A Soldier's Oath. Debra Webb

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Название A Soldier's Oath
Автор произведения Debra Webb
Жанр Ужасы и Мистика
Серия Mills & Boon Intrigue
Издательство Ужасы и Мистика
Год выпуска 0
isbn 9781408901618

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now? After so many months? Did your attorney give you reason to believe your situation could be worked out some other way?”

      He cut right to the chase. She liked that. Hope glimmered inside her.

      “I started with the legal system. But I soon figured out that I wasn’t going to make this happen through legal channels. My lawyer was pretty up-front about that. Then I started hiring private investigators in an attempt to find someone who could help me.”

      “How many P.I.s have you hired during the past few months?”

      She wanted to tell him that information was irrelevant. But he was right to ask. He couldn’t operate unless he had all the pertinent facts. Going through half a dozen P.I.s had taught her that.


      He was number seven if she didn’t count the low-rent guy who had given her the free advice about coming here.

      If the number surprised him he didn’t let on. But she wasn’t so sure she would be able to read anything in those blue eyes anyway. If she’d thought Davenport was unreadable, this guy had it down to a science.

      “What is it you want me to do for you, Ms. Harris?”

      Not only could she not read his eyes, his voice gave away absolutely nothing.

      She clutched the arms of her chair, braced herself for an uphill battle. “I just want my son back, Mr. Colby. I don’t care how you have to do it. I want him back.”

      “You’re certain he’s still alive and living in Kuwait?”

      The question, uttered with such frankness, tore at her heart. But at least it wasn’t a no. That meant he was considering her request.

      “Yes, I’m positive.”

      Now would come the part that would change his mind.

      “Tell me about your ex-husband. Is he the kind of man who would go to extreme measures to keep what he believed belonged to him? What kind of personal security, if any, does he maintain?”

      Ice slid through her veins. This was where he would insert the “no.”

      “My ex-husband will do anything to keep his son.” She thought of Davenport’s man and a new wave of terror washed over her. She had to tell that part to Colby. “Including possibly hurting anyone who gets in his way. He has a heavy security detail.” Davenport had used those terms when describing her husband’s personal security.

      Please, God, she prayed, don’t let this man be afraid to take her case.

      The strangest thing happened then. Mr. Colby smiled. Not the wide, ear-to-ear kind of charming smile to set her at ease. Not at all. This quirk of his lips was one-sided, almost daring. She hadn’t noticed the scar on his cheek until then. The scar had her looking closer…noting the harsh planes and angles of his face. He looked hard…brutal maybe. Fear trickled through her. Whatever it takes, she reminded herself.

      “Sounds like your ex-husband needs a lesson in proper parenting. Not to worry, Ms. Harris, I know how to handle men like him.”

      She blinked, took a breath to banish the trepidation that had started to build. Had she misunderstood?

      “Does this mean you’re taking my case?”

      “I’m not only taking your case, Ms. Harris, I’m going to get your son back for you.”

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