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    Transforming Wisdom

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    Transforming Wisdom offers an extensive, multidisciplinary introduction to pastoral psychotherapy from some of the most respected practitioners in the field. With special attention to theological perspectives on the practice of psychotherapy, this collection of essays will be useful to students seeking an orientation to the art and science of pastoral psychotherapy as well as to seasoned professionals looking to refresh and renew their practice.
    As the subtitle, Pastoral Psychotherapy in Theological Perspective, suggests, this book is intended to represent the field of pastoral psychotherapy as a mental-health discipline that maintains intentional dialogue with its theological roots. Even as pastoral psychotherapy has developed from the ancient notion of the cure of souls to the current search for a psychology of happiness, therapists grounded in faith communities seek a practice that is respectful of all persons, mindful of the deep wisdom that emanates from the true self, or soul.
    While many contributors write from a psychoanalytic or psychodynamic perspective grounded in Christian theological idioms, diverse theoretical perspectives, including Emotionally Focused Couples Therapy, Narrative Therapy, Buddhist Mindfulness, and Jungian understanding of individuation, are represented.

    Paul’s Covert Use of Scripture

    David McAuley

    This book explores why and how Paul uses Scripture (Old Testament) in Phil 2:10-16. It tests the suggestion that a cluster of tacit references to specific books of Scripture is integral or foundational to Paul's epistolary argument. If the problem in Philippi is the disinclination to accept suffering and death as intrinsic to gospel citizenship, then the muted allusions lead to a single, central theme: «God's approval of suffering and death for the sake of Christ.» McAuley argues this theme is the crucial intertext that unifies and gives significance to the whole letter. Previous scholarly efforts to discover congruence between the contexts of Philippians and the Old Testament have rested on a heuristic approach focused on surface-level themes and «facticities» recorded in Paul's text, leading to mixed results. In this investigation McAuley sets forth a new theoretical and exegetical framework that draws on insights from theories of intertextuality, allusion, and rhetorical situation to offer a fresh interpretation of Philippians.

    Maine Metaphor: Experience in the Western Mountains

    S. Dorman

    S. Dorman began Maine Metaphor with The Green and Blue House. She continued her explorations in the Western Mountains of Maine, studying Maine's characteristic ways and natural realm, possessing the experience, studies, and journaling of rural life and creation. And she wanted to learn about the character of the people who sometimes must live a hardscrabble life. Her quest began thirty some years ago merely in living the life on moving to Maine with her family. This state of New England, once a District of Massachusetts, greatly appealed to her for its peculiar beauty and quiet, but also for its hard-working ethic. Maine flows with metaphors helpful in understanding our right relation to creation and its Maker. Maine's people, landscape, history, geology, weather, and writers tell of this reciprocity of life.
    Her spouse Allen supported the family, as you'll see in the book. Not, as she says, in order that she might write, but that she might eat! After their brief familial confrontation with homelessness on moving to Maine, Allen struggled to earn a living, but now is retired, with a fixed income; yet work here is seasonal and difficult still for others making a living in the Western Mountains of Maine. Walk these back roads with her, meet some back roads folk, climb these high wooded hills and low stone mountains. Consider and dream over the telling, and come back to yourself from Maine, refreshed.