Big Ideas

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    Regards vers l'est – Analyse régionale

    Grzegorz Gorzelak

    Au fil de l'histoire, les pays et les régions d'Europe centrale et orientale (ECO) ont traversé de multiples épisodes complexes. Autrefois soumis à des régimes communistes totalitaires et autoritaires, ils ont accédé à l'indépendance à la fin du XIXe siècle, puis ils ont été confrontés à de nouveaux défis économiques et politiques avant d'intégrer l'Union européenne dans une perspective de développement mutuel.Malgré leurs différences bien réelles et les mouvements populistes récents, toutefois, les pays d'ECO partagent de nombreux points communs et les politiques régionales peuvent aider les " recoins oubliés " à saisir les opportunités qui s'offrent à eux, tout en favorisant la démocratie, la cohésion et l'économie locale au sein de l'Union européenne.Grzegorz Gorzelak est professeur d'économie. Spécialisé dans les politiques de développement régional et local et l'élaboration de stratégies, il a collaboré avec la Banque mondiale, l'OCDE, la DG REGIO de la Commission européenne, plusieurs agences des gouvernements polonais et ukrainien, ainsi que différentes autorités régionales et locales.Il s'agit ici du quatorzième essai de la série des " Grandes idées " créée par la Banque européenne d'investissement.

    Blick nach Osten: Eine regionale Betrachtung

    Grzegorz Gorzelak

    Die Länder und Regionen Mittel- und Osteuropas mussten zahlreiche Herausforderungen bewältigen. Sie haben totalitäre und autoritäre kommunistische Regimes erlebt, Ende des 19. Jahrhunderts ihre Unabhängigkeit erlangt, wirtschaftliche und politische Umwälzungen gemeistert und schließlich mit der Aussicht auf gemeinsame Entwicklung den Weg nach Europa zurückgefunden.Bei allen Unterschieden und trotz der neuen populistischen Bewegungen haben diese Länder viel gemeinsam. Regionalpolitik kann die Demokratie, den Zusammenhalt und lokale Wirtschaftssysteme in der Europäischen Union fördern und «vergessenen Orten» helfen, ihr Potenzial zu erschließen.Grzegorz Gorzelak ist Professor für Wirtschaftswissenschaften und auf regionale und lokale Entwicklungskonzepte und Strategieentwicklung spezialisiert. Er hat mit der Weltbank, der OECD, der GD Regio der Europäischen Kommission, verschiedenen polnischen und ukrainischen Regierungsstellen und mit regionalen und lokalen Behörden zusammengearbeitet.Dies ist der vierzehnte Essay aus der Reihe Big Ideas der Europäischen Investitionsbank.

    Insieme - Un nuovo Patto per il patrimonio europeo

    Hermann Parzinger

    Il patrimonio culturale europeo è un mosaico composto da innumerevoli tessere multisfaccettate che, oltre a raccontare il nostro passato e il nostro presente indicano anche la direzione futura. È questa la nostra immensa eredità per le generazioni future e ognuno di noi ha il preciso dovere di difenderla in quanto complesso di beni preziosi ma fragili.La pandemia di coronavirus è la dimostrazione di come le nostre le vite possano cambiare da un giorno all'altro a seguito di un evento imprevisto. Ed è probabile che in futuro emergano nuove minacce in grado rimettere in discussione non solo la nostra sicurezza, la nostra salute e l'ambiente in cui viviamo, ma anche le strutture e i valori della nostra società, oltre che la sua capacità di competere sui mercati globali.Come può l'Europa tenere fede alla sua promessa se prima non si procede a una radicale trasformazione del progetto europeo partendo dalle sue fondamenta, trovando soluzioni innovative e coraggiose per un futuro sostenibile?C'è bisogno di un «New Heritage Deal for Europe», un nuovo Patto per il patrimonio europeo, che porti avanti una trasformazione della società, dell'economia e dell'ambiente «a trazione culturale».Hermann Parzinger è un archeologo, uno storico e un esperto di patrimonio culturale. Nel 2018 è stato nominato Presidente esecutivo di Europa Nostra, la federazione paneuropea per il patrimonio culturale che rappresenta le organizzazioni della società civile impegnate nella salvaguardia del patrimonio culturale e naturale europeo. Tra le principali attività condotte da Europa Nostra fin dal 2013 figura il Programma «I 7 più a rischio», realizzato in collaborazione con l'Istituto Banca europea per gli investimenti (BEI).Questo è il quindicesimo essay della serie Big Ideas creata dalla Banca europea per gli investimenti.

    Togetherness - A new heritage deal for Europe

    Hermann Parzinger

    Europe's cultural heritage is a vast, multifaceted mosaic showing who we were, who we are and who we aspire to be. We are all responsible for this huge, precious and fragile legacy.The coronavirus pandemic revealed that unexpected events can suddenly change our way of life. In the future, other threats could well pose further challenges to our safety, health and environment as well as our social structures, values and ability to compete on the global markets.How can Europe fulfil its promise if we do not reinvent and redesign the very basis of the European project and come up with innovative and bold solutions for a better and more sustainable future together?We need a «New Heritage Deal for Europe», a heritage-led transformation of Europe's society, economy and environment.Prof. Dr Hermann Parzinger is an archaeologist, historian and cultural heritage expert. In 2018, he was appointed Executive President of Europa Nostra, a pan-European federation for cultural heritage that represents civil society organisations seeking to safeguard Europe's cultural and natural heritage. Since 2013, Europa Nostra has been running among its key activities the 7 Most Endangered Programme in partnership with the European Investment Bank Institute.This is the fifteenth essay in the Big Ideas series created by the European Investment Bank.

    Hope and strength in the Western Balkans

    Matteo Rivellini

    The Western Balkans have been a crossing point between Central Europe and the East for centuries.Devastated by tragic conflicts, nationalism and neglected investments, the Western Balkan countries are striving to find a new equilibrium. Citizens and institutions have repeatedly affirmed their ambition to become part of the European Union and have made significant efforts to turn this dream into reality.The European Investment Bank has done a lot in this region over the past 20 years. It has helped build pan-European corridors, supported foreign business, helped redevelop urban areas, and provided technical assistance and additional finance to address social and economic infrastructure gaps and stimulate private sector-led growth and job creation in the whole region.Looking ahead, there is hope for a brighter and greener future for the Western Balkans.Matteo Rivellini is the Head of Division in charge of lending operations in Slovenia, Croatia and the Western Balkans at the European Investment Bank.This is the thirteenth essay in the Big Ideas series created by the European Investment Bank.The EIB has invited international thought leaders and experts to write about the most important issues of the day. These essays are a reminder that we need new thinking to protect the environment, promote equality and improve people's lives around the globe.

    The genome e-volution


    "We have made great progress, but we are still vulnerable and our common commitment to fight global health challenges is not yet strong enough. Despite our knowledge, despite new technologies, without concentrated and global efforts we are limited in our success. Today we see it clearly."The sequencing of the human genome at the beginning of this millennium marked a new era in biomedicine. Nanotechnology and robotics have created innovative tools and powerful diagnostic techniques. Major therapeutic advances have enabled us to control HIV, and more tailor-made therapies are being implemented to treat cancer. Nonetheless huge challenges remain, not only in the field of cancer, but also with respect to neurodegenerative and other diseases.At the same time, international travel and mobility, as well as globalised trade, are affecting our living conditions and promoting the spread of infectious diseases and new viruses, like the COVID-19 coronavirus, all over the world.The Croatian physician and scientist Ivan Đikić analyses the challenges of contemporary medical research, the emerging threats, like pandemics, and the role played by health systems.This is the twelfth essay in the Big Ideas series created by the European Investment Bank.The EIB has invited international thought leaders to write about the most important issues of the day. These essays are a reminder that we need new thinking to protect the environment, promote equality and improve people's lives around the globe.

    Smart Europe

    Jeremy Rifkin

    Smart Europe

    Jeremy Rifkin