The Quarry. Dan Lechay

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Название The Quarry
Автор произведения Dan Lechay
Жанр Языкознание
Серия Hollis Summers Poetry Prize
Издательство Языкознание
Год выпуска 0
isbn 9780821441879

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      The Quarry

      The Quarry

       Dan Lechay



      Ohio University Press, Athens, Ohio 45701

      © 2003 by Dan Lechay

      Printed in the United States of America

      All rights reserved

      Ohio University Press books are printed on acid-free paper imge

      10 09 08 07 06 05 04 03 5 4 3 2 1

      Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

      Lechay, Dan, 1945–

      The quarry : poems / Dan Lechay.

      p. cm.

      ISBN 0-8214-1533-6 (cloth : alk. paper) — ISBN 0-8214-1534-4 (pbk. : alk. paper)

      I. Title.

      PS 3612.E335Q37 2004




      Several poems in this book were first published in the following magazines.

      The Grolier Poetry Prize Anthology: “Back to Nature,” “Singing Head,” “Oak Street Houses,” “South Siders”

      Agni Review: “Last Night”

      The Iowa Review: “Quarry,” “Quiet Evening; Cat; Then Rain,” “Houses by the Sea,” “Black Lab”

      Southwest Review: “In Limelight”

      The Louisville Review: “Like a Cat”

      Boulevard: “Screen,” “Lively World,” “Porifera”

      Thanks to Kathy Hall, Julie Hansen, Juliet Mattila, Jim McKean, Mary Szybist, Jan Weismiller, Jo Lechay, Eugene Lion, and Alan Shapiro. Special thanks to David Sanders, terrific editor.

       … grasping; whole, and in fragments; coming together and scattering; approaching, moving apart …




       In Limelight

       Last Night


       Black Lab

       In the Shallows

       South Siders


       Singing Head

       Oak Street Houses

       Little Dream

       Back to Nature


       Reading the Iliad in Homer’s Greek at the Cedar Valley Quarry



       A Mouth

       Out-of-the-Way Places

       Notes on an Ancient Signary

       The Dead


       Ghost Villanelle

       Lively World

       Like a Cat

       World Full of Animals

       The Undead

       Quiet Evening; Cat; Then Rain


       Houses by the Sea

       Unpainted Portrait


       In Memory of Neil C.

       Mississippi Sunday Morning


       Crystal Trillions

       On Fire


       In Limelight

      This was the midwest’s limestone belly; here

      the black trees ascended. And it gleamed

      the color of old tusks; it held the spilth

      of continental seedbed, gastropod

      and brachiopod and sea worm and sea lily,

      and vertebrae of stone; and here one night

      of my late adolescence it made a couch

      for two recumbent humans, marble-limbed

      and languid as two figures on the lid

      of a sarcophagus.