Reunited for the Holidays. Jillian Hart

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Название Reunited for the Holidays
Автор произведения Jillian Hart
Жанр Современные любовные романы
Издательство Современные любовные романы
Год выпуска 0
isbn 9781472008008

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she loved them? “I couldn’t risk your safety. When we moved back to Texas from Washington State, I figured we were all right as long as we kept the past buried.”

      “But I unearthed it,” Maddie chimed in. “And I’m not sorry we found each other, Violet.”

      “Me, either,” Violet seconded, sharing a look with her twin.

      It did Belle’s heart good to see the girls together. And the boys—so responsible and capable and, when she glanced at Jack’s face, so gloomy. Yes, it was time to be fully honest. “In truth, I feared you might blame me for taking you away.”

      “It wasn’t your fault,” Carter spoke up. She loved that boy, too. She’d only known him a short time, but he’d already made a lasting impression on her heart. In many ways, he reminded her so much of his father. “You did what you had to do. Sometimes that’s the way life is. You made the best of a bad situation. You moved away from Dad. You kept everyone safe. It couldn’t have been easy to leave your kids behind.”

      Yes, she definitely loved that boy. “It killed me. I’m so sorry, Maddie. Grayson. Having to leave you was the hardest thing I’d ever done.”

      “Why didn’t you take us with you?” A muscle jumped along Grayson’s jawline. “You could have done it. You took two kids into witness protection. Two more wouldn’t have been difficult.”

      “Yes, Mom. Why did you go without us?” A flash of pain misted Maddie’s eyes.

      Belle’s undoing. Tears rose in a burning lump in her throat, and she couldn’t speak. She couldn’t answer because how could they understand? What if they turned away from her? What if she lost them again? She didn’t think she could take it.

      “She left you behind because I loved you both so much,” Brian answered. “When our marriage failed, your mother knew how devastated I was, because she was just as devastated. I’d lost too much. I couldn’t bear to lose all of my children, as well. Your mother suggested this solution.” He breathed deeply. “That’s Belle, that’s who she is. You don’t blame her. If you have to be angry at someone, then you’re angry at me. Got it?”

      “We got it, Dad.” Grayson’s answer resonated low and deep.

      “Yes, Dad,” Maddie answered.

      “No wonder you were always so sad, Mom.” Violet’s grip tightened around her fingers. “You tried to hide it, but sometimes at night when I’d get up to get a drink of water, I’d see you sitting alone in the shadows.”

      “I hate it if I made it harder for you, Mom.” Jack’s apology sounded torn from him. “I wish I’d known. I never would have argued with you, you never would have fallen off the horse—”

      “I should have trusted you with the truth, both of you.” She could see that now. “It was too dangerous, and it hurt too much to look at what I’d lost. Going forward and keeping the past where it belonged was safer.”

      “And now look where that has brought us.” Brian’s words snared her attention. “Together again. Your mother’s right. Lupita went to a lot of trouble to pack this lunch, so we’d better enjoy it. Eat up. Don’t worry...everything is going to be all right. I’ll make sure of it.”

      The surge of gratitude rippled through her. Brian was a man of his word, she knew. He’d do his best to make sure their children were safe. Somewhere out there was David Johnson, the man who’d threatened her in the courtroom, the man who had mercilessly committed murder in cold blood and could have killed Belle and maybe Jack and Violet, too.

      Wherever he is, keep him away from my children, Lord, please. No matter what, keep them safe. She sent the silent prayer heavenward as the conversation turned to the latest news at the ranch—apparently the hired hand Emmett Potter and Lupita’s niece Carolyn were still dating. Belle smiled, glad to still be in the loop with things at home. After telling the truth, her children were still here, lovingly gathered around her and in no small part due to Brian. She owed him for that. Huge. Big-time. He really had grown into the man she’d always known he would be.

      * * *

      “Thanks, Doctor.” Brian glanced over his shoulder down the hall of Ranchland Manor, distracted by the echo of laughter from Belle’s room. Sounded like the kids were having a good time saying their goodbyes. He turned his attention back to Belle’s doctor. “I appreciate your time.”

      “No problem. I’ll take your recommendation into consideration.” Doc Garth flipped through Belle’s chart. “I can’t say I haven’t been tempted. She’s one of the most motivated patients I’ve seen.”

      “That’s Belle.” Wistfulness ached in his chest. The two of them weren’t meant to be—he knew that—but he respected her. He wanted to help her. “She may recover more completely at home. It’s not as if she’s lacking in people to care for her there.”

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