CoderDojo: My First Website. Clyde Hatter

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Название CoderDojo: My First Website
Автор произведения Clyde Hatter
Жанр Учебная литература
Серия CoderDojo Nano
Издательство Учебная литература
Год выпуска 0
isbn 9781780317892

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your songs in the order you’ll play them. Make copies for everyone. Print it big so that you can still read it if it’s down by your feet on the floor or if the lighting isn’t very good.

      Remember your spares. Some instruments have parts that need to be replaced if they wear out or break. For example: guitar strings, saxophone or clarinet reeds and drumsticks. Make a list of the spares you might need and make sure you know where they are in an emergency.

      Plan where you’ll be on the stage. Before you start to set up your instruments, take a few minutes to decide where you’re all going to be. Will the drums be centre stage? Or off to one side? Is there a power-socket for the amplifier if your guitar player stands on the right?

      It’s much better to think about all this before you start setting up your instruments. It’s really annoying if you have to start unplugging things and swapping places once you’ve begun to set things up! Know where you’re going, know when you’re on. If you’re playing a concert somewhere you’ve never been before make sure you know where it is. Print out a map or set the sat nav before you set out. There’s nothing worse than being lost in an unfamiliar place half-an-hour before you’re due to go on-stage. And when you do arrive, the first thing you should do is find out what time you’re on. On the night times often change. Ask whoever is running the event when you’ll be on. Don’t get caught out!

      How could they fix it? We’ve already seen quite a few different HTML elements. For example:

      h1 is a heading

      ul is a list with bullet points

      ol is a numbered list

      p is a paragraph

      By using these elements and mixing in a few new ones the Nanonauts made their page much easier to read. Like this, in fact:

      So how did they do it?

      1) They used headings to divide up the page

      2) They used bulleted lists to make it easier to read.

      3) They chopped up large blocks of text into smaller paragraphs.

      4) They emphasised some important words using the strong element.

      The way in which you put together your HTML elements is known as markup. Markup is a word programmers use a lot. Good markup is all about using the different elements to make your page easy to read.

      Playing a Concert

      Playing a concert can be great fun! Or it can be totally scary! Sometimes both at the same time.

      So we’ve put together a list of our top tips for great concerts.

      Copy out a set-list

      A set-list is a list of all your songs in the order you’ll play them.

      Make copies for everyone.

      Print it BIG! so that you can still read it if it’s down by your feet on the floor or if the lighting isn’t very good

      Remember your spares

      Some instruments have parts that need to be replaced if they wear out or break. For example:

      guitar strings saxophone or clarinet reeds drumsticks

      Make a list of the spares you might need and make sure you know where they are in an emergency.

      Plan where you’ll be on the stage

      Before you start to set up your instruments, take a few minutes to decide where you’re all going to be.

      Will the drums be centre stage? Or off to one side? Is there a power-socket for the amplifier if your guitar player stands on the right?

      It’s much better to think about all this before you start setting up your instruments. It’s really annoying if you have to start unplugging things and swapping places once you’ve begun to set things up!

      Know where you’re going, know when you’re on

      If you’re playing a concert somewhere you’ve never been before make sure you know where it is. Print out a map or set the sat nav before you set out. There’s nothing worse than being lost in an unfamiliar place half-an-hour before you’re due to go on-stage.

      And when you do arrive, the first thing you should do is find out what time you’re on. On the night times often change. Ask whoever is running the event when you’ll be on. Don’t get caught out!

      Here is the HTML for the improved page. Note the new elements like h1, h2 and strong.

      <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <title>Playing a Concert</title> <link type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" href="css/my-first-stylesheet.css"/> </head> <body>

      <h1>Playing a Concert</h1> <p>Playing a concert can be great fun! Or it can be totally scary! Sometimes both at the same time.</p> <p>So we've put together a list of our top tips for great concerts.</p> <h2>Copy out a set-list</h2> <p>A <strong>set-list</strong> is a list of all your songs in the order you'll play them.</p> <p>Make copies for everyone.</p> <p>Print it <strong>BIG!</strong> so that you can still read it if it's down by your feet on the floor or if the lighting isn't very good.</p> <h2>Remember your spares</h2> <p>Some instruments have parts that need to be replaced if they wear out or break. For example:</p> <ul> <li>guitar strings</li> <li>saxophone or clarinet reeds</li> <li>drumsticks</li> </ul> <p>Make a list of the spares you might need and make sure you know where they are in an emergency.</p> <h2>Plan where you'll be on the stage</h2> <p>Before you start to set up your instruments, take a few minutes to decide where you're all going to be.</p> <ul> <li>Will the drums be centre stage? Or off to one side?</li> <li>Is there a power-socket for the amplifier if your guitar player stands on the right?</li> </ul> <p>It's much better to think about all this <strong>before</strong> you start setting up your instruments. It's really annoying if you have to start unplugging things and swapping places once you've begun to set things up!</p> <h2>Know where you're going, know when you're on</h2> <p>If you're playing a concert somewhere you've never been before make sure you

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