The Big R-Book. Philippe J. S. De Brouwer

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Название The Big R-Book
Автор произведения Philippe J. S. De Brouwer
Жанр Математика
Издательство Математика
Год выпуска 0
isbn 9781119632771

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that the only workable construct so far is also known as the scientific method. No other methods haves brought the world so many innovations and progress, no other methods have stood up in the face of scrutiny.

       scientific method

      The Scientific Method

      Aristotle (384–322 BCE, Greece) can be seen as the father of the scientific method, because of his rigorous logical method which was much more than natural logic. But it is fair to credit Ibn al-Haytham (aka Alhazen—965–1039, Iraq) for preparing the scientific method for collaborative use. His emphasis on collecting empirical data and reproducibility of results laid the foundation for a scientific method that is much more successful. This method allows people to check each other and confirm or reject previous results.

      However, both the scientific method and the word “scientist” only came into common use in the nineteenth century and the scientific method only became the standard method in the twentieth century. Therefore, it should not come as a surprise that this became also a period of inventions and development as never seen before.


Schematic illustration of a view on the steps in the scientific method for the data scientist and mathematical modeller, also known as quant.

      The electronic computer brought us to the twenty first century and now a new era of growth is being prepared by big data, machine learning, nanotechnology and – maybe – quantum computing.

      Indeed, with huge powers come huge responsibility. Once an invention is made, it is impossible to “un-invent” it. Once the atomic bomb exist, it cannot be forgotten, it is forever part of our knowledge. What we can do is promote peaceful applications of quantum technology, such as sensors to open doors, diodes, computers and quantum computers.


      So the scientific method is important. This method has brought us into the information age and we are only scratching the surface of possibilities. It is only logical that all corporates try to stay abreast of changes and put a strong emphasis on innovation. This leads to an ever-increasing focus on data, algorithms, mathematical models such as machine learning.

      Data, statistics and the scientific method are powerful tools. The company that has the best data and uses its data best is the company that will be the most adaptable to the changes and hence the one to survive. This is not biological evolution, but guided evolution. We do not have to rely on a huge number of companies with random variations, but we can use data to see trends and react to them.

      The role of the data-analyst in any company cannot be overestimated. It is the reader of the book on whose shoulders rest not only to read those patterns from the data but also to convince decision makers to act in this fact-based insight.

      Till now we discussed the role of the data scientists and actions that they would take. But how does it look from the point of view of data itself?

      Using that scientific method for data-science, the most important thing is probably to make sure that the one understands the data verywell. Data in itself is meaningless. For example, 930 is just a number. It could be anything: fromthe age ofAdamath inGenesis, to the price of chair or the code to unlock your bike-chain. It could be a time and 930 could mean “9:30” (assume “am” if your time-zone habits require so). Knowing that interpretation, the numbers become information, but we cannot understand this information tillwe knowwhat it means (it could be the time Iwoke up – after a long party, the time of a plane to catch, a meeting at work, etc.).We can only understand the data if we know that it is a bus schedule of the bus “843-my-route-to-work” for example. This understanding, together with the insight that this bus always runs 15 minutes late and my will to catch the bus can lead to action: to go out and wait for that bus and get on it.



       insight action

      This simple example shows us how the data cycle in any company or within any discipline should work. We first have a question, such as for example “to which customers can we lend money without pushing them into a debt-spiral.” Then one will collect data (from own systems or credit bureau). This data can then be used to create a model that allows us to reduce the complexity of all observations to the explaining variables only: a projection in a space of lower dimensions. That model helps us to get the insight from the data and once put in production allows us to decide on the right action for each credit application.

      This institution will end up with a better credit approval process, where less loss events occur. That is the role of data-science: to drive companies to the creation of more sustainable wealth in a future where all have a place and plentifulness.

Schematic illustration of the role of data-science in a company is to take data and turn it into actionable insight. At every step – apart from technical issues that will be discussed in this book – it is of utmost importance to understand the context and limitations of data, business, regulations and customers.