Forest Secrets. David Laing

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Название Forest Secrets
Автор произведения David Laing
Жанр Учебная литература
Серия Forest Trilogy
Издательство Учебная литература
Год выпуска 0
isbn 9780987587978

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the smell of the sulphur and the distant rumbling of the volcano.

      ‘Yeah,’ Snook said, when I’d finished, ‘I saw all that. I didn’t like the bit when all the dinosaurs were panicking and runnin’ for their lives. That was real sad. The big dinosaur, the one that was eatin’ the leaves in the forest, looked really scared. I hope he escaped in the end. Did you see what happened to him?’

      ‘No, I didn’t, but I hope he escaped.’

      ‘Yeah, just thinkin’ about it makes me sweat.’

      Gloria’s father, who was now shaking his head slowly from side to side, interrupted. ‘Okay, you two,’ he said, his voice shaky now, ‘I think Gloria and I have heard enough. You’re both obviously unwell. Try and get some more rest while we all wait for Snook’s parents to come home.’ Gloria was looking shaken too. She was biting one of her nails as she watched Snook, her eyes unblinking and narrowed.

      I’m not sure why I said it but I found myself saying, ‘Er, when my aunt and uncle do come home, I don’t want to say anything about tonight. I don’t want to worry them.’

      ‘Neither do I,’ Snook said, agreeing with me. ‘Dad would just tell me to stop dreamin’ anyway.’

      I looked across at Gloria’s father for confirmation, but he was pacing up and down the room, dabbing at his forehead with a tissue and breathing rather heavily. In fact, he looked as if he’d been possessed. ‘Doctor Huntingdale …’ I called out. He didn’t reply. Didn’t even look up.

      I was pondering over his sudden nervousness when suddenly and without warning, I felt a tingling feeling sweep through my entire body. At first I didn’t know what it meant, but then I knew. I’d had it before. It was the feeling you get when you know something’s going to happen but you’re not sure what. Then it came … like a dream.

       There was a slight breeze blowing, rippling through the leaves of the ghost gums and the man-high spear grass. There was the smoky scent of camp fires too, and I could hear the distant chattering of the women and the men as they went about their business, and I could hear the laughter of the children as they played. And above all that I could see and hear my mother … Minma. She was younger than when I’d last seen her and she was frowning when she told me:

      Awa! Palatja kurun-kurunpa ngalya-pitjanyi!

      I must have looked different or something because Snook, his face all squished up and frowning, asked, ‘What’s up with you? You look like you’ve seen a ghost!’

      Pushing up on one elbow, I whispered, ‘I’ve had a warning from The Dreaming. A spirit person is coming! Minma told me.’

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