The Deputy's Baby. Tyler Anne Snell

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Название The Deputy's Baby
Автор произведения Tyler Anne Snell
Жанр Ужасы и Мистика
Серия The Protectors of Riker County
Издательство Ужасы и Мистика
Год выпуска 0
isbn 9781474079198

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      Henry couldn’t help his eyebrow rising in question.

      The detective elaborated. “You covered Cassie without hesitation,” he said simply. “Made sure she was safe before we could get a hold on the situation. Good instincts can’t be taught, but they can be thanked.”

      That surprised Henry. For two different reasons. One, trying to protect Cassie was a gut reaction. One his body started before his mind could even catch up and act on. He’d heard and seen the shot and then trying to protect her had been his only priority. He hadn’t done it for praise or thanks and was surprised he was getting both.

      Two, being thanked was strange enough, but being thanked by the detective raised a few questions. The first and loudest was why was Matt invested in her safety? Or, more to the point, was it more personal than colleagues and friends? Did he care more for the woman than the rest?

      And why was the mere thought of the two having more than a working relationship bothering Henry so much?

      He’d only known Cassie for the one night—and the following morning—and then they’d parted ways. The slip of paper in his wallet was the only connection he’d had to her past then. It was foolish to think she was the same woman. He hadn’t seen her in over seven months.

      A lot could happen in less time.

      Henry shouldn’t, and couldn’t, be surprised that she might be in a relationship. Heck, they hadn’t even had one to begin with.

      “I was just doing my job,” Henry said dutifully, locking down any conflicting emotions that might be splaying across his expression. “Nothing the rest of you wouldn’t do in my place. I’m just glad we kept anyone else from getting hurt.”

      Matt nodded, accepting the statement as true, and started to walk off.

      However, Henry couldn’t help himself. “I actually wanted to talk to her,” he blurted out, surprising himself. “Cassie, that is. I never got the chance at a proper introduction.” It was a lie, but Henry wasn’t about to admit to the detective that he had already met the woman... At a bar before going back to his hotel room. Especially if the two were involved. “Do you know where she is? I haven’t seen her since we left the diner.”

      Matt’s brow furrowed. “She went to the hospital afterward, but now, if I’m not mistaken, she’s back at my place. I told her not to bother coming into the department tonight. Technically she doesn’t start back until next week.”

      Henry’s gut dropped more than it should have. He had just confirmed the theory that Cassie and Matt were involved. Some of that emotion must have showed in his expression.

      Matt gave a small smile. “You know, I’m about to head there myself but need a ride. If you give me a lift, I can trade you a home-cooked meal. I don’t think any of us has had anything to eat yet. Plus, I’m sure Cassie will want to thank you for earlier.”

      The offer felt genuine. Matt hadn’t picked up on any of Henry’s thoughts.

      But even those thoughts gave him little ground to argue with. Though Henry had to admit he didn’t like the idea of Cassie with someone else, he knew it was for the better.

      People around him got hurt. Plain and simple.

      But that didn’t stop him from accepting the offer.

      He still wanted to see her. If only to make sure she was really okay.

      They said goodbye to Suzy, asking again to be kept in the loop, and were on the road to Matt’s house within minutes. The detective gave directions, but other than that their conversation was light. Henry wanted to get to know more about him but decided he already knew enough. The lead detective was good at his job, nice to his team and loyal.

      He reminded Henry of Calvin, his old partner.

      A good man.

      A man that Cassie deserves.

      The thought popped into his head so quickly he couldn’t brace himself for it.

      How had a woman he’d known for such a short time affected him so much? It made no sense. And was dangerous. Henry needed this job. He needed a new start. Banishing any and all thoughts of Cassie Gates past professionalism wasn’t something he wanted. He needed it.

       Get a grip on yourself.

      Henry loosened his shoulders, put on a polite smile and was ready when they finally pulled up to the detective’s house.

      “Home sweet home,” Matt said over the hood of the car when they got out. “I don’t know about you, but I’m ready to eat a horse.”

      The house was a good size with a nice yard. Simple and quaint. Two cars were parked in the driveway. One Henry recognized as the detective’s personal vehicle, the other he’d not seen before. Lights were on in the dining room, the curtains open enough that Henry got a clear view of the table.

      And Cassie sitting at its end.

      She must have felt his stare. She looked out the window and met his eyes.

      She didn’t smile.

      Maybe coming hadn’t been a good idea.

      “I should also probably warn you,” started Matt, walking up the sidewalk that led to his front door. He paused at it, hand on the handle. “You’re about to meet a very loud, slightly intrusive woman. I mean, don’t get me wrong, I love her, but sometimes she can be a little overpowering when you first get to know her.” There was a smile in his voice. “She calls it curiosity.”

      Henry didn’t remember Cassie being loud, certainly not intrusive. At the bar she hadn’t kept poking around when he’d said he couldn’t talk about his current job and, in fact, hadn’t asked too many really personal questions at all. He’d treated her in kind.

      Still, he had to remind himself he didn’t know her past their one shared night of passion.

      That passion.

      Even months later his body remembered it. Craved it.

      Henry cleared his throat and followed the detective inside. He was just about to agree with his earlier thought that coming had been a bad idea when they made it to the dining room. Cassie was staring up at them. She looked tired. It reminded him that there were more important things than their past. She’d been witness to one of her friends almost dying across from her.

      “I invited Henry to join us for dinner,” Matt greeted. “Since...well, today didn’t go as planned.”

      Cassie looked between them. It encouraged Henry to respond.

      “It’s nice to officially meet you,” he lied again. If she was with the detective, he didn’t want to make anything awkward. Not when Riker County was his chance to start over. He didn’t want to make enemies his first week on the job. And judging by the look she was giving him, he could only assume she was trying to figure out what to say herself. The least he could do was try to help her out.

      Cassie’s green, green eyes widened, but she didn’t get a chance to respond. Sound from the other room turned into a flurry of motion that converged on the detective next to him within seconds. Henry tensed, but Matt was laughing into the hair of the woman whose arms were wrapped around him.

      “My God, Maggie,” he said, reciprocating the embrace. “Ever think about playing football?”

      The woman covered his mouth with hers in a quick but strong kiss. She wasn’t smiling when she pulled away.

      “I’m glad you’re okay,” she said. “If something had happened to you, I would have hurt you myself.”

      “Of that I have no doubt.” Matt reached up and squeezed her shoulder. He turned to Henry. “This is Maggie Carson. Apparently my linebacker of a fiancée. Maggie, this is our newest deputy I was telling you about. Henry Ward.”
