Stella. Emeric Bergeaud

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Название Stella
Автор произведения Emeric Bergeaud
Жанр Историческая литература
Серия America and the Long 19th Century
Издательство Историческая литература
Год выпуска 0
isbn 9781479895427

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Only rarely did we reorder sentences or paragraphs in order to make the meaning clearer. A few times, we corrected minor errors or inconsistencies in the original; these we have documented in our notes. So as to retain the original format of the authorial and editorial annotations, we have located our notes after the original endnotes. In practice, this means that there are three sets of notes running through the text: footnotes by Bergeaud (lowercase Roman numerals), endnotes by Ardouin (uppercase Roman numerals), and our own endnotes (Arabic numerals). Although potentially confusing, we believe that this arrangement is the best way to balance our desire to respect the integrity of the original while providing modern readers with necessary, and ideally unobtrusive, guidance.

      In his own prefatory note, Bergeaud reports that Stella was a long time in completion, and that the work had been often interrupted through the years. While meant as a conventional apology, his words also give clues to the condition of Stella’s composition and hint that it was—at least preliminarily—finished when he handed it to Ardouin in Paris. While it has been suggested that Ardouin’s editorial efforts were confined to the preface and editorial notes, our translation and collation work reveal the mark of Ardouin’s editorial hand elsewhere as well. This is particularly apparent in Stella’s citation of previously published historical material. In the original version of the novel, italicized print, in addition to being used for emphasis, also often indicates direct quotations from other sources; closer attention to these italicized passages reveals that Stella contains numerous quotations from Ardouin’s eleven-volume Études sur l’histoire d’Haïti. For example, in the thirty-third chapter, entitled “Rochambeau,” the words “the leader needed in Saint-Domingue and required for the public good” are italicized in the original. This is an actual quotation from the colonists who were recommending Rochambeau to Napoleon in 1802. It is cited in volume five of Ardouin’s work, on page 343. These insertions suggest that Ardouin altered the text—perhaps significantly—after Bergeaud’s return to Saint Thomas and before its publication. Ardouin’s influence certainly heightens the novel’s unusual dedication to history. For each of these quotations, we have removed the italics and footnoted the original source.

      LSC and CM
