Christmas Kisses Collection. Louise Allen

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Название Christmas Kisses Collection
Автор произведения Louise Allen
Жанр Исторические любовные романы
Серия Mills & Boon e-Book Collections
Издательство Исторические любовные романы
Год выпуска 0
isbn 9780008900571

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clothes on as a man loved her body. A tingle in her center grew to a pounding as blood flowed hot within her. She was a siren calling to her mate.

      Her hands skimmed over Chance’s wet arms and down his back as he kissed the outside of one breast. As he stood there she pushed his hair away from his face. His manhood, thick and tall, found the V of her legs as his mouth came to hers. His hands cupped her butt and lifted. She circled his hips with her legs. Chance shoved once and completely entered her. She held tightly to his shoulders. He eased away and pushed forward. She shuttered. He plunged deeper and joined her in the pleasure.

      Chance released her, letting her slid down his wet body. He kissed her deeply then led her out of the falls and over the rocks. “As much as I’m enjoying your body, we need to get some sleep. We still have a day of walking tomorrow. We aren’t out of danger yet.”

      “Boy, you have a way of putting a damper on the afterglow.”

      He gave her a quick kiss as they returned to their hiding place. “I’ll do better next time but I want us to make it to the next time.” Picking up a few sticks, he put them on the fire, which had turned to coals. “We need to dry off and get some sleep. As much as I hate to say this, we should sleep in our clothes in case we need to make a quick getaway.”

      Ellen picked up her underwear and began putting them on. “Is that your way of telling me you’ve seen all of my body you want to?”

      Chance stepped to her and tipped her chin up with a finger. “I could never get enough of looking at your body.”

      Warmth went through her, settling in her heart. She wanted this moment, this feeling between them, always.


      CHANCE WOKE. HE was hot. Too hot. On the side where Ellen rested. She was running a fever.

      She groaned and sat up. Her eyes were red and face flushed. Little beads of sweat lined her upper lip.

      Chance touched her cheek and confirmed what he already knew. This wasn’t good. They already had a day’s worth of travel ahead but with her sick it would slow them down.

      “I don’t feel well.”

      “I’m not surprised. You’re running a pretty high fever. I’ll check it in a minute. Do you hurt somewhere?” If they were lucky it was an intestinal problem from the food or lack of it.

      “My leg.”

      He searched her face. “Your leg?”

      “Something bit me yesterday when you were stealing clothes.”

      “Why didn’t you say something?” She should have told him, especially after the number of bite cases they’d seen at the clinic. She knew better than to let something like that wait. Panic started to clench his gut.

      “Show me.”

      “Can I have a drink of water first?” She lay back on the blanket.

      Ellen was already too weak to sit up for any length of time. Chance picked up a bottle. Going down on one knee, he put an arm around her shoulders and supported her. Slowly she drank.

      “Can I sleep a little longer?”

      “Sure, sweetheart. Sleep while I look at your leg. Which one is it?”

      Ellen stretched out her right leg. “Calf.”

      Chance pushed up the leg of her pants to reveal a large angry place that covered her calf from the back of her knee to her ankle. In the center there was a boil surrounded by deep purple. His heart constricted. Ellen should be in a hospital. Even if he lanced it the risk of infection was too great and she truly couldn’t walk then.

      “I wish you had said something.” He wanted to shake her and hug her at the same time. They had little water, no food, and now Ellen was seriously sick. His concern for them getting out of this mess today had escalated a hundred percent.

      “I was going to, but I was busy doing other things last night.” There was humor in her voice.

      “We were both thinking of other things last night.”

      Now he carried that burden of guilt. He should have stayed focused on their problem; instead he had been satisfying his need for her. That was another issue. He wasn’t satisfied. Not by a long shot. But he wouldn’t be misdirected by his desire again. It could mean Ellen’s life and he couldn’t abide anything more happening to her. He had to get them out of this new situation and Ellen safely home.

      She started to rise.

      “Stay put. I’m going to give you a quick exam. Then we’ll need to get moving.” Chance pulled his bag closer and removed his stethoscope then the thermometer. “Let’s see how high your fever is while I’m giving you a good listen.”

      Her grin was weak as she said, “I like the good things you give me.”

      How like Ellen to speak frankly, even about a night of passion. He kissed her forehead. “I enjoyed it too. Now stop distracting me and let me see how you’re doing.”

      “I’m distracting you?”

      “Sweetheart, you’ve been distracting me for weeks.” Chance placed the stethoscope on her chest. Her heartbeat was steady, which was encouraging. He checked her pulse and blood pressure. They were up a little bit. Removing the thermometer, he wasn’t pleased. He searched his med bag and found a bottle of aspirin. It wouldn’t do much for the fever but it was better than nothing.

      “Do you think you’re up for some walking?” He was sure she wasn’t but they really had no choice but to get moving. She wouldn’t last another day in the heat and rain with that leg.


      He didn’t expect her to say anything different.

      “Could I have that half of a bar now instead of later?”

      “That’s a great idea. We’ll share it for breakfast. I also want you to take a couple of aspirin for me.” He handed her the bar, medicine and set a bottle of water down beside her.

      They ate in silence.

      Done with her bar, Ellen said, “I’m sorry, but I’m going to need your help with my boot.”

      Chance assisted her with getting the boot on her foot but could only lace it up loosely around her calf. He was afraid that before the day was over she would be in real pain.

      When they were done, he packed the bags except for the rag the boy had placed the food in. He pulled the strap of his bag over his chest and shrugged into the backpack.

      “What’re you doing?” Ellen stood beside him. “I’ll carry the backpack. That’s my job.”

      “Today you get a day off. Come on, let’s get going.”

      They headed out from behind the falls. Chance stopped a few times to make sure no one else was around.

      When they came to the pool, he dipped the rag into the water, wetting it thoroughly, then wrung it out. “Ellen, come here.” She stepped closer to him. He wrapped the rag around her head. “This’ll help keep you cooler.”

      Her gaze found his. “Thank you. You’re a good person, Chance Freeman.”

      Coming from her, the simple compliment sounded like he was receiving a great honor in front of thousands. He brushed her lips with his. “You’re quite a woman yourself, Ellen Cox.”

      Chance set a slower pace than he had the days before but even then Ellen was lagging behind. What had at first been a slow walk had now turned into one that included a limp. They stopped often to rest but that didn’t seem to give her any more energy. With each stop he wet the rag and retied it across her forehead.
