Children's Explore the World Books

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    Around The Globe - Must See Places in Africa

    Baby Professor

    See wild animals in their natural habitat when you go on a virtual tour of Africa. This culture-rich expanse is a trove of knowledge on biodiversity and how wild animals and humans live and interact with each other. Use this book to raise awareness on the importance of wildlife. Grab a copy now!

    Around The Globe - Must See Places in South America

    Baby Professor

    See the best of South America without the risks and costs of traveling. This picture book will take you on a tour of the continent within just a few minutes. Learn about the people, their culture, their race and even a bit about geography. You will become curious enough to want to go there someday and that's a dream you will slowly realize. Grab your copy now!

    Around The Globe - Must See Places in North America

    Baby Professor

    Go around North America and learn about the best places to visit even before you have your papers ready. This virtual tour of such vast land will help you plan out your itinerary and see the most recommended places. Your child can also use this picture book to learn about geography, races and culture too. Buy a copy now!

    Around The Globe - Must See Places in Australia

    Baby Professor

    What are other things to see in Australia besides kangaroos and aborigines? Find out the answer in this exciting picture book. Learn about Australia's landscapes, best places to visit, as well as the people's culture and tradition too. This is a book that will take you from the beaches to the deserts of Australia in less than an hour. Grab your copy today!

    Around The Globe - Must See Places in Europe

    Baby Professor

    Visit key places in Europe, and learn about their cultures and traditions too in less then 30 minutes! This book is heavy on knowledge but light on the budget. You can even use this book to teach geography to children too. This is definitely one for your collection. Buy a copy now!

    Around The Globe - Must See Places in Asia

    Baby Professor

    Go to places you've never been to and tag your children along! This highly informative book will take you all over Asia minus the costs of travelling. Your child can learn so much about geography, culture and tradition by going over the pages of this book. Don't forget to grab your copy today!

    1St Grade Geography: Continents of the World

    Baby Professor

    At first grade, your child is expected to know all the continents of the world. But if he/she is lagging behind, don't worry because this educational book can help. Information presented here is done with the use of vibrantly colored pictures that call the attention. The use of colors and images allows for the better processing of memory and retention. Order a copy now!

    Let's Explore the Australian Outback

    Baby Professor

    The great Australian Outback has been the popular theme used in several movies and stories. The wide expanse of land features peoples and animals that are truly fascinated. Open the pages of this picture book to learn about quick facts that could help build a trove of rich and diverse information. Order your copy today!