Название | The New Testament In Scots |
Автор произведения | William L. Lorimer |
Жанр | Биографии и Мемуары |
Серия | Canongate Classics |
Издательство | Биографии и Мемуары |
Год выпуска | 0 |
isbn | 9781847675439 |
ON THE FIRST day o the Feast o Barmless Breid the disciples cam an speired at Jesus, “Whaur is it your will we suid mak fore-redd for your Passowre?”
“Gang tae Sae-an-Sae i the toun an say til him, ‘The Maister says, “My time is naurhaund; I am tae haud the Passowre wi my disciples i your houss”.’ ” The disciples did his biddin, an made fore-redd for the Passowre.
Whan it wis geylins gloamed, he lay in tae the buird wi the Twal, an throu the diet he said tae them, “Atweill, I tell ye, ane o ye is tae betray me.”
Richt wae war they tae hear him, an begoud tae speir at him, ilkane o them, “No me, Maister, shairlie?”
He answert, “Him at dippit his haund eenou i the bicker wi me is the ane at is tae betray me. The Son o Man maun een gae his gate, as it says i the Buik anent him, but black s’ be the faa o the man at will be the mean o the Son o Man’s betrayal. Better wad it been for him, gin he hed ne’er been born, that man!”
Syne Judas, at wis betrayin him, said, “It’s no me ye mean, Rabbi, shairlie?”
“Ye hae said it,” qo Jesus.
AFORE THEY WAR throu wi their sipper, Jesus tuik a laif an, efter he hed speired a blissin, brak it an gíed it tae the disciples, sayin, “Tak an ait this: it is my bodie.” Syne he tuik a tass an, efter he hed gíen thanks tae God, raxed it til them, sayin, “Drink ye this, ilkane o ye: it is my bluid, the Bluid o the Covenant, whilk is skailed for monie for the forgíeness o sins. An this I tell ye: I s’ drink nae mair the frute o the vine afore I drink a noo wine wi ye in my Faither’s Kíngdom.”
SYNE THEY SANG the Passowre Hyme, an gaed out an awà tae the Hill o Olives. There Jesus said tae them, “This nicht ye will aa be fauss tae me. For it is written i the Buik:
‘I will ding the herd,
an the sheep o his hirsel will be sparpelt abreid.’
But efter I hae risen, I will gang afore ye til Galilee.”
Peter said til him, “Lat aa the warld be fauss tae ye, Peter will ne’er be fauss!”
“Atweill, I tell ye,” qo Jesus, “this nicht, afore the cock craws, ye will disavou me thrice.”
“Tho I buid díe wi ye, niver will I disavou ye!” said Peter. An the lave o the disciples aa said the like.
Syne Jesus cam wi his disciples til a dail caa’d Gethsemanie; an here he said tae them, “Lean ye doun here, till I gang yont an pray.” But he tuik Peter an the twa sons o Zebedee wi him. An nou unco dule an dridder cam owre him, an he said tae them, “My saul is likin tae díe for dule: bide ye here wi me, an haud ye wauken.”
Than he gaed a wee faurer on an, castin himsel doun on the grund, prayed, sayin, “Faither, gin it can be, lat 52this caup gang by me: yit no as I will, but as thou wills.” Syne he cam back til his disciples an faund them asleep, an he said tae Peter, “Sae ye dochtna bide waukin ae hour wi me! Haud ye wauken, an pray at ye may be hained a sair seyin: the spírit is willint, but the flesh is waik.”
Again he gaed awà an prayed, “My Faither, gin it canna gae by me, this caup, but I maun een drink it, thy will be dune.” Aince mair he gaed back tae the disciples an faund them faan owre, for their een wis hivvie wi sleep.
Sae he quat them an gaed awà an prayed the third time, pittin up the same prayer as afore. Syne he cam back tae them an said, “Ey sleepin an takkin your rest? An the hour is come whan the Son o Man is betrayed intil the haunds o sinners! Fy, rise ye up, an lat us gae forrit: he is naurhaund, my betrayer.”
The wurds wisna weill aff his tung, whan up cam Judas, ane o the Twal, an wi him a mardle o fowk wi swuirds an rungs, at hed been hundit out bi the Heid-Príests an the Elders o the Fowk. The traitor hed gree’d on a taiken wi them: “Him at I kiss is your man,” he hed said; “it is him ye maun grip.” Sae nou he cam strecht up tae Jesus an, wi a “Fair guid-een tae ye, Rabbi,” kissed him.
“Tae your wark, my fríend,” qo Jesus.
Syne they cam forrit an laid their haunds on him an huid him fest. Than, swith, the haund o ane o them at wis wi Jesus gaed til his swuird-hilt, an he drew it an strack the Heid-Príest’s servan an sneddit affhis lug. But Jesus said til him, “Back wi your swuird til its place! Aa them at grips til the swuird will díe bi the swuird. Or trew ye at I canna caa on my Faither for help, an he will immedentlie send me mair gin twal legions o angels? But than hou coud the wurd o the Bible come true at this is tae be the gate o it?”
At the same time Jesus said tae the croud, “Think ye at I am some laundlowpin reiver, at ye hae come out wi swuirds an rungs tae fang me? Dailieday I sat teachin intil the Temple, an ye grippit-me-na. But aa this hes happent at what the Prophets wrate may come true.” Than aa his disciples forhoued him an fled awà.
THEM AT HED arreistit Jesus nou led him awà tae the pailace o Caiaphas the Heid-Príest, whaur the Doctors o the Law an the Elders wis forgethert. Peter fallowt them, a fell bit ahent, the lenth o the pailace close. There he gaed in an sat doun amang the 53servitors, tae see what the end wad be.
Meantime the Heid-Príests an the haill Council wis seekin fauss witness again Jesus, at they micht pit him tae deith. But, athò monie fauss witnesses cam forrit, nae evidence faund they tae sair them; till at lenth an lang twa cam forrit an said, “This man said, ‘I can caa doun the Temple o God an bigg it up again in three days’.”
At that the Heid-Príest rase an said tae Jesus, “Answer ye nane? What o the testimonie o thir twa witnesses?” But Jesus said nocht.
Than the Heid-Príest said til him, “On your aith bi the lívin God, tell us gin ye ar the Christ, the Son o God.”
“Ye hae said it,” qo Jesus; “an, mairfortaiken, I tell ye this: or lang gae, ye will see the Son o Man
sittin on the richt haund o the Almichtie
an comin on the clouds o the lift.”
At that the Heid-Príest rave his claes an cried, “He hes spokken blasphemie! What needs we mair witnesses? See there, ye hae heared the blasphemous wurds yoursels: what is your juidgement?”
“Giltie, an desairvin o deith,” they answert. Syne they spat in his face an nevelt him wi their neives, an ithers scuddit him wi their luifs, sayin til him wi ilka barff, “Spae awà, Messíah, spae awà: wha wis it strack ye?”
MEANTIME, PETER WIS sittin furth i the close, whan a servan-queyn cam up an said til him, “Ye war wi the man frae Galilee, Jesus, tae, I’m thinkin.”
But he denied it afore them aa: “I kenna what ye mean,” said he; an wi that he gaed out intil the pend.
Here anither servan-lass saw him an said tae the fowk staundin about, “This chíel wis wi yon Nazaraean Jesus.”
Again Peter wadna tak wi it, but said wi an aith, “I kenna the man!”
A wee efter, the staunders-by gaed up til him an said, “Ay, but ye war sae wi him, tae: your Galilee twang outs ye.”
At that he fell tae bannin an sweirin at he hed nae kennins o the man avà. An than a cock crew, an it cam back tae Peter hou Jesus hed said til him, “Afore the cock craws, ye will disavou me thrice”; an he gaed out an grat a sair, sair greit.
27 AIR I THE mornin the Heid-Príests an the Elders o the Fowk forgethert an gree’d thegither hou tae hae Jesus pitten doun. Syne they led him awà in cheins an haundit him owre tae Pílate, the Governor. Whan Judas saw at Jesus hed been duimed, he tuik the rue an brocht back the thertie siller píeces tae the Heid-Príests an Elders, sayin til them, “I hae sinned my saul bringin a sakeless man til his deith.”
“What hae we adae wi that?” said they. “See ye til’d yoursel!” At that he labbit