1 Law 4 All - Gator. Billy Angel

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Название 1 Law 4 All - Gator
Автор произведения Billy Angel
Жанр Зарубежная драматургия
Серия 1 Law 4 All
Издательство Зарубежная драматургия
Год выпуска 0
isbn 9781456635466

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you hanging exposed for more than a few hours."

      Kitiona let's Juan know that they are excited about his and Dominica's wedding. "We're sooooo happy for you both. Plus Mac promised to take me to the Keys after the wedding. Neither of us has been there.” Mac and Kitiona had been taking their semi-serious, flirting-type relationship to the next level. Ever since their chance meeting at Joe’s bar, their attraction for each other grew stronger with time.

      Carol forgets her displeasure over the missed shopping opportunity. Smiling at Kitiona she predicts to Juan, "They're practicing for when they finally get hitched. This trip is a dry run sampling your wedding to see if the idea fits them, then to the Keys for their honeymoon warm-up!"

      Jimmy shows up on screen. They all have the same, secure split-screen software on their computers and phones. Ben and Bob developed the software as a secure alternative to Chinese video meeting applications. The Chinese created Zoom and were caught hacking video meetings.

      Jimmy greeted, "Hi gang." He immediately focuses on Juan. “Tell us about this scary new client. I mean like, watch your backs, scary?"

      Mac joined the group. “Is this video conference secure?”

      Juan relays, “Yes, Mac. We don't have any secrets yet. Remember to use mmN app for secure messaging. We may get lots of confidential information from our new client. Where’s Ben?”

      All the Foundation members were video conferencing now except Ben. He was the Foundation's elder statesman. He originally linked Kitiona with the others when they were a study group in Hastings Law School in San Francisco. They helped Kitiona find her family's killers.

      Mac answered, "He's hanging with his friend Bob." Mr. Technology, the elderly tech-savvy, Bob increased his technology understanding whenever the opportunity arose. "They're playing with a Nanotechnology toy. Some sort of band-aid that doubles as a tracker."

      Juan skipping the formalities said, "We may all be wearing those band-aids soon. We have a new client if we're all on board. Only downer is I haven't heard from Dom all day!"

      Carol went nuts. "Oh no! She didn't leave you at the altar, did she?"

      "No. But I think her going missing may have something to do with our new client. Have any of you experienced someone following you?"

      Jimmy punched his fist to his webcam. His knuckles appear bruised and ugly reddish color. “I took care of a Russian tailing me today. Rick Rizzo herded him right to my car parked in a city park dead-end. That Russian is now nursing a broken nose."

      Mac, Carol and Kitiona relayed their suspicions. Their experiences weren't as dramatic as Jimmy's, but were unsettling.

      Juan started with, “Two leaders from an election fraud prevention group called ‘Fair and Free’ approached me this morning. We consulted and exchanged information. They, in theory, hired me. You know the $1 retainer hire.”

      He continued noticing their intense screen faces. “This F&F group wants us to defend their voter fraud snooping. They claim a mandate to investigate the voting machines in many states. They’re targeting the next election in Florida. They think there will be a massive uptick in fraud favoring the progressive movement.”

      Kitiona asked, “What is the progressive movement here?”

      Jimmy smiled, “Samoa doesn’t need a progressive movement.”

      Mac broke in. “Progressives advocate for population control, a new world order based on a social Marxism, birth control, radial environmentalism, and the most sinister principles known to mankind, ‘The Greater Good’ and the ‘End Justifies the Means’.”

      Impatiently, Carol commented, “So, what’s the watch your backs message about?”

      Juan responded, “Lucy and Sean, the F&F’s leaders got ambushed when they were leaving my office this morning. They weren’t hunt. Well, maybe a little shaken-up. Anyways, if it wasn’t for my secretary Nancy shooting back at the gunman through our shot-out front window, Lucy and Sean would have been toast. The cops showed up quickly, but the gunman sped off.”

      Jimmy smiles, “I’ve got to meet this Nancy girl. She sounds like my kind of people!”

      Mac asks, “Is Fair and Free legitimate? Election fraud hunters tend to be on the conspiratorial side of life.”

      Juan answers with, “I’ve researched their organization. They are funded by several conservative heavyweights. They claim their technology can identify fraud but some hacking is involved.”

      Mac wonders, “Does this mean we know they’re hacking government computers and are going to defend them. If they do get caught, we could be in an uncompromising position. Like, we may have to justify our actions in front of the state board’s disciplinary committee.”

      Jimmy chirps. “Hey mister nice guy, you can always have Kitiona support you in American Samoa. Actually, that sounds pretty inviting. I mean the South Pacific, that is!”

      Kitiona spoke up. “Our Foundation has fought two government scum-bags already. Maybe if we can keep the criminals from being elected, we’ll get more honest politicians.”

      “That’s like saying if we’re nice to terrorists, maybe they won’t commit cowardly acts of violence.” Jimmy mused.

      Carol moves in for the kill. “That’s it. We’re in for the fight, right?”

      Juan, feeling pressed to find Dominica aimed to conclude this video conference. “Seems as if we’re on someone's hit list if we take F&F on as clients. Are we ready to become targets, again?”

      Kitiona echoed what everyone was thinking. “The Foundation exists to fight political corruption. Voter fraud tops the list for installing dishonest people in government. You guys ready for another fight?”

      All said, “We’re ready.”

      Chapter 12

      Nancy peeked into Juan’s office. As she did, he gave her a dagger stare. She eagerly calls out, “Annie is on line one. She thinks she found the dark Ford SUV carrying Dominica.”

      Juan holds up one finger in her direction. He looks back to the video-conferencing group. “We may have a lead to Dom’s whereabouts.” He quickly told the group. “Since we have no objections to taking F&F on as a Foundation client, we’ll move forward. I’ll contact Lucy and Sean with our decision.”

      The group heard Nancy in the background say something about Dominica. They knew whatever Nancy said reordered Juan’s train of thought. One by one they gave their thumbs-up approval, again.

      Juan hurriedly dismissed his presence from the conference. “Go,'' said Mac. “We’ll figure out how to attack this situation individually. Then we can conference again tomorrow at this time.”

      Jimmy added, “Watch your backs. The Russian guy I smashed may have friends.”

      Mac finished by speaking with Kitiona. “Let’s get rid of these bums and chat ourselves. I have some ideas where to stay in the Keys.”

      Jimmy and Juan disconnected on their end of the conference. Carol hung around until Kitiona stared privacy-please eyes at her. Carol excused herself with an “OK, I’m leaving to start dinner for ONE!”

      Juan answered line one in his office. “Annie, where are you? What’s happening? Is Dom ok?”

      “Slow down cowboy,” she says. “I think the SUV that Dom got into is in front of me. We’re on U.S. Highway 301 heading north. We’re coming up on Lawtey. I hope they stop for gas. I’m running low.”

      Juan’s Mr. Spook-like demeanor from Star Trek fame kicked in. “Do you guys know anyone that owns a dark Ford SUV? Logically, Dom would be riding with someone she knows.”

      “No,” Annie said. “I think I can get close enough to get the license plate number. And maybe I can see