Oblivion Pact. Don Pendleton

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Название Oblivion Pact
Автор произведения Don Pendleton
Жанр Морские приключения
Серия Gold Eagle
Издательство Морские приключения
Год выпуска 0
isbn 9781472084521

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the open windows.

      Dropping into a crouch, Bolan switched the Beretta to 3-round-burst mode, and emptied the entire magazine into the front of the vehicle. The stuttering barrage smashed both headlights and took out a tire, then the hood flipped up as the radiator exploded into a hissing geyser of steam.

      “Get that son of a bitch!” Kegan screamed from inside the car, and the darkness became alive with the bright flashes of automatic gunfire.

      Already running low and fast, Bolan took cover behind a Ford Pinto just as the first hail of lead arrived. The car rocked from the arrival of the military rounds, more glass shattering, then there came the strong smell of spilled gasoline.

      Springing along the row of parked cars, Bolan heard the car ignite into a fireball as more house windows started lighting up, dogs began to bark from everywhere, and in the distance there came the long, drawn-out howl of a police siren.

      Not pausing for an instant, Bolan pulled out a flash-bang grenade, armed the device and flipped it over a shoulder. He heard the doors slam shut on the crippled car and men cursing, then the grenade detonated. Designed to incapacitate an enemy, not kill, the stun grenade banished the night with a magnesium-fueled flash ten times brighter than the sun, along with a bone-jarring boom.

      As Bolan dove behind a mailbox, he dimly heard the other men weeping and cursing, their weapons wildly discharging as leaves fell from the trees from the passage of the bullets.

      One more corner, and Bolan saw a huge BMW motorcycle parked at the next corner. It was sleek and shiny and looked like polished speed. The front wheel of the BMW was covered with a bright yellow locking clamp, the infamous Denver Boot. A single kick disengaged the fake plastic clamp, and Bolan climbed onto the bike, twisting the ignition.

      The big engine softly came into life. The only visible signs of operation were the dashboard indicators starting to glow softly, and the shaking of the muffler exhaust. One of the main attributes of the Beamer bike was that it used a transmission instead of a chain. That reduced the noise level significantly. Add a few modifications to the muffler, and the BMW become a purring mechanized ghost, barely discernable from a yard away.

      “Fuck, fire, he’s got a bike!” a man snarled, an M16 cutting loose with a long burst.

      Several of the 5.56 mm hardball rounds ricocheted off the dark pavement as Bolan lurched away, missing the man by the thickness of a prayer. Accelerating as he braked, the soldier took the corner fast and low, throwing out a leg to keep from toppling over. The friction nearly tore the combat sneaker off his foot, but he made it out of sight intact, then he slowed to a crawl, the huge engine barely ticking over.

      Lost in the sounds of people, dogs and police, Bolan couldn’t hear any pursuit, so he fired a couple of more rounds into the air to give them a lock on his position. Bolan knew this was a dangerous game, but he wouldn’t kill civilians, even by accident.

      A few moments later, something large and dark appeared at the far end of the road, then the halogen headlights crashed on, fully illuminating both man and bike. For a moment, Bolan realized that he might have overplayed his hand. That was a military Hummer!

      As the huge vehicle surged forward with a full-throated roar of controlled power, Bolan twisted the throttle and silently streaked away. This was going to be close....

      Just then, a police car flashed through an intersection, the light bar flashing and siren howling.

      Knowing the local PD was no match for the kind of firepower carried by Kegan and his street soldiers, Bolan angled away from the police and took off down a side street, then popped a wheelie to get over a high curb and started through a weedy field.

      The Hummer stayed right on his tail, the military vehicle taking the curb with barely a jounce.

      Hanging on to the handlebars with all of his might, Bolan plowed through the weeds and cut across a Little League baseball field. As soon as he reached bare earth, he fishtailed the bike to throw up a cloud of dirt, then swung around the concession stand and came out the other side with his second handgun ready.

      As the bright headlights of the Hummer appeared within the swirling cloud, Bolan used both hands to aim and fire the massive .50-caliber Desert Eagle. The big-bore rounds slammed into the engine, and it whoofed into flames.

      The vehicle streaked past Bolan, the men inside screaming and cursing and fighting to get out of the burning vehicle. One dove to the ground and hit hard, his bones audibly cracking from the impact. As he rolled along, more bones snapped, then he slammed headfirst into the dugout, and stopped moving or making any noise.

      Shooting out a tire on the Hummer, Bolan helped the driver bring the big car to a ragged halt. Then he switched weapons and raked the smoky darkness with the Beretta, the stream of 9 mm Parabellum rounds invoking a series of painful cries, and then deep silence.

      Kicking down the stand, Bolan reloaded, then warily approached the burning car, his every combat sense on the alert. Unless Kegan had hired fools, the men were either dead, or only playing possum to lure him in closer. But either way, he had to see Kegan’s lifeless corpse before allowing this matter to end.

      Bolan was only a few yards away when the Hummer unexpectedly detonated, the blast illuminating the entire ball field and throwing him backward. The breath was knocked out of him as he hit the ground, then the soldier rolled over and came up with both guns primed, searching for targets. But there was only the smoking ruin of the Hummer strewn across half the ball field, bits and pieces of sizzling flesh lying scattered about in grisly display.

      For a long moment, Bolan watched for any signs that Kegan or one of his people had survived the stentorian explosion, then reluctantly holstered his weapons and walked stiffly back to the bike. He had to consider this mission a failure. Kegan might be dead, or he might not. Not even a team of forensic scientists would be able to tell for sure from that level of fiery destruction. Once more, Kegan the Unkillable had escaped.

      Climbing back onto the BMW motorcycle, Bolan revved the engine and checked for any damage from shrapnel, then drove away into the night, heading for the main road out of town. His trench coat had a dozen holes in it, but it still served the basic purpose of hiding the majority of his weapons. If his radar-detector pinpointed any cops, he would simply swing off to the berm and get behind the bike, pretending to fix the engine until they were gone.

      Worst-case scenario, Bolan would use the FBI commission booklet he had stashed in the luggage compartment of the bike. It was real enough for the locals, just not good enough to stand up to the scrutiny of the FBI, or any of the other Alphabet Agencies.

      Cutting through a quiet shopping mall, Bolan took an on-ramp onto the elevated 465 beltway, and rode in somber contemplation until reaching the exit for the Columbus International Airport.

      Throttling down the engine, he swept down the off-ramp, when there came a distant flash of light and a fiery dart streaked out of the night to impact on the ramp. A roiling blast shattered the concrete, and Bolan went flying. Soaring through the air, he forced himself to relax in an effort to not break his bones, and bit down on a sleeve. As little as it was, the cushioning effect might save his teeth. But no matter how he looked at it, this was going to be a bad crash.

      In a jarring thud, Bolan landed in the swampy marshland around the airport, the splash of mud jutting yards high. An unknown length of time passed, then the soldier jerked awake, a hand clawing for the Beretta. It was gone, but the Desert Eagle was still at his side.

      Weakly standing, Bolan wobbled as he desperately attempted to remember what had just happened. Clearly, there had been some sort of explosion, but what had detonated, he had no idea. Everything was a blur of chaotic images in his head. Then he saw the crumbling exit ramp, the burning motorcycle and everything came rushing back with the speed and ferocity of an express train. The ramp had been a trap!

      Obviously, Kegan hadn’t been killed in the Hummer. Bolan had no idea how that was possible, but now the gunrunner and his troops were in hot pursuit. Having seen the horrors Kegan did to enemies to make them talk, Bolan decided he wouldn’t let these animals capture him alive. Everybody could be broken given enough