Colby Lockdown. Debra Webb

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Название Colby Lockdown
Автор произведения Debra Webb
Жанр Ужасы и Мистика
Серия Mills & Boon Intrigue
Издательство Ужасы и Мистика
Год выпуска 0
isbn 9781472057969

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venerable staff at the Colby Agency stamped out the evil that threatened. Victoria will never allow evil to triumph as long as she is breathing.

      But how much longer will she continue breathing? The Colby Agency is under siege…turn the page and begin the first of six Intrigue books that will reveal the fight for survival.

       Colby Agency, Chicago Monday, January 20, 7:45 a.m.


      Victoria Colby-Camp looked up from the Monday-morning briefing agenda she had prepared and smiled for the investigator waiting in her open door. “Good morning, Nicole. Did you have a nice weekend?”

      Nicole Reed-Michaels moved across the office and settled into a chair in front of Victoria’s desk. “I did, indeed.” Nicole’s lips slid into a pleasant upward tilt. “Ian and I discussed the possibility of a vacation this year.” Her gaze searched Victoria’s. “One that doesn’t include the children.”

      “Ah,” Victoria said, understanding now, “a second honeymoon.” Ian and Nicole had been married for nine years. Two children, both school age, and their work had been the couple’s focus for nearly a decade. It was past time the two took some alone time for themselves. Victoria was more than a little pleased to learn this news. “No one deserves it more.” She didn’t have to say that she knew this from experience. Victoria had long denied her own needs for her work and her family. “That’s excellent news. Do you have a particular destination or time frame in mind?”

      Nicole relaxed fully into her chair. Before coming to work at the Colby Agency she had served with the Federal Bureau of Investigation. No one should be fooled by her silky blond hair or that tall, runway physique. Nicole Reed-Michaels was not only extremely intelligent, but she was also an expert marksman and she knew how to take down an assailant with her bare hands. She was one of the agency’s very best investigators. Not to mention she was married to Ian Michaels, Victoria’s longtime second-in-command.

      Another of those warm smiles appeared, emphasizing the tiny laugh lines that were the only indicators of age on Nicole’s otherwise flawless face. “The Caribbean, I think. We’re still discussing when and for how long.”

      “Two weeks,” Victoria suggested, “at least.” Before long she and Lucas would need to take a nice, indulgent vacation. They’d celebrated their sixth anniversary recently. It was time.

      Last summer Victoria’s son, Jim, had taken an exciting vacation to Africa with his wife, Tasha. It seemed everyone was taking vacations… except Victoria.

      Yes, it was well past time.

      A stifled scream echoed beyond Victoria’s open door, hauling her attention there. Both she and Nicole were on their feet immediately.

      “What was that?” Nicole whirled toward the sound.

      Before Victoria could round her desk, Mildred burst into the office. “You’ve forgotten your salon appointment,” she urged Victoria. “You must go now!” Her eyes were wide with fear.

      Nicole and Victoria’s gazes met briefly even as they rushed across the room.

      Both knew what that seemingly silly phrase meant.

      Danger had descended upon the Colby Agency. Victoria had to leave via the stairwell next to her office.


      But what about Nicole? Mildred? And the others?

      “Go,” Nicole reaffirmed as she paused in the doorway. “I’ll take care of things here.”

      Victoria hesitated.

      “Go,” Mildred repeated.

      Fear expanded in Victoria’s throat even as her heart threatened to rupture from her chest. She hurried through the small private lobby where Mildred greeted Victoria’s appointments, opened the door to the stairwell in the narrow corridor beyond and flung herself through it.

      Dear God. How could she leave everyone else behind? She should go back…assess the threat.

       What was happening?

      Don’t think, Victoria ordered.


      Her staff would need her to get through this. She couldn’t help anyone with whatever situation was unfolding if she allowed herself to be overtaken. Whatever was going on…she had to escape.

      Victoria hurried downward as fast as she dared. She ticked off a mental list of what she would do as soon as she was clear of the building.

      Call Ian. He was off duty today. Having just completed an assignment, he had the mandatory forty-eight hours off.

      Of course she would call Lucas. He had arrived home only last night from a four-daylong business trip to D.C. An hour ago she’d left him poring over the newspaper and drinking coffee. He might even be on his way here by now. He usually dropped by the agency every day that he was home.

      And Jim. Dear God, she had to call her son.

      Then the police.

      Victoria couldn’t be sure if Mildred had had time to activate the silent alarm system that would notify the authorities.

      The agency’s security system was state-of-the-art. As was the entire building’s for that matter. Why hadn’t the security guards alerted her to the threat? Both men had been at their posts in the lobby when she arrived half an hour ago.

      “Good morning, ma’am.”

      Victoria drew up short as she reached the landing on the second floor. Only one more floor to go…but she wouldn’t make it.

      Dread congealed in her stomach.

      The man dressed in black, including a ski-type mask to keep his face hidden, held a weapon aimed directly at her chest.

      “We should return to your office, Mrs. Colby-Camp,” he said quite cordially. “I’d hate for you to miss the opening act of the show.”

      Fury whipped through Victoria, taming her fear and stiffening her spine. “What the hell do you want?”

      “Let’s not get ahead of ourselves now.” He gestured with the weapon for her to get moving. “Back up the stairs, ma’am.”

      Determination instantly replaced the dread, fueling the fury building inside her. “Not until you tell me what you want and who you are.”

      The evil bastard had the gall to laugh. “You’ve been in this business a long time, Victoria. I’m certain you’ve been faced with all kinds of situations and all sorts of people.” Those vile lips split into a grin. “I’ll bet that on occasion you’ve even run in to someone you really wish you hadn’t messed with….” His gaze bored into hers, relaying just how little he cared whether she lived or died. “Well, that someone is me.”

       7:57 a.m.

      He was going to be late this morning.

      Slade Convoy didn’t actually have to be at work today, but the excitement of closing another case had to be shared. And no one understood that better than his colleagues at the Colby Agency.

      His last case had been a tough one. A missing child and dysfunctional parents. The agency had been contacted by the child’s paternal grandparents. Seven days missing, the child was presumed by many to be dead. Slade himself had had his doubts about finding her alive.

      A triumphant smile slid across his lips. But he’d found her, very much