The Origins of Thought. John V Spillman

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Название The Origins of Thought
Автор произведения John V Spillman
Жанр Эзотерика
Издательство Эзотерика
Год выпуска 0
isbn 9781456629038

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      The Origins

      of Thought

      By: John V. Spillman

      ©2017 John V. Spillman. All rights reserved.

      No part of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted by any means without the written permission of the author.

      Cover art © 2017 Donald Hutchins. Used by permission

      Published by

      ISBN-13: 978-1456629038

      The views expressed in this work are solely those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of the publisher, and the publisher disclaims any responsibility for them.

      Scripture quotations are from the Holy Bible, King James Version (Authorized Version) unless otherwise noted. The words of Christ are in red letters. First published in 1611. Quoted from the KJV Classic Reference Bible, Copyright 1983 by the Zondervan Corporation.

      In grateful appreciation to my special friends - Morgan Phenix and Donald Hutchins for their contributions, inspirations, encouragement and keeping me focused and on track. Their contributions were priceless. May they be richly blessed by the Holy Spirit.

      Table of Contents


      Satan’s Agenda

      The Corruption

      Sanctified or Sanctimonious?

      Point of Contact

      Positive Prayer

      Personal Testimony

      The Voice

      The Wedding Feast

      The Ten Virgins

      The Talents

      The Church

      Apostasy in the Church





      Unanswered Prayer


      In Closing

       The Origins of Thought

      A biblically based key to financial, health, personal goals and relationships

      As created human beings we, unlike the kingdom of animals, are born with certain abilities and senses making us superior to all other living creatures. We have a mind able to rationalize a thing, able to discern every thought using our senses of sight, hearing, smell, taste and touch.

      We ourselves govern our own lives and future by virtue of what we think and believe using our will that is independent of our senses. Our will governs our comings and goings and is influenced by things within and from without the mind and body.

      The mind is victim to vanity, futility and frustration because it is governed by desires of the body and here now is the key to the origin of all thought.

      There are three basic sources of all thought and there exists a base from which every thought springs. For now we will call those sources which are independent from each other right, wrong and self. Every thought that we perceive is not always ours. The other two sources come to us from the outside either to do well or to do damage. The one that comes to please and satisfy our in-born senses rule the physical body and are not necessarily good for us. Therefore when we realize and separate the source of every thought and know from where it comes, our free will makes a critical choice as to which thought will rule the decision.

      One source is out to rob, destroy and kill while the good source is there to save, lead, guide and direct. We must have a desire for truth and we need to look at which is first true, pure, lovely and of good report. We all hear from those two sources whether or not one is religious, atheist, spiritual, academic etc.

      Mankind is born into bondage that you will know the truth and the truth will set you free - if you diligently seek it. So test every thought to know the source.

      Confidence or faith is the substance of things we desire, so when we hope for a thing we visualize with our imagination of that thing to come and it will. Keep visualizing, keep imagining and the vision you create will come if you doubt not. If you visualize and fear a particular thing and believe the thing you fear the most, it will come upon you. Likewise if you visualize the thing and what you visualize is true, pure, lovely and has virtue, imagine these things as a guide and it will come upon you.

      Paint a beautiful picture with your imagination health, prosperity, finance, relationships and the thing you envision the most you will have. Consider the intent of every thought, for one thought will prosper you while the other wants to destroy.

      Put your trust in truth and the truth will set you free!


      13 Enter ye in at the strait gate: for wide is the gate, and broad is the way, that leadeth to destruction, and many there be which go in thereat: 14 Because strait is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it. (Matthew 7:13-14)

      I hope to impart to you the importance of a proper relationship between the Unnamable Father, the Mother - (the Holy Spirit), and their begotten Son - (Jesus).

      Most professing Christians today believe in what they call God or Father in Heaven. Atheists also have beliefs. However, it is not in an all-powerful God or Father in Heaven.

      You can find in any Christian bookstore books covering every conceivable topic. You will also find a section on different Bible versions, ranging from the King James Version, The Catholic Bible, The Book of Mormon, The New International Version and others as well a plethora of commentaries. There will also be a section on reference literature such as Strong's Concordance, Vines Dictionary of Bible words or phrases and their meaning among others.

      With the electronic media, video, software downloads etc. the Christian today has a vast storehouse of knowledge to draw from. With this plethora of information available to the Christian and non-Christian alike in print, on TV and on audio, what do we do with this overload of information?

      In Jesus’ own words:

      39 Search the scriptures; for in them ye think ye have eternal life: and they are they which testify of me. 40 And ye will not come to me, that ye might have life. (John 5:39, 40)

      Christianity is founded on the premise that the Bible is the absolute and infallible Word of God. They claim if God permitted the Bible to be altered, then today’s church cannot be genuine.

      The claim of Christian Church Authority that either the church or the scriptures must be preserved in order for man to be saved only demonstrates a total inability to perceive the essence of the Gospel message and has already been historically disproven and demonstrated to be in error. However, modern Christians cling to this doctrine -- ignoring overwhelming evidence to the contrary that shows conclusively that our Bible has been severely altered and edited.

      They do not understand the foundational principles of the New Covenant itself -- principles that are not historical, but spiritual. The Bible is only a road-map that leads us to the Gate of the Kingdom – not through it - and the Word that is written in our minds. It is not a final revelation from God to man. Jesus brought the New Covenant. He was the New Covenant. They do not understand that we are able to come to terms with the Spiritual Gospel of Christ that can never be corrupted.

      When the disciples of Constantine altered the scriptures to say: "in thee I am well pleased", instead of "today I have begotten thee"; this, and many other such scriptural revisions, altered the very mindset and thinking of the Christian faith.

      If the foundation of not only your perception of the Bible, but also