as director general of the Institute of Economic Affairs (IEA) and at other classical liberal think tanks. John Blundell begins his stimulating collection of published essays, reviews and introductions by showing how the founders of the IEA successfully fought the conventional planning wisdom of the 1960s and 1970s, providing the ideas which, by the 1980s and 1990s, had brought about increased freedom and a revival in the use of markets. He draws lessons from those days and then surveys the contemporary scene, showing how the anti-liberal ideas emerging now are different from those which prevailed in the early years of the IEA. As well as giving a valuable view of the IEAs development in the past, these essays also offer advice on how to continue winning in the new circumstances of the present. Waging the War of Ideas has been constantly in demand since it was first published in 2001. This new and expanded edition contains three new chapters and is introduced by Professor Walter Williams.

    Fifty Economic Fallacies Exposed

    Geoffrey E. Wood

    Whilst it is impossible to argue that the earth is flat without fearing ridicule, fallacies in economics are widespread. Such fallacies pervade the intellectual sphere and even influence policy. Professor Geoffrey Wood of the University of Buckingham exposes such popular economic fallacies in this revised edition of Fifty Economic Fallacies Exposed. Professor Wood looks at, for example, the supposed dangers of free trade, the abilities of governments to control the economy, the effects of government regulation and whether millions of jobs depend on our continued membership of the European Union. These lucid and stimulating articles are invaluable to students struggling to master some of the complexities of economic theory and its applications, who often find that the most effective way to learn economic analysis is to see such fallacies exposed. It is a text particularly suitable for first-year economic students, complementing existing textbooks as it does, and clarifying basic concepts in economics while demonstrating the practical uses of economic theory.