Honor, Face, and Violence. Mine Krause

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Название Honor, Face, and Violence
Автор произведения Mine Krause
Жанр Учебная литература
Серия Cross Cultural Communication
Издательство Учебная литература
Год выпуска 0
isbn 9783631789537

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People in the West are discovering, with anxiety and fear, that sex in the Muslim world is sick, and that the disease is spreading to their own lands.

      This in turn triggered a storm of harsh protest, for instance from a number of mostly French academics (see Maghreb Page Editors) who condemned Daoud for Islamophobia coming close to racist discourses. Finally the French prime minister Manuel Valls intervened with a post “Soutenons Kamel Daoud!”: “Ce que demande Kamel Daoud, c’est qu’on ne nie pas la pesanteur des réalités politiques et religieuses; que l’on ait les yeux ouverts sur ces forces qui retiennent l’émancipation des individus, sur les violences faites aux femmes, sur la radicalisation croissante des quartiers, sur l’embrigadement sournois de nos jeunes” (see also Zerofsky 63).

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